Energy levels hydrogenic atoms

In summary: Right... so then why in the H atom the 2s has the same energy as the 2p ? The 2s and 2p orbitals have the same energy because they have the same number of angular nodes.
  • #1
I don't get why for hydrogenic atoms the 2s and 2p orbitals have the same energy. i do get it mathematically, but I am thinking that the fact that there are angular nodes in 2p and not in 2s MUST affect the energy!
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  • #2
It's an "accidental" degeneracy of course, but qualitatively here's why: the energy depends only on the principal quantum number n = ℓ + nr + 1 where nr is the radial quantum number, i.e. the number of radial nodes. And so more nodes in the angular direction tends to increase the energy, but it is accompanied by fewer nodes in the radial direction which tends to decrease it.
  • #3
Bill_K said:
It's an "accidental" degeneracy of course, but qualitatively here's why: the energy depends only on the principal quantum number n = ℓ + nr + 1 where nr is the radial quantum number, i.e. the number of radial nodes. And so more nodes in the angular direction tends to increase the energy, but it is accompanied by fewer nodes in the radial direction which tends to decrease it.

Uhm okay, but I still don't get why for the 2s being more core-like than 2p, for the hydrogenic atom this isn't taken into account and hence both orbitals have the same energy.

why does it only take it into account when we talk about multi electron atoms??
  • #4
Bill_K said:
It's an "accidental" degeneracy of course, but qualitatively here's why: the energy depends only on the principal quantum number n = ℓ + nr + 1 where nr is the radial quantum number

This holds only for the Coulomb potential, V ≈ -1/r, IIRC.

Chemist20 said:
why does it only take it into account when we talk about multi electron atoms??

In a multi-electron atom, an individual electron "feels" not only the attraction of the nucleus,but also the repulsion of the other electrons. The "effective" potential is not -1/r as with a one-electron atom.
  • #5
Chemist20 said:
I don't get why for hydrogenic atoms the 2s and 2p orbitals have the same energy. i do get it mathematically, but I am thinking that the fact that there are angular nodes in 2p and not in 2s MUST affect the energy!

Your intuition is correct. In reality they don't have the same energy. The relativistic corrections and the spin-orbit coupling breaks the degeneracy.
  • #6
phyzguy said:
Your intuition is correct. In reality they don't have the same energy. The relativistic corrections and the spin-orbit coupling breaks the degeneracy.

Right... so then why in the H atom the 2s has the same energy as the 2p ?

also... how does spin coupling affect the energies. as far as I knew, spin coupling arises due to the interaction of the orbital angular momentum and spin angular momentum. So...?
  • #7
This question has several answers, depending on the exact details of the question asked, the mathematical sophistication involved, and to some extent the starting point.

Potentials of the form rk have an extra symmetry for the cases k = 2 (harmonic oscillator) and k = -1 (inverse square). In the inverse square case, this extra symmetry appears in three places: the n-l degeneracy, the fact that a classical orbit does not precess, and the fact that quantum mechanically the variables separate in two coordinate systems: spherical and parabolic. (Indeed, in parabolic coordinates, the n-l degeneracy makes more sense. The price you pay is that it requires a little more mathematical expertise to do it this way)

FAQ: Energy levels hydrogenic atoms

What is the Bohr model and how does it explain energy levels in hydrogenic atoms?

The Bohr model is a simplified representation of the structure of an atom, proposed by Niels Bohr in 1913. It states that electrons orbit the nucleus in specific energy levels, with each level corresponding to a specific amount of energy. In hydrogenic atoms, the energy levels are determined by the attraction between the positively charged nucleus and the negatively charged electron.

How are the energy levels in hydrogenic atoms calculated?

The energy levels in hydrogenic atoms are calculated using the Rydberg formula, which states that the energy of an electron in a specific energy level is proportional to the inverse of the square of the principal quantum number (n). This formula can be used to calculate the energy levels for any hydrogenic atom, including hydrogen, helium, and lithium.

Why do energy levels in hydrogenic atoms have discrete values?

Energy levels in hydrogenic atoms have discrete values because of the quantization of energy. According to quantum mechanics, energy exists in discrete packets called quanta. This means that the energy of an electron in an atom can only have certain specific values, and cannot have values in between.

How do electrons transition between energy levels in hydrogenic atoms?

Electrons in hydrogenic atoms can transition between energy levels by absorbing or emitting photons of specific energies. When an electron absorbs a photon, it gains energy and moves to a higher energy level. Conversely, when an electron emits a photon, it loses energy and moves to a lower energy level. These transitions are responsible for the emission and absorption spectra of hydrogenic atoms.

What is the significance of energy levels in hydrogenic atoms?

The energy levels in hydrogenic atoms play a crucial role in understanding the behavior and properties of these atoms. They determine the electronic structure of the atom, which in turn affects its chemical and physical properties. The energy levels also help explain the spectral lines observed in hydrogenic atoms, providing valuable information about their composition and behavior.

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