Documentaries on Discovery Channel

In summary, the documentary discussed three physicists on a train who developed a new theory of physics. The theory suggests that the universe is actually a giant hologram.
  • #1
Hi everybody! I would like to ask you two things. Some months ago i watched some documentaries on Discovery Channel but i don't remember the title! I can only remember that they was talking about p-brame theory and that some physicists wasn't able to describe it! And in anther they were talking about three physicists on a train that invent (i think) a new theory of physics.
Maybe it was "Through the Wormhole", but i don't really know...
Can anybody help me? Thanks.
Physics news on
  • #2
lol, "p-brane" theory
  • #3
Sorry! I'm on a Mac...
  • #4
Oh, I saw that, it's what I call a screamer. I remember the physicists on a train. It's about Hollographic universe. It had Brian Greene saying a black hole was like a wallet and that all of the data of anything that enters the black hole is kept as information in 2D on the event horizon. Some nonsense about we might be the edge of a black hole. Well, if information about what goes into a black hole is stripped off and held on the event horizon, doesn't that mean that the information had to exist at the time it went in? You'd have to watch it to hear what I am referring to. Of course my memory of how bad it was could be tempered by how much I disliked it.

If this isn't the one, I'll keep looking.
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  • #5
lollofabbrism said:
Sorry! I'm on a Mac...

I was laughing at the term p-brane theory.
  • #6
It's because english is not my first language so i don't know how to explain it.
Thank you Evo, but did you watch that documentary? Because i don't know the episode...
  • #7
lollofabbrism said:
It's because english is not my first language so i don't know how to explain it.
Thank you Evo, but did you watch that documentary? Because i don't know the episode...
I watched it. But because I watch a lot of those documentaries, I could have it confused with another.

This has a clip of the show, does it look familiar?
  • #8
Ok, thank you anyway!
  • #9
Such TV programs are discussed here often, ALWAYS with the conclusion that there is a LOT of bad science in them. They have VERY pretty graphics and are entertaining to watch, but should NOT be taken seriously. TV "science" is not real science, it is dumbed-down pseudo-science, and often just plain WRONG "science".

Do not be fooled by the fact that some of the people shown are reputable scientists (more or less) ... it seems to be in their contract for these TV shows that they HAVE to get stuff wrong.
  • #10
Yes i know i know but i would like to know the name of that three physicists of "the train"...
  • #11
lollofabbrism said:
It's because english is not my first language so i don't know how to explain it.

In english, p-brane sounds like "pea-brain" which is an old insult. (As in, "your brain is as small as a pea")

"p" stands for the number of dimensions, but why choose that letter in particular? It may have been a slight sense of humor on the physicists part. If not, it's still been making some people giggle ever since.

-Dave K
  • #12
lollofabbrism said:
Yes i know i know but i would like to know the name of that three physicists of "the train"...

I think you're talking about Neil Turok and that other p-brain, sorry, p-brane that developed that cosmology model with the colliding thingamagigs that keep restarting the big bangs. :-p
  • #13
lollofabbrism said:
Hi everybody! I would like to ask you two things. Some months ago i watched some documentaries on Discovery Channel but i don't remember the title! I can only remember that they was talking about p-brame theory and that some physicists wasn't able to describe it! And in anther they were talking about three physicists on a train that invent (i think) a new theory of physics.
Maybe it was "Through the Wormhole", but i don't really know...
Can anybody help me? Thanks.

Watch this four part series from NOVA and you will forget all about the one you can't remember.

FAQ: Documentaries on Discovery Channel

1. What types of documentaries are featured on Discovery Channel?

Discovery Channel features a wide variety of documentaries, including nature and wildlife, history, science and technology, and current events. They also often feature documentaries about environmental issues and human interest stories.

2. Are the documentaries on Discovery Channel based on real events?

Yes, the documentaries on Discovery Channel are based on real events and are thoroughly researched and fact-checked before being aired. Many of them feature interviews with experts and individuals who have personal experience with the topic being discussed.

3. How are the documentaries on Discovery Channel made?

The documentaries on Discovery Channel are made by a team of producers, directors, writers, and researchers. They often spend months or even years gathering footage, conducting interviews, and editing the final product to ensure accuracy and quality.

4. Can I watch the documentaries on Discovery Channel online?

Yes, Discovery Channel has a website and also offers a streaming service where you can watch their documentaries online. Some of their documentaries are also available on other streaming platforms such as Netflix and Hulu.

5. Are the documentaries on Discovery Channel biased?

Discovery Channel strives to present factual and unbiased information in their documentaries. However, like any media organization, they may have their own biases and perspectives. It is always important to critically evaluate information from multiple sources.
