Why Does Europe Seem Better Made, Better Tasting, and Better Looking?

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In summary: I mean the political parties in Western Europe are open to different points of view, unlike the Republicans and Democrats in the USA, where the two sides are so entrenched in their own views that they are unable to come to an agreement on anything.In summary, Western Europe is better made, better tasting, and even women are better looking. America is a beautiful country, but all the rest of the man-made stuff looks like it was made a few years ago and it's cheaply made.
  • #1
Do you have impression when traveling in western Europe that everything there is better made,better tasting and even women are better looking?
I often travel to Europe because my old folks are living there and each time on my way here I'm depressed.
Of course America is a beautifull country and nature here is stunning but all the rest -man made stuff looks like it was made comparing to Europe 10-15
years ago and it is made cheaply.
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  • #2
Do you have impression when traveling in western Europe that everything there is better made,better tasting and even women are better looking?
I can't make a comparison since I haven't visited the USA, but life in Europe is fine. I think that I wouldn't be very much comfortable in a country where there exist dead penalty, free possession of guns, and its president says that God is telling him to attack other countries
  • #3
meteor said:
I can't make a comparison since I haven't visited the USA, but life in Europe is fine. I think that I wouldn't be very much comfortable in a country where there exist dead penalty, free possession of guns, and its president says that God is telling him to attack other countries
I can make a comparison since I have been to both Spain and the USA, but life in the US is fine. I think that I wouldn't be very much comfortable in a country where there exist a great possibility of being blown to 3 million little pieces while riding the train. But that's just me.
  • #4
Whatever. We are going to win the Davis cup anyway
  • #5
Ahh, the Brits said the same thing about the world cup :biggrin: I was on hoilday in London when their team lost. What other sports are popular in Europe. Do you have baseball over their? The world series have been pretty intense.
  • #6
I have a friend that's lived in Germany for six years and he won't hesitate to tell you how much better it is there than here.
  • #7
I don't want to whine and complain about life in USA/Canada, this is just my small observation upon visiting other countries.One more thing is kind of scary here, most of industry and high paying jobs in USA are vanishing with this goes our technological know-how.
Results of this we can see around us, soon America won't be able to make decently reliable automobile.Jobs left going to be in McDonalds, WAL-MARTS and maybe making tanks/guns.
  • #8
and that's why i own a Mercedes, longest lasting car EVER... nuff said
  • #9
Do you have baseball over their?

baseball and football have not really stranded here.

I don't want to whine and complain about life in USA/Canada, this is just my small observation upon visiting other countries.One more thing is kind of scary here, most of industry and high paying jobs in USA are vanishing with this goes our technological know-how.

Its similar in Europe, industry jobs are taking a downhill.
  • #10
deltabourne said:
I can make a comparison since I have been to both Spain and the USA, but life in the US is fine. I think that I wouldn't be very much comfortable in a country where there exist a great possibility of being blown to 3 million little pieces while riding the train. But that's just me.

Before I hand you the prize for the most idiotic statement on PF, tell me you weren't being serious. Umm, 9/11, Oklahoma City?

I've been to Western Europe and the USA, and one of the things I like about Western Europe is that there are very few religious fundamentalists there, especially in positions of political power; certainly far less than there are in the USA. Lots of people in Western Europe believe in God, and follow some religion, but they tend to keep it to themselves, leave it a private matter. They don't bring it to their workplaces, or schools, or courts, or parliaments. At least nowhere near the extent to which this happens in the USA. The extent to which religion influences a person's vote in Western Europe is far less than it is in the USA. You will never get an openly atheist person voted as president of the USA. Never. And probably never a woman, too.

Public and cultural and political discourse in Western Europe is more sophisticated that it is in the USA. They also have a saner attitude to work. Politically, they are less conservative then the USA, but when the conservatives do get into power in Western Europe, they don't obsess themselves with stupid issues like abortion, abstinence, gay marriage, and affirmative action ... instead, they do what conservatives are supposed to do, like balance the budget, lower taxes responsibly without increasing spending, reform the welfare and health care systems rather than destroying them, and so on. And both sides of politics recognise the need for environmental protections and regulations.

