Is Cartesian Dualism Logically Consistent with Modern Philosophy?

  • Thread starter hypnagogue
  • Start date
In summary: Chalmers argues that... Dualism (physical/non-physical interactions) made intelligible. In summary, Chalmers argues that the relationship between events in the brain and those private, subjective, introspectible experiences that together constitute our inner mental life can be explained by the existence of consciousness, which is a non-physical entity that nonetheless interacts with our physical world.
  • #71
Originally posted by Mentat
Then, for the purpose of being a "good sport": Agree.

Wait a minute...sorry, but what about the possiblity in principle of multiple Universes? They would be physical, but are impossible (in principle) to observe/detect, since they are seperated/connected by nothing at all.
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  • #72
Originally posted by Mentat
Wait a minute...sorry, but what about the possiblity in principle of multiple Universes? They would be physical, but are impossible (in principle) to observe/detect

Why would these things deserved to be called physical? If they are impossible even in principle to detect, then from our perspective, how is their ontology any more physical than a soul, or God, or faries?
  • #73
Originally posted by hypnagogue
Why would these things deserved to be called physical? If they are impossible even in principle to detect, then from our perspective, how is their ontology any more physical than a soul, or God, or faries?

Because they are composed of wavicles and spacetime.

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