Epsilon and delta method of finding limits?

In summary: Find delta_2 = 2-x_2." The solution is similar to part (a), except this time we are looking for a delta value that will make f(x) = 4 - .01 when x is within delta of 2. So, we can solve the inequality x^2 - 4 > -.01 to get x > 1.9975. This means that whenever x is within .0025 of 2, f(x) will be .01 less than 4.Now, for the final part, we need to use both of these delta values to prove that the limit at x=2 is 4. This can be done by showing
  • #1
khurram usman
first of all i don't know anything about this epsilon and delta method.explain this a bit.

secondly i have been given a problem involving this method:

given: limit x-->2 [x^2] = 4
a) what is the value of x' such that f(x')= 4 + .01? find [itex]\delta[/itex]=x'-2
b) what is the value of x[itex]_{2}[/itex] such that f(x[itex]_{2}[/itex])=4- .01? find [itex]\delta_{2}[/itex]=2-x[itex]_{2}[/itex]
and finally from both of the values of delta prove that limit is equal to 4 at x->2

i don't understand where to start.guide me
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  • #2
Intuitively, when we speak of the limit of a function f at a point c, we mean that when x gets really close to c, then f(x) gets really close to this limit. Slightly more intuitively and more mathematical this is like saying "If you give me a positive number e," (take this to be epsilon, I'm not messing with Tex, and d will be delta) "I can give you a positive number d, such that if x is within d of c, that is |x-c|<d, then f(x) will be within e of the limit of f at c, that is |f(x)-Limit at c| < e." Now, for continuous functions, the limit at any point is the function evaluated at that point, ie the limit of f at c is f(c).

OK, think about this for a bit, and see if it helps answer your question. Ask some more questions if you are still unsure about something.
  • #3
Robert1986 said:
Intuitively, when we speak of the limit of a function f at a point c, we mean that when x gets really close to c, then f(x) gets really close to this limit. Slightly more intuitively and more mathematical this is like saying "If you give me a positive number e," (take this to be epsilon, I'm not messing with Tex, and d will be delta) "I can give you a positive number d, such that if x is within d of c, that is |x-c|<d, then f(x) will be within e of the limit of f at c, that is |f(x)-Limit at c| < e." Now, for continuous functions, the limit at any point is the function evaluated at that point, ie the limit of f at c is f(c).

OK, think about this for a bit, and see if it helps answer your question. Ask some more questions if you are still unsure about something.

ok i see a bit now how epsilon and delta method. it is the nearly the same thing except that we don't pinpoint the limit rather say that if function is evaluted within this range of x then the output will be within some specified range of the limit.
ok but what value do we give to epsilon and delta?
please do this ...solve the first part for me and i will do the rest myself. that way i will gwt to know the procedure. my main problem is that i don't know where to start, whether to define epsilon first or what
  • #4
OK, so you are getting it. The epsilon is given first, but you are NOT defining it. Someone gives you an e and you have to come up with a d such that if |x-c| < c then |f(x)-limit of f at c| < e. So, in some sense, the guy giving you the e is an adversary. That is, he says "OK, so you found a d for that e, but how about this e/2? can you find one for that?" In a general case, you will usually define e in terms of d. In this question:

given: limit x-->2 [x^2] = 4
a) what is the value of x' such that f(x')= 4 + .01? find δ=x'-2

your prof has given you e, it is .01. He has said, "can you find a d such that if |x-2|<d then |x^2-4|<.01?" Before I solve this, I want you to do this:

solve the inequality: x^2-4 < .01. Now, use that to find delta.
  • #5
These might change everything for you:

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  • #6
Robert1986 said:
OK, so you are getting it. The epsilon is given first, but you are NOT defining it. Someone gives you an e and you have to come up with a d such that if |x-c| < c then |f(x)-limit of f at c| < e. So, in some sense, the guy giving you the e is an adversary. That is, he says "OK, so you found a d for that e, but how about this e/2? can you find one for that?" In a general case, you will usually define e in terms of d.

In this question:

given: limit x-->2 [x^2] = 4
a) what is the value of x' such that f(x')= 4 + .01? find δ=x'-2

your prof has given you e, it is .01. He has said, "can you find a d such that if |x-2|<d then |x^2-4|<.01?" Before I solve this, I want you to do this:

solve the inequality: x^2-4 < .01. Now, use that to find delta.

which gives us that x<2.00249...
i suppose now i put this x value in: |x-2|<d
which dives us d>.0025
so this means that whenever x will be .0025 greater than 2 i will get f(x) .01 greater than 4

and for the b part the opposite will be true that is for .0025 smaller than 2 i get f(x) .01 smaller than 4
now what?
also if i am supposed to submit it as an assignment how should i write it...i mean the method?
  • #7
symbolipoint said:
These might change everything for you:

thanku very much for those links...i understood them
i just have one last doubt...in my problem i must replace epsilon by .01
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  • #8
khurram usman said:
which gives us that x<2.00249...
i suppose now i put this x value in: |x-2|<d
which dives us d>.0025
so this means that whenever x will be .0025 greater than 2 i will get f(x) .01 greater than 4

and for the b part the opposite will be true that is for .0025 smaller than 2 i get f(x) .01 smaller than 4
now what?
also if i am supposed to submit it as an assignment how should i write it...i mean the method?
For part (b): "What is the value of x2 such that f(x2) = 4 - .01? find δ2=2-x2 ?"

So (x2)2 = 4 - .01 . This gives δ2 ≈ 0.00250156, which is slightly larger than δ from part (a). ≈ 0.00249844.

For ε = 0.1, a δ of 0.0025 is almost large enough. However, if x = 2.002499, then x2 = 2.002499^2 = 4.010002245001
so that |f(2.002499) - 4 | > ε.

FAQ: Epsilon and delta method of finding limits?

What is the epsilon and delta method of finding limits?

The epsilon and delta method is a rigorous mathematical approach used to determine the limit of a function as the input approaches a specific value. It is often used in calculus and real analysis to prove the existence and value of a limit.

Why is the epsilon and delta method important?

The epsilon and delta method is important because it provides a precise and rigorous way to define and compute limits. It allows for the proof of many important theorems in calculus and real analysis, and is essential in understanding the behavior of functions near a specific value.

How does the epsilon and delta method work?

The epsilon and delta method involves choosing a small value for epsilon and finding a corresponding value for delta that satisfies the definition of the limit. This is done by manipulating the function and using algebraic techniques to isolate delta in terms of epsilon.

What is the definition of the limit in the epsilon and delta method?

The definition of the limit in the epsilon and delta method states that for a given function f(x) and a limit L, for any positive value of epsilon, there exists a corresponding value of delta such that if the distance between the input x and the limit value a is less than delta, the distance between the output f(x) and the limit value L is less than epsilon. This can be written mathematically as:
|f(x) - L| < epsilon for all x satisfying 0 < |x - a| < delta.

What are the limitations of the epsilon and delta method?

The epsilon and delta method can be challenging to apply to certain functions, especially those with complicated or undefined behavior near the limit point. It also requires a solid understanding of algebra and mathematical manipulation to successfully use the method. Additionally, in some cases, the method may not provide a definitive value for the limit, but rather only prove its existence.

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