Electromagnetic vs Kinetic Energy

In summary, the conversation discusses the effectiveness of conventional and laser weapons, with a focus on a 155mm projectile and a short IR laser pulse with an energy of 530 MJ. The effects of each on hard and fleshy targets are also discussed, as well as the development of laser weapons and their potential uses in the military. The conversation also mentions the Navy's funding for railguns and the potential of electric gun technology.
  • #1
Looking at this in a weapon point of view, what would be the more effective one?

Say we have a 155mm projectile traveling and hitting a hard target(metallic), lightly and heavily armored, at different times, both with an impact energy of 530 MJ.

Also say we have a very short IR laser pulse with a beam diameter of 155mm also hitting lightly and heavy armored targets, with an energy of 530 MJ.

What would be the effects of each in a vacuum? Would it change very much to do it in atmosphere (besides the associated drop in velocity with more range for the projectile)?
The projectile most definitely seems it would be much more devastating but I just wanted to get some realistic answers on this.
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  • #2
What a laser! 530 MJ!
Let's put aside the huge amount of energy and analyze pros and cons of conventional and laser weapons.
An IR laser can be easily defeated by applying a silver coating. Certainly, a lot of the coating would be vaporized but the target would be largely unharmed.
If we had a X-ray laser things would be different since X-rays can´t be stopped that easily. Thirty years ago, Edward Teller "sold" this idea to president Reagan who funded the project heavily. The result was a complete fiasco. Go and buy a good powder-powered cannon. It´s heavy, beautiful and it makes a lot of noise.
  • #3
I agree, what is already being used definitely fills the need and is optimal. Railguns/coilguns seem like a better choice for future weaponry imo than lasers.

But okay, let's throw out the energy values, if a laser and bullet of equal size/energy hit and went through the roof of a ww2 half track from above with intention of knocking out the driver, would the effects of each be very much different?

Also, how would a laser of fairly high irradiance act on a fleshy target?
  • #4
easy rider:

I know little about laser weapons except that they ARE being developed; So I have my doubts that the posts so far are objective. "effective" might not be the same as "devastating", but it SEEMs as if the projectile would do the most damage once it hit. An apparent advantage of new projectiles is that they are "SMART"...self guided or remotely so.

you might find this brief discussion of interest:

  • #5
I know that we, as in USMIL (Im in the Army), are developing all kinds DEWs. I don't know what you mean by "not objective"? IMO lasers definitely have their place, especially in anti-aircraft, anti-satellite, and all around long range weapons used against high speed moving targets. Absolutely nothing can match the speed and accuracy of a laser so they lend themselves to being great weapons for moving targets. My favorite thing in science fiction is the death star, lol (I think the weapons in Star Wars were a little bit more plausible than Star Trek-ie "quantum torpedoes" for one, though they were both far fetched). Ignoring that it takes more energy to do what the death star did than the amount the sun produces per second, the stats are crazy, 2.4E32 Watts and low enough divergence for a range of 6 light seconds. But that's the reason its fiction, so yeah.
The reason I was asking this was because I heard the Navy cut funding for their railgun. Of course the economy is in bad shape but shouldn't they cut down on things that are totally useless to the country, such as the presidents campaign and his and the first lady`s staff? I think they also did the same to the FEL which is a shame as the potential for it is high. I am not saying they should pick one over the other, but along with all the R&D going to lasers, I think they should try doing more stuff with electric gun tech such as railguns/coilguns as the muzzle velocity can be huggee.
  • #6
I think this highly depends on the duration of the laser pulse. If it takes several seconds to deliver this energy, the most likely effects (I'm guessing) would that the laser simply burns through. If all that energy were delivered in about 1 millisecond I think there would be something a akin to an explosion.

Related to Electromagnetic vs Kinetic Energy

1. What is the difference between electromagnetic and kinetic energy?

Electromagnetic energy is a form of energy that is associated with electromagnetic waves, such as light, radio waves, and X-rays. It is a type of energy that is transferred through space and can travel through vacuum. Kinetic energy, on the other hand, is the energy of motion. It is the energy an object possesses due to its movement.

2. How do electromagnetic and kinetic energy relate to each other?

Electromagnetic energy can be converted into kinetic energy and vice versa. For example, when light hits an object, it can transfer its energy to the object, causing it to move and thus, converting electromagnetic energy into kinetic energy. Similarly, when an object is in motion, it possesses kinetic energy, which can be converted into electromagnetic energy through the generation of an electric current.

3. Which one is more powerful, electromagnetic or kinetic energy?

This question cannot be answered definitively as it depends on the specific circumstances. Electromagnetic energy can travel through space and has a wide range of frequencies, while kinetic energy is associated with the movement of objects. Both forms of energy have their unique properties and applications, and their power can vary depending on the situation.

4. What are some examples of electromagnetic and kinetic energy in everyday life?

Electromagnetic energy is present in various forms around us, such as sunlight, radio waves, microwaves, and X-rays. Kinetic energy is also constantly present in our daily lives, from the movement of our bodies to the motion of vehicles and machines. A simple example of the conversion between these two types of energy is when we use a microwave, which converts electromagnetic energy from electricity into kinetic energy in the form of heat to cook our food.

5. How is the energy stored in electromagnetic and kinetic systems?

Electromagnetic energy is stored in electric and magnetic fields, while kinetic energy is stored in an object's motion. In both cases, the energy is stored in a potential form, meaning it can be released and converted into other forms of energy when needed. For example, when a battery is charged, it stores electromagnetic energy in the form of chemical energy, which is then converted into electrical energy to power a device. Similarly, a compressed spring stores kinetic energy, which is released when the spring is released and converted into mechanical energy.

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