Double Major EE & ME: Benefits & Robotics Opportunities

In summary, if you want to major in ME and EE, it is not as realistic as it may seem. It is hard to do, and you will need to dedicate a lot of time to it.
  • #1
Do any new job prospects open if you double major in EE and ME? And isn't that kind of like mechtronics?

I'm a year and a half into ME (taking calc III next semester) and I'm thinking I should've been in EE all along ... but ME has it's intersting points. My passion is in robotics and artifical intelligence/computer vision (which is softer than EE). What would you recomend? I have a 4.0 gpa but it's at a state school (new mexico state u) *shrugs*
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  • #2
Why you say it's at a state school as though that is something bad? or is it? I think the University of Waterloo (in Canada) is good for those inter-disciplinary fields. So yes, Mechatronics is more or less EE & ME.
  • #3
the OP does not think too highly of a state school, because of the general lower quality of students there.

i got straight A's in calc & physics, & circuits at junior college, but it doesn't mean anything. Those classes didn't test or push me to my limit.

i have a 3.85, but i bet people at UC Berkeley EECS w/ a 2.9 would kick my ass on the GRE anyday.
  • #4
I'm finding, that once you get to your junior and senior year, the students get a bit better, so my current view is cloudy because a lot of people will drop out anyway. I have this view because i went through college before, with a previous degree. So state schools aren't bad once your get to the upperclassmen level (in certain fields) But I don't want that to be the focus of my thread :)

Is it realistic to major in ME and EE or is it to hard? It would seem like they'd share almost everything. But I do not know for sure. Also, if I feel that I lean more towards EE anyway, woudl it make more sense to switch to EE, as ME would add little to my employability? Any opinons? I was told that NMSU was a good school for EE (not the best by any means, but decent).
  • #5
As far as I know, EE requires a lot of dedication. It's not really something you want to devote half of your time on. It may be possible though, but I would suggest taking it slowly and not trying to cram it into 4 years.
  • #6
robotics is primarily an ME topic, at least from what I've seen at my school.
  • #7
Hmm, I'm getting somewhat conflicting answers. I think I'll bring this up with my so-called adviser on campus.
  • #8
Yeah you probably should. Here at UNM there is a BS of Engineering Option of "Manufacturing Engineering and Robotics Option" offered through the ME Deparment. It looks to be an ME degree, but with an extra EE class or two, and some specific ME electives.
  • #9
Well I met with my advisor. it doens't really make sense to major in ME and EE beause Id get hired to do one of those fields, not both. Also, the EE school is a bit better than the ME school (Kilpsch School of EE i guess). I'm meeting with the EE advisor next week and it looks like I'm well on my way to switching to the dark side :)
  • #10
I'd say go for the double major...even thought you will primarily be working in one of the two areas of engineering, you will be an invaluable resource if you have some background in the other area. You will be an interface between the two engineering departments.
  • #11
well i was told that it'd take a looong time to double major and i'd only be hired for one position related to a major. I might become a manager type and yes that would be useful but that's a long ways off. No one stuides engineering so they can fill their life long dream of being an manager
  • #12
Switched to EE. Only have to take two more courses and I also have a good start into the degree program (2.5 years left).
  • #13
I am dual majoring in ME and EE, and I am going to do a computer engineering concentration. I would love to get into robotics or mechatronics. However, it is impossible to do it in 4 years, and it is even somewhat hard to do in 5 years, but I am going to stick it out. I will be taking 18 credit hour loads until the day I graduate, even with the extra year. However, I did waste 13 credits on chemistry because I was a chem major briefly, so that put me behind...

When I get done with my dual degree, I will have a grand total of 178 credits. Jesus, it makes me sick just to type that's 47 additional credits beyond the EE degree!

FAQ: Double Major EE & ME: Benefits & Robotics Opportunities

What are the benefits of pursuing a double major in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering?

A double major in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it allows you to have a more diverse skill set and knowledge base, which can make you more competitive in the job market. It also opens up more career opportunities as you can work in both electrical and mechanical industries. Furthermore, a double major can also improve your critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, which are highly valued by employers.

What are the challenges of pursuing a double major in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering?

One of the main challenges of pursuing a double major in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering is the workload. Both majors require a significant amount of time and effort, and balancing the coursework can be challenging. It can also be more expensive as you may need to take additional courses and pay for extra materials and resources. Additionally, it may take longer to complete your degree compared to a single major, which means you will have to invest more time and money.

Are there any specific opportunities in the field of Robotics for students with a double major in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering?

Yes, there are many opportunities for students with a double major in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering in the field of Robotics. With the rise of automation and smart technologies, the demand for professionals with expertise in both electrical and mechanical systems is increasing. Some specific opportunities in Robotics for double majors include designing and developing robotic systems, programming and controlling robots, and creating innovative solutions for industrial and consumer robotics.

How can a double major in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering help with a career in the engineering industry?

A double major in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering can be highly advantageous for a career in the engineering industry. It provides a well-rounded education and a deeper understanding of both electrical and mechanical systems. This can make you more versatile and adaptable, and enable you to work on a wide range of projects and industries. It can also open up leadership positions, as you will have a broader knowledge base and be able to oversee both electrical and mechanical teams.

What are the future prospects for students with a double major in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering?

The future prospects for students with a double major in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering are very promising. As technology advances and industries evolve, the demand for professionals with expertise in both electrical and mechanical systems will continue to grow. This can lead to a variety of career opportunities and potential for career growth. Additionally, a double major can also provide a strong foundation for further education, such as pursuing a Master's or PhD in a specialized field.

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