But one of the things I most like about Western Europe is the people, the everyday people in the street. When you tell them where you are from, they nod their heads in recognition, and then ask you further questions which reveal that they know quite a bit about where you come from. They take an interest in the world, they have a genuine interest in things outside their own culture. For them, the UN is not a dirty word. Global organisations and cooperation do not leave a bad taste in their mouths. Foreign aid is not something to protest about. History is not something to ignore. Sex can be discussed in a mature way, the kids are not taught be ashamed of it. Drug addiction is thought to be a medical problem, not a criminal problem.

There are many things I like about the USA. They have a "can-do" attitude. They support universities and fundamental research a lot more than Western Europe. They are outwardly friendly, which can be a good thing for tourists. They have a generous immigration policy. They kicked out the Brits and thus became truly independent (err, Australia, New Zealand, are you listening?) The USA was the scene of many great progressive movements, such as the suffragette movement, and the civil rights movement. They tend to be less cynical than Western Europeans.

Overall, I prefer Western Europe to the USA, but there are things to like about both regions.
  • #11
and i find myself in a country dead center, right-in-the-middle of them both, and i prefer it that way
  • #12
Hello folks. Here is my first post in this forum, and I have one word for you:

  • #13
Vector Sum said:

Yes! What's the deal with that? Why is good yogurt impossible in this country?


Why can't we have Irn Bru? (Scotland's other national drink)
  • #14
Chi Meson said:
Yes! What's the deal with that? Why is good yogurt impossible in this country?


Why can't we have Irn Bru? (Scotland's other national drink)

Reminds me of this comedian and this bit he does about his trip to Ireland.

"Try the house beer-- it's freeeekinn grrrrrrreat!"

The german lagers are tasty- vote for best beer in europe?
  • #15
Remember, when traveling in Europe, you usually don't stop to see the dirty and dangerous places. When you travel to America, most people go directly to the dirtiest and most dangerous cities ( or they go to the Grand Canyon etc.). If Europeans came over to visit Boulder , or Portland (either one), or Mizzoula, they would get a much better impression of America than they would in NY, DC, LA, or Orlando.
  • #16
Vector Sum said:
Remember, when traveling in Europe, you usually don't stop to see the dirty and dangerous places. When you travel to America, most people go directly to the dirtiest and most dangerous cities ( or they go to the Grand Canyon etc.). If Europeans came over to visit Boulder , or Portland (either one), or Mizzoula, they would get a much better impression of America than they would in NY, DC, LA, or Orlando.

Maybe you right,but a person entering some run down part of Lyon,Stockholm, Antwerp or Hamburg can be sure to get out alive and unmolested unlike getting lost in New York or Miami.
  • #17
Vector Sum said:
Remember, when traveling in Europe, you usually don't stop to see the dirty and dangerous places. When you travel to America, most people go directly to the dirtiest and most dangerous cities ( or they go to the Grand Canyon etc.). If Europeans came over to visit Boulder , or Portland (either one), or Mizzoula, they would get a much better impression of America than they would in NY, DC, LA, or Orlando.

Remember there are good and bad parts to every city in the world
  • #18
deltabourne said:
I can make a comparison since I have been to both Spain and the USA, but life in the US is fine. I think that I wouldn't be very much comfortable in a country where there exist a great possibility of being blown to 3 million little pieces while riding the train. But that's just me.
After all, that's a toll we have to pay in order to have been USA's allied.

Well, this is my opinion to the original question of TUMOR. I've not been to USA, but I think, I believe, I have the impression that USA's people and culture is something opposite. This is the image you show to Europe through your films. I mean culture as historical culture. You are the most powerful country at sciences in all the world. But your historical background is very short. So that, people who eventually travel to Europe, to countries like Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, or Spain, maybe see a bit more of monuments, big constructions, museums, and eat better food, drink better wine, and have another life style more quiet. The difference is here there are traditions, historical traditions. There, because you have a relatively short history, it seems you are a bit needed of traditions and self-personality.

