Electrostatic vs DC Conduction Simulations for E-field Analysis

  • #1
TL;DR Summary
When is it appropriate/inappropriate to use electrostatic and dc conduction simulations for e-field analysis

I am doing e-field simulations and have came across two types; electrostatic and dc conduction. I know that electrostatic means there is no changing field so I'm just hoping for discussion on when one is more appropriate than the other and when one definitely should or should not be used.
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You can use either method for simple field analysis between boundaries because the mathematics is the same for both. One can be adapted to be the analog of the other.
With electrostatic field mapping, changes in dielectric constant will affect the field gradient.
With DC current field mapping, changes in conductivity will affect the field gradient.
For a more specific answer we need a more specific question.
Are you using a physical model or a computer algorithm ?