Equation for the Internal Resistance of a Battery

In summary, the conversation discusses a method for calculating the internal resistance of a battery using an equation that involves the open circuit voltage, load circuit voltage, and resistor value. This equation can also be derived using algebraic methods based on the concept of potential division.
  • #1

i am currently working on a project where i have to calculate the internal resistance of a battery based on the voltage drop caused by placing a resistor over the battery. I am an EE, and i understand how i can calculate the IR by schematic, but i found this equation:

((Open circuit voltage / load circuit voltage) -1) * R [1]

So the Open circuit voltage (OCV) is the voltage of the battery when nothing is connected to it. The load circuit voltage (LCV) is the voltage on the battery when a resistor (R) is placed.

So let's say OCV = 3.2V
LCD = 2.8V
R = 100 Ohm

So UR = 2.8V
IR = UR/R = 2.8/100 = 0.028A
Ur = OCV-UR = 0.4V

r = Ur/I = 0.4/0.028 = 14.2857 Ohms

If you do this by the first equation you get:
((3.2/2.8)-1)*100 = 14.2857

MY QUESTION: How did the get the first equation [1]? I can't simplify my equations and get the first equation.
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  • #2
It's a series resistance, so LCV = R*I = R*OCV/(R+r). Solve for r and you get equation 1.
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Likes vanhees71, cnh1995 and Dale
  • #3
What? I don't get it. Sorry :D
  • #4
MrNewton said:
What? I don't get it. Sorry :D
It's the same as for a simple Potential Divider circuit. The ratio of the voltages across the Load and Internal resistors is the same as the ratio of the resistors. The total voltage is the emf (no load) voltage.
It boils down to solving two simultaneous equations. A bit of lower school Algebra.
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Likes Merlin3189
  • #5
What is unclear?

The total resistance is R+r. This leads to a current of I=OCV/(R+r). The voltage at the outside resistor is then LCV =R*I=OCV/(R+r).
From there it's elementary algebra to get r=... Start by multiplying both sides of equation by (R+r).

Nearly the same steps as you did with numbers, just with the more general variables.
  • #6
i = LCV/R
r=Ur/i = (OCV-UR)/i = (OCV-LCV)/i
r=(OCV-LCV)/(LCV/R) = (OCV/LCV -1)R

FAQ: Equation for the Internal Resistance of a Battery

What is the equation for the internal resistance of a battery?

The equation for the internal resistance of a battery is R = (V - V0) / I, where R is the internal resistance, V is the terminal voltage, V0 is the open-circuit voltage, and I is the current.

How is the internal resistance of a battery measured?

The internal resistance of a battery can be measured by using a multimeter to measure the voltage drop across a known resistor in series with the battery. The internal resistance is then calculated using Ohm's Law (R = V/I).

What factors affect the internal resistance of a battery?

The internal resistance of a battery is affected by factors such as the type and chemistry of the battery, its age and condition, and the temperature. Higher temperatures can increase the internal resistance, while lower temperatures can decrease it.

How does the internal resistance of a battery affect its performance?

The internal resistance of a battery can affect its performance by causing a voltage drop and reducing the available power. This can lead to a decrease in the battery's capacity and overall performance, especially under high load conditions.

Can the internal resistance of a battery be reduced?

The internal resistance of a battery cannot be reduced, as it is a characteristic of the battery itself. However, using a lower resistance load or a larger battery can help to minimize the effects of internal resistance and improve overall performance.