It is not a critic of USA life. You must know there are several different ways of life here in Europe, although we belong to the same continent. Spain is very different of Germany, France, or GB. Last times, we have a similar illness: we run away from our proper personality.

Nevertheless, I would go to USA happily to work at a scientific job. You're the most developed industrial country in the world.
  • #19
Well, I've spent some time on both sides of the Atlantic, and I have to say that my heart will always be in Europe.

The thing is, there really isn't a "Europe". It's an incredibly varied continent. Even single countries, like France, Spain or Germany, have more cultural diversity in them than the US. The US has always seemed more "monolitic" to me, west coast, east coast, sout, midwest, ... There are differences but they are not so pronounced. To give you an example, I live in a country the size of Maryland, population ten million, and we speak three different languages :smile:

I've always enjoyed visiting the States. In many ways, the US had advantages over Europe. But I know in my heart that some of the disadvantages (if only the food and lack of decent beer and wine!) are too much for me to get used to. I might enjoy living there for a while, probably in New England or the north-west coast, but not the rest of my life.
  • #20
That was pretty funny, I don't want to live in a country where God is telling my president to attack other countries either. This isn't literally the case, but it also isn't far from the truth. He attacked Iraq because he wanted to, and it was his religious appeal that gave him the power to do it.
  • #21
""Do you have impression when traveling in western Europe that everything there is better made,better tasting and even women are better looking?""

Come to Spain, then you will change "western" to "south" :smile:
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  • #22
Dear Clausius2 I don't think we have paid NOTHING at March 11th. Terrorists attacked us not because of our alliance, not because Irak as well. I can't figure a reason to kill 191 persons which sin was LIVING. You know well that eta don't need any reason to kill a policemen or to kill a civil. Thats the same.

deltabourne said:
I can make a comparison since I have been to both Spain and the USA, but life in the US is fine. I think that I wouldn't be very much comfortable in a country where there exist a great possibility of being blown to 3 million little pieces while riding the train. But that's just me.

I realize that mother nature something experiments. This is a good example.

Spain has a good advantage, you can come here and if you get ill, you will receive medical attention. But we haven't discovered yet how to make a brain transplant, so keep searching.
  • #23
MiGUi said:
Come to Spain, then you will change "western" to "south" :smile:

I don't agree. South of Spain hasn't got a better way of life than the north. Or do you mean South has better way of life because they work less (they have the higher figures in unemployment of Spain) and take home more money after all? It's an strange effect.

I advice the potential travelers to go to north zones of Spain. I'm very bored all people around us only know about us because of "Flamenco" and "Sevillanas". The 99.9999% of Spain has nothing to do with it.

I didn't vote to Zapatero in the last elections (it's an important clarification). But you should realize if we hadn't been allied of USA in Iraq, maybe the probabilities of suffering a bombing had been lower. But in part you're right because in the deep of my thinkings I think a group of criminals of Morocco revenged the older conflicts between Spain and them, and maybe it has nothing to do with Iraq's War.
  • #24
Spanish women are some of the hottest in the world.
Clausius2,MiGUi,do you know any available girls?, I"m more than ready to hook up with one :-p
  • #25
tumor said:
Spanish women are some of the hottest in the world.
Clausius2,MiGUi,do you know any available girls?, I"m more than ready to hook up with one :-p

Yeah, I know some. But they are my personal treasure :rolleyes: . Anyway, I'm more ready than you, and I usually haven't got success with them. They are pretty... and a mistery when you try to undertand what the hell they want.
  • #26
And you have to know also that I've got 387 posts in my count because of I haven't got any success recently. :smile: :redface: :frown: :cry: If I would got it, I will spent all day with her f...ing. :smile: and I'd never come over here to write about phyisics. :smile:
  • #27
Clausius2 said:
...and a mistery when you try to undertand what the hell they want.

Mystery is solved my dear; MONEY.MONEY,MONEY. :wink:
  • #28
tumor said:
Mystery is solved my dear; MONEY.MONEY,MONEY. :wink:

Yes, you DO are right. So imagine: I'm merely and student, with no job, without money...I'm a disaster.



