Eigenfunction of a spin-orbit coupling Hamiltonian

In summary, the conversation discussed the Hamiltonian for a spin-orbit coupling and the process of finding its eigenfunctions. The interpretation of the term ##\nabla \cdot \boldsymbol \sigma## was also questioned, with it being suggested that the term equals zero due to the derivative of constants being zero. The conversation then delved into discussing the Rashba effect and how the symmetry breaking field affects the Hamiltonian. The eigenvectors and eigenvalues were also mentioned as a method for lifting the degeneracy of the conduction band due to the spin-orbit interaction.
  • #1
Dear all,

The Hamiltonian for a spin-orbit coupling is given by:
\mathcal{H}_1 = -\frac{\hbar^2\nabla^2}{2m}+\frac{\alpha}{2i}(\boldsymbol \sigma \cdot \nabla + \nabla \cdot \boldsymbol \sigma)
\boldsymbol \sigma = (\sigma_x, \sigma_y, \sigma_z)
are the Pauli-matrices.

I have to find the eigenfunctions of this equation. However, I am not sure how to interpret the part: [tex]
\nabla \cdot \boldsymbol \sigma [/tex]
The Pauli-matrices are 2x2 matrices containing only constants, does this mean this term equals zero?

Thanks in advance.

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  • #2
IanBerkman said:
Dear all,

The Hamiltonian for a spin-orbit coupling is given by:
\mathcal{H}_1 = -\frac{\hbar^2\nabla^2}{2m}+\frac{\alpha}{2i}(\boldsymbol \sigma \cdot \nabla + \nabla \cdot \boldsymbol \sigma)
\boldsymbol \sigma = (\sigma_x, \sigma_y, \sigma_z)
are the Pauli-matrices.

I have to find the eigenfunctions of this equation. However, I am not sure how to interpret the part: [tex]
\nabla \cdot \boldsymbol \sigma [/tex]
The Pauli-matrices are 2x2 matrices containing only constants, does this mean this term equals zero?

Thanks in advance.

I think the nabla symbol ∇ along with σ means derivative of σx with respect to x, derivative of σy with respect to y, and derivative of σz with respect to z.
  • #3
Can you see that:
## \nabla \cdot \sigma =\begin{pmatrix} 0 & \frac {\partial} {\partial x}\\ \frac {\partial} {\partial x}&0\end{pmatrix}+\begin{pmatrix} 0 & \frac {-i\partial} {\partial y}\\ \frac{i\partial} {\partial y}&0\end{pmatrix}+\begin{pmatrix} \frac {\partial} {\partial z} & 0\\0 & \frac {-\partial} {\partial z}\end{pmatrix}\\ ## ?
  • #4
Fred Wright said:
Can you see that:
## \nabla \cdot \sigma =\begin{pmatrix} 0 & \frac {\partial} {\partial x}\\ \frac {\partial} {\partial x}&0\end{pmatrix}+\begin{pmatrix} 0 & \frac {-i\partial} {\partial y}\\ \frac{i\partial} {\partial y}&0\end{pmatrix}+\begin{pmatrix} \frac {\partial} {\partial z} & 0\\0 & \frac {-\partial} {\partial z}\end{pmatrix}\\ ## ?
It appears mostly correct.
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  • #5
However, the derivative of a constant is equal to 0.
  • #6
Yeah that was part I was most confused of:
Does it mean it:
(1) takes the partials of the components (constants) inside the Pauli matrices
(2) the partials take the places of the constants in the matrices?
In the first case I would say the term becomes zero, the second case gives indeed the answer of Fred Wright.

