Experience with Late SULI Letter of Recommendation?

In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of a professor submitting a recommendation letter late for the SULI program. The individual had a good GPA, research experience, and had participated in a previous REU program, making them a strong candidate for the program. However, due to the late letter, they are concerned about their chances of being accepted. The conversation also mentions the importance of requesting more recommendation letters than the minimum required to avoid any potential issues. Ultimately, it is stated that there is no way to add the late letter to the application and it may affect the chances of being accepted.
  • #1
Has anyone had experience with applying for the SULI program with a professor submitting their recommendation late? I submitted and requested everything before the deadline, but one professor was late and her letter was refused. This was my top choice for the summer. I have a good GPA, 1.5 years research, and did a Duke nuclear REU last summer, so I really thought I had a chance at this one and hope my application will still be considered. I can't imagine this is the first time this has happened. I tried calling and emailing all the numbers/addresses I could find. Anyone gone through something similar?
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  • #2
No experience with SULI, but generally speaking there is some leeway with reference letters because most people realize this is not a reflection of the candidate him or herself.

A lot can depend on how competitive the program is, how late the reference letters are, and how strong of a candidate you are.
  • #3
I'm sorry, but the applications are already in the hands of the Laboratories. There's no way to add a letter now. The Laboratories will see your application, but missing this letter.
  • #4
I usually recommend students request letters of recommendation from 1 or 2 teachers more than the minimum required.

The reason is simple: if one or two profs makes this mistake, your application might not be any weaker.
  • #5
SULI recommends three, but requires two. (And to clarify what I wrote, I assumed JennyS followed the recommendation and asked for three. If she asked for two and only got one, the application is incomplete, and most likely will not go to the Labs).
  • #6
Moved it to Academic Guidance as it probably will be easier found by other interested members.

FAQ: Experience with Late SULI Letter of Recommendation?

1. What is a Late SULI Letter of Recommendation?

A Late SULI Letter of Recommendation is a letter of recommendation that is submitted after the official deadline for the SULI (Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships) program. This program is run by the Department of Energy and offers undergraduate students the opportunity to participate in research projects at national laboratories.

2. How important is a Late SULI Letter of Recommendation?

A Late SULI Letter of Recommendation is very important as it can greatly impact your chances of being selected for the SULI program. The letter provides additional information about your skills, qualifications, and character, which can help the selection committee make a more informed decision about your application.

3. What should be included in a Late SULI Letter of Recommendation?

A Late SULI Letter of Recommendation should include your name, contact information, and the name and contact information of the person writing the letter. It should also highlight your academic achievements, relevant research experience, and any other skills or qualities that make you a strong candidate for the SULI program.

4. Who should write a Late SULI Letter of Recommendation?

A Late SULI Letter of Recommendation should be written by someone who knows you well and can speak to your academic abilities, research experience, and personal qualities. This could be a professor, research mentor, or supervisor from a previous internship or job.

5. How should I submit a Late SULI Letter of Recommendation?

You should follow the specific instructions provided by the SULI program for submitting a Late SULI Letter of Recommendation. This may involve sending the letter directly to the program coordinator or including it in your application materials. It is important to submit the letter as soon as possible after the deadline, and to communicate with the program coordinator about any delays or issues with submission.

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