(Although you haven't got any chance with womans when you start to talk about physics).
  • #29
Knowledge is everything,but you have to use it wisely,plus you are young.
I guarantee in few years women will be attracted to you like flies to the meat :wink:
Once I saw on Discovery program about some preety sofisticated experiments made by high school students,and there was a girl,geek very beautyfull, stunning,making some DNA school project, she also had some slight speach impendment that made her even more hot. Very smart, beautyfull, Man I'm telling you I was in love in a nano second.
  • #30
Dimitri Terryn said:
Well, I've spent some time on both sides of the Atlantic, and I have to say that my heart will always be in Europe.

The thing is, there really isn't a "Europe". It's an incredibly varied continent. Even single countries, like France, Spain or Germany, have more cultural diversity in them than the US. The US has always seemed more "monolitic" to me, west coast, east coast, sout, midwest, ... There are differences but they are not so pronounced. To give you an example, I live in a country the size of Maryland, population ten million, and we speak three different languages :smile:

I've always enjoyed visiting the States. In many ways, the US had advantages over Europe. But I know in my heart that some of the disadvantages (if only the food and lack of decent beer and wine!) are too much for me to get used to. I might enjoy living there for a while, probably in New England or the north-west coast, but not the rest of my life.

I've been to Europe (The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland, and Germany) once and I can't WAIT to go back! Absolutely everything about it was awesome! Dimitri, you can stay with Ivan and I when you come to the Pacific Northwest. :biggrin: UNLESS! - Shrub should win the election. Then I'm comin' to live with YOU! OK? Got a room I could rent? :biggrin: Is there a hospital with an xray department nearby so I don't have to walk the streets to pay my rent? :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #31
:smile: if shrub wins the election :smile: :smile:

I can't wait to go back to europe either, Canada is so crappy these days, I'm probably going to move to Europe if the liberals keep winning.
  • #32
Do you have baseball over their?
Not very much, but i played in the baseball team of my school. I still guard the bat. Gosh, the ball is pretty heavy! It can make you darn injury if it falls right over your head
  • #33
Tsunami said:
I've been to Europe (The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland, and Germany) once and I can't WAIT to go back! Absolutely everything about it was awesome! Dimitri, you can stay with Ivan and I when you come to the Pacific Northwest. :biggrin: UNLESS! - Shrub should win the election. Then I'm comin' to live with YOU! OK? Got a room I could rent? :biggrin: Is there a hospital with an xray department nearby so I don't have to walk the streets to pay my rent? :smile: :smile: :smile:

Deal. I've got a spare bedroom we never use, so you can crash there.
Enjoy Belgium, where the phrase "Damn those right-wing liberals !" is often used :biggrin:
  • #34
Dimitri Terryn said:
Deal. I've got a spare bedroom we never use, so you can crash there.
Enjoy Belgium, where the phrase "Damn those right-wing liberals !" is often used :biggrin:
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #35
Clausius2 said:
But you should realize if we hadn't been allied of USA in Iraq, maybe the probabilities of suffering a bombing had been lower. But in part you're right because in the deep of my thinkings I think a group of criminals of Morocco revenged the older conflicts between Spain and them, and maybe it has nothing to do with Iraq's War.

I think your second statement holds more water than your first.

One of the most sobering pieces of information to come out of the investigation of the March 11th bombings is that the planning for the attacks may have begun nearly a year before 9/11. In October, 2000, several of the suspects met in Istanbul with Amer Azizi, who had taken the nom de guerre Othman Al Andalusi—Othman of Al Andalus. Azizi later gave the conspirators permission to act in the name of Al Qaeda, although it is unclear whether he authorized money or other assistance—or, indeed, whether Al Qaeda had much support to offer. In June, Italian police released a surveillance tape of one of the alleged planners of the train bombings, an Egyptian housepainter named Rabei Osman Sayed Ahmed, who said that the operation “took me two and a half years.” Ahmed had served as an explosives expert in the Egyptian Army. It appears that some kind of attack would have happened even if Spain had not joined the Coalition—or if the invasion of Iraq had never occurred.