EKG feedback defibrillator - public domain

In summary, a new invention has been proposed that utilizes an array of EKG sensors placed around the chest to not only diagnose immediate specific pathologies, but also to treat them with high voltage electrodes. This device would be monitored by a microprocessor and could potentially increase the survival rate for those needing cardiac assist. It aims to prevent misapplication of defibrillators in situations involving possible heart failure. Similar devices have been available since 1965, but this new invention offers a new approach. It only requires 2 electrodes to diagnose fibrillation, while a well-trained physician would need an array of electrodes to locate and diagnose a specific diseased area of the heart.
  • #1
Loren Booda
EKG feedback "defibrillator" - public domain

Imagine placed around the chest, with an array of EKG sensors, a band of fabric positioned for determining a three-dimensional cardiac potential. Now consider this elastic array not only to diagnose immediate specific pathologies, but also to treat them with critically situated high voltage electrodes for applying a restoring potential. (The electrodes would be isolated enough from the current surge to avoid damaging their sensitive electronics.)

The type of resuscitation dispensed, if any, would be monitored by microprocessor. I believe the survival rate for those needing cardiac assist would increase at least 10% with my invention! Defibrillators are being installed in many public places, and this device would prevent much misapplication in situations involving possible heart failure. You heard it from me first!
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  • #2
My uncle had a defibrilator surgically implanted. Saved his life more than twice. It also nearly killed him a couple of times (going off while he's on the stairs, in the shower, etc.) but only in cases where he would have died for certain without it.

Sounds like your device could do the same thing without the complications of surgery.
  • #3
A device similar to that which you describe was available going back at least to 1965. It was not used to trigger a defibrillation pulse, but an external cardiac pacemaker pulse. I may be wrong but conceptually I see little difference.

It’s really not difficult to train someone to diagnose fibrillation, as it is distinct from the normal cardiac rhythm as seen on an EKG (ECG). It requires only 2 electrodes to do so; the external defibrillator paddles serve the purpose. An array of electrodes is necessary for a well-trained physician to locate a specific diseased area of the heart and make a definite diagnosis. Electrically the heart can be considered a radiating dipole. An electrode array can provide positional information, as damaged tissue will cause a deviation from the norm.


FAQ: EKG feedback defibrillator - public domain

What is an EKG feedback defibrillator?

An EKG feedback defibrillator is a medical device used to restore a normal heart rhythm in patients experiencing a cardiac arrest or life-threatening arrhythmia. It delivers an electric shock to the heart to help it regain its regular rhythm.

How does an EKG feedback defibrillator work?

An EKG feedback defibrillator works by analyzing the heart's electrical activity through electrodes attached to the patient's chest. If an abnormal rhythm is detected, the device delivers an electric shock to the heart to reset its rhythm back to normal.

Is EKG feedback defibrillator technology in the public domain?

Yes, EKG feedback defibrillator technology is in the public domain. This means that the technology and its associated patents are freely available for public use and can be used by anyone without the need for a license or permission from the original patent holders.

What are the benefits of using an EKG feedback defibrillator?

The main benefit of using an EKG feedback defibrillator is that it can save a person's life in the event of a cardiac emergency. It is a quick and effective way to restore a normal heart rhythm and can be used by anyone with minimal training. Additionally, the technology is constantly improving, making it more efficient and safer for patients.

Are there any risks associated with using an EKG feedback defibrillator?

While generally safe, there are some risks associated with using an EKG feedback defibrillator. These include burns or damage to the skin where the electrodes are placed, and the possibility of incorrect shocks being delivered if the device is not used properly. However, the benefits of using the device far outweigh these potential risks.
