Elastic and Inelastic Collision explanation

In summary, elastic collisions conserve both energy and momentum due to the absence of external forces and only internal forces acting on the system. In contrast, inelastic collisions only conserve momentum due to the release of energy in the form of heat and friction.
  • #1
*** Elastic and Inelastic Collision explanation ***

1) Why energy and momentum are conserved in elastic collision?
2) Why only momentum is conserved in inelastic collision? Why energy is not conserved?


Conservation of momentum is a consequence of Newton's third law. From the derivation, we see that only internal forces act on a system and the net external forces act on the system are zero, then we can apply conservation of momentum.

1) In the case of elastic collision, only internal forces act when the two bodies collide and come to a temporary halt and the external forces (e.g. gravitational force and normal force are zero) , so we can say firmly that momentum is conserved.

I can only explain physically why momentum is conserved for the elastic collision. I somehow couldn't find a satisfactory explanation to why energy is conserved for elastic collision and question 2.

For question 2, my textbook explains mathematically why energy is not conserved, but how about physically. A trolley that collides with another trolley and then stick together will result in a loud sound which explains why energy is not conserved. but how about if a big asteroid collideswith the earth(inelastic collision) will the energy conserved?

All suggestions and ideas are welcome. Thank you.
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  • #2
Energy is conserved in an elastic collision because there are no non-conservative forces acting. In an inelastic collision, heat is released when the two masses connect, no matter what the method is. It's not just sound, but also friction that the energy is lost in.
  • #3

In an elastic collision, the kinetic energy of the system is conserved. This means that the total energy before the collision is equal to the total energy after the collision. This is because no external forces act on the system during the collision, so the total energy remains constant. In this case, both momentum and energy are conserved.

However, in an inelastic collision, some of the kinetic energy is converted into other forms of energy, such as heat, sound, or deformation of the objects involved. This means that the total energy after the collision is less than the total energy before the collision. In this case, only momentum is conserved, as the external forces acting on the system may change the total energy.

For example, in the case of a trolley collision, the sound produced is a result of the kinetic energy being converted into sound energy. In the case of a big asteroid colliding with the Earth, the impact would result in energy being released in the form of heat, sound, and seismic waves, rather than all of the kinetic energy being conserved.

In summary, the conservation of momentum and energy in collisions depends on the external forces acting on the system and the amount of energy being converted into other forms. In an elastic collision, where there are no external forces and no energy is converted, both momentum and energy are conserved. In an inelastic collision, where external forces and energy conversion are present, only momentum is conserved.

FAQ: Elastic and Inelastic Collision explanation

1. What is the difference between elastic and inelastic collisions?

Elastic collisions are collisions in which both the total momentum and total kinetic energy of the system are conserved. In contrast, inelastic collisions are collisions in which the total momentum is conserved, but the total kinetic energy is not conserved.

2. How do you calculate the coefficient of restitution for an elastic collision?

The coefficient of restitution, denoted by e, is defined as the ratio of the relative velocity of separation to the relative velocity of approach. To calculate it for an elastic collision, you would divide the relative velocity of separation by the relative velocity of approach. This value will always be between 0 and 1, with 1 representing a perfectly elastic collision.

3. Can you give an example of an inelastic collision?

An example of an inelastic collision is a car accident. The total momentum of the cars involved will be conserved, but the kinetic energy will not be conserved as some of it will be converted to other forms of energy, such as heat and sound.

4. How does the mass of the objects affect the outcome of a collision?

The mass of the objects involved in a collision affects the outcome in terms of the amount of kinetic energy that is transferred. In an elastic collision, the masses of the objects do not affect the outcome as the kinetic energy is conserved. However, in an inelastic collision, the larger the mass of the objects, the more kinetic energy will be converted to other forms of energy.

5. Are there real-life applications of elastic and inelastic collisions?

Yes, there are many real-life applications of elastic and inelastic collisions. Some examples include car accidents, billiards, and sports such as football and hockey. Understanding these types of collisions is also important in fields such as engineering and physics, where it is essential to predict the outcome of collisions in various scenarios.

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