The solution I took was using the product rule
\boldsymbol\sigma \cdot \nabla \psi + \psi \nabla\cdot\boldsymbol\sigma = \nabla \cdot (\psi \boldsymbol\sigma)
And solved the RHS with the plane-wave solution ##\psi = e^{i k \cdot r}##
  • #7
Remarkable is how
##\boldsymbol \sigma \cdot \nabla e^{ik\cdot r} = \begin{pmatrix}
ik_z & ik_x+k_y\\
ik_x-k_y & -ik_z
\end{pmatrix}e^{ik\cdot r}## and
##\nabla \cdot (e^{ik\cdot r} \boldsymbol \sigma) =
ik_z & ik_x+k_y\\
ik_x-k_y & -ik_z
\end{pmatrix}e^{ik\cdot r}##
This concludes that the term ##
e^{ik\cdot r} \nabla \cdot \boldsymbol \sigma = 0\\
and therefore, if I did nothing wrong
\nabla \cdot \boldsymbol \sigma = 0
  • #8
Your Hamiltonian appears to be a somewhat abstruse variant of the Rashba effect which is a model of a 2d solid coupling electronic quasi-momentum to spin. In this model symmetry is broken by a transverse time independent E field, ##-E_0\hat z##. Due to relativistic corrections an electron moving with velocity v in the electric field will experience an effective magnetic field B(the "orbital" moment). Google Rashba effect for a derivation. The upshot is ## H_R = \alpha(\mathbf \sigma \times \mathbf k) \cdot \hat z. ## Where ##\mathbf k = \frac {\nabla} {i}## is the quasi-momentum. Now rewritten with the quasi-momentum, the ##\sigma## term in the Hamiltonian becomes:
## \frac { \mathbf \nabla} {i} \cdot \mathbf\sigma = \mathbf k \cdot \mathbf\sigma= \begin{pmatrix} k_z & k_x - ik_y\\ k_x + ik_y & -k_z\end{pmatrix}##.
The vector inner-product commutes so, ## \mathbf k\cdot \mathbf \sigma = \mathbf \sigma \cdot \mathbf k##. I assert that this can only be physical if ##k_z=0## because the symmetry breaking field is along the z-axis. Thus we write the Hamiltionian:
##\frac {ħ^2k^2\sigma_0} {2m}+ \alpha( \mathbf \sigma \cdot \mathbf k)= \begin{pmatrix} \frac {ħ^2k^2} {2m} & \alpha(k_x - ik_y)\\ \alpha(k_x + ik_y) & \frac {ħ^2k^2} {2m}\end{pmatrix}##,
where ##\sigma_0## is the 2x2 unit matrix. You can diagonalize this matrix to find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues which lift the degeneracy of the conduction band due to the spin-orbit interaction.
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  • #9
Fred Wright said:
Your Hamiltonian appears to be a somewhat abstruse variant of the Rashba effect which is a model of a 2d solid coupling electronic quasi-momentum to spin. In this model symmetry is broken by a transverse time independent E field, ##-E_0\hat z##. Due to relativistic corrections an electron moving with velocity v in the electric field will experience an effective magnetic field B(the "orbital" moment). Google Rashba effect for a derivation. The upshot is ## H_R = \alpha(\mathbf \sigma \times \mathbf k) \cdot \hat z. ## Where ##\mathbf k = \frac {\nabla} {i}## is the quasi-momentum. Now rewritten with the quasi-momentum, the ##\sigma## term in the Hamiltonian becomes:
## \frac { \mathbf \nabla} {i} \cdot \mathbf\sigma = \mathbf k \cdot \mathbf\sigma= \begin{pmatrix} k_z & k_x - ik_y\\ k_x + ik_y & -k_z\end{pmatrix}##.
The vector inner-product commutes so, ## \mathbf k\cdot \mathbf \sigma = \mathbf \sigma \cdot \mathbf k##. I assert that this can only be physical if ##k_z=0## because the symmetry breaking field is along the z-axis. Thus we write the Hamiltionian:
##\frac {ħ^2k^2\sigma_0} {2m}+ \alpha( \mathbf \sigma \cdot \mathbf k)= \begin{pmatrix} \frac {ħ^2k^2} {2m} & \alpha(k_x - ik_y)\\ \alpha(k_x + ik_y) & \frac {ħ^2k^2} {2m}\end{pmatrix}##,
where ##\sigma_0## is the 2x2 unit matrix. You can diagonalize this matrix to find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues which lift the degeneracy of the conduction band due to the spin-orbit interaction.

Thank you, the Hamiltonian looks exactly the same as the Hamiltonian I have obtained, except for a ##\alpha/2## factor.
I have plotted the energies as function of ##k_x## and it looks like the Rashba effect, which should be no surprise.

I think I have enough information to conclude a right answer about this problem, thank you all.

FAQ: Eigenfunction of a spin-orbit coupling Hamiltonian

What is an eigenfunction of a spin-orbit coupling Hamiltonian?

An eigenfunction of a spin-orbit coupling Hamiltonian is a mathematical function that satisfies the Schrodinger equation and represents the quantum state of a system with spin-orbit coupling. It describes the probability amplitude of finding a particle with a specific spin and position in space.

How is the spin-orbit coupling Hamiltonian derived?

The spin-orbit coupling Hamiltonian is derived from the relativistic Dirac equation, which takes into account the effects of both special relativity and quantum mechanics. It includes terms that describe the interaction between the spin and orbital angular momentum of a particle.

What is the role of eigenfunctions in the spin-orbit coupling Hamiltonian?

Eigenfunctions play a crucial role in the spin-orbit coupling Hamiltonian as they represent the possible states of the system. The eigenvalues of these functions correspond to the energy levels of the system, and the eigenvectors describe the spatial and spin orientations of the particle.

How does the spin-orbit coupling Hamiltonian affect the energy levels of a particle?

The spin-orbit coupling Hamiltonian introduces an additional term in the energy equation that depends on the spin and orbital angular momentum of the particle. This term splits the energy levels, resulting in different energy states for particles with different spin orientations. This is known as the spin-orbit coupling effect.

What are some real-life applications of the spin-orbit coupling Hamiltonian?

Spin-orbit coupling Hamiltonians are used in a variety of fields, including atomic physics, condensed matter physics, and quantum computing. They are crucial for understanding the behavior of particles with spin in the presence of electromagnetic fields and are also essential for developing spin-based technologies.

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