Double Pendulum Motion: Plotting theta2 vs Time

In summary, the speaker is seeking insight on their implementation of the Runge-Kutta fourth order method to approximate the motion of a double pendulum. They have attached a graph of the angles of both rods over time and are wondering if there are any numerical problems, and if the total energy of the system remains conserved in the simulation.
  • #1
Hello all,
I have written a python code implementing the Runge-Kutta fourth order method for higher orders to approximate the motion of a double pendulum. The problem I am having is that my plot of theta2 (angle of second rod) Vs time looks a little off and I am curious if I have it correct.
Attached is a graph of both rod angles Vs time. The blue is the first rod and the green is the second rod. I figure the opinion of some physicists may be insightful. Thanks :)


  • DoublePendulum_N-1000000_1stIC.png
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  • #2
It's not so easy to see just from the plot, whether there are numerical problems or not. A good check is, whether the total energy of the system remains conserved in the numerical simulation.