Factoring a wedge product into vectors? (geometric algebra)

In summary, the author suggests that one can factor a wedge product using an algorithm similar to that found in the book "Euclidean Algebra and its Applications" by Graham Shmidt. The algorithm uses the projection to find the basis vectors that span the wedge product. Once the basis vectors are found, the scale of the input blade is applied to produce the output blade.
  • #1
Anybody know a good approach to factor a wedge product (blade) into a set of vectors? Loosely, I'd describe the prodlem as finding a basis for the hypervolume that the wedge product "spans".

Example to illustrate the question, taking a grade 2 blade, suppose one had something like:

A = (e_1 + e_2 + e_3) \wedge ( e_1 + 2 e_4 ) = 2 e_1 \wedge e_4 + e_2 \wedge e_1 + 2 e_2 \wedge e_4 + e_3 \wedge e_1 + 2 e_3 \wedge e_4

The problem is to work backwards to find some pair of vectors that would generate the same wedge product.

One approach that I believe would work, but doesn't seem too efficient, is to utilize the wedge product as a projector onto the space:

Proj_A(x) = \frac{1}{A} (A \cdot x) = A^\dagger \frac{1}{A^\dagger A}(A \cdot x)

(observe the geometric algebra dot product above).

If you applied this to the basis vectors for the space, you have essentially computed the coordinate vectors for the matrix of the projection operator, so these columns form a basis of the space, and are thus factors of the original wedge product. A column reduction to reduce the rank would provide the factorization desired (disregarding the scaling factor).

As an aside, I found it pretty interesting how similar the projection product is to the projection matrix from traditional matrix algebra, where provided the matrix A is of full column rank, a projection onto it's columns, can be written:

Proj_A(x) = \left( A \frac{1}{A^\text{T} A} A^\text{T} \right) x

A further comparison. In the above if the columns are othonormal you have:

Proj_A(x) = \left( A A^\text{T} \right) x

Similarily, for a unit magnitude blade, the inverse term drops out leaving:

Proj_A(x) = A \left(A^\dagger \cdot x\right)
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Algorithm for factoring a blade (from Dorst et al. GA4CS p. 535):
1. Input is a non-zero blade B of grade k.
2. Determine the norm s =||B||
3. Represent the blade in a basis and then find the basis blade E in this
representation with the largest coordinate; now you have a list of k basis
vectors ei that span E.
4. Scale the input blade to produce Bc=B/s
5. For all but one of the basis vectors ei of E:
a) Project ei onto Bc: fi= (ei.Bc)Bc-1.
b) Normalize fi and add to list of factors.
c) Update Bc <--- fi-1.Bc.
6. Obtain the last factor fk=Bc and normalize it.
7. Output: the list of factors fi and the scale s.

Yes, it's that book again!
  • #3
Actually, I have the book now;) This question occurred to me as soon as I started reading the meet/join chapter ... I jumped the gun posting this question. Later I found this in the appendix, and should have replied to my own post saying so. Sorry that you spent time typing this up!

Note that the central idea in that algorithm is the same ... use the projection. But they use a Graham Shmidt like procedure, using repeated reduction in grade, for orthonormalizing instead of doing it en-mass with something like SVD (which would also give you an orthonormal basis for the dual of the blade, and wouldn't have the numerical problems of GS). Since they only go up to 5 dimensions for their graphics applications the numerical issues probably don't hit that hard. I'm not sure how you'd apply SVD to orthonormalize with respect to a non-Euclian metric either.

ps. Yes, that is a good book! By far the best introduction I've seen. Thanks for the recommendation. The notational differences compared to the Hestenes and GAFP books takes some getting used to though.
  • #4
Peeter said:
I'm not sure how you'd apply SVD to orthonormalize with respect to a non-Euclian metric either.

ps. Yes, that is a good book! By far the best introduction I've seen. Thanks for the recommendation. The notational differences compared to the Hestenes and GAFP books takes some getting used to though.

You would probably always use a Euclidean metric because the outer product factorization should not be dependent on the metric. I vaguely recall seeing this somewhere else in the book (probably in dealing with the meet and the join). Glad you like the book---I'm sure it will be a valuable asset.
  • #5
His algorithm included a normalization, and that can use an alternate metric (ie: they use a Minkowski metric for their conformal modelling).

FAQ: Factoring a wedge product into vectors? (geometric algebra)

1. What is a wedge product in geometric algebra?

A wedge product, also known as the exterior product, is an operation in geometric algebra that combines two vectors to produce a new vector that is perpendicular to both of the original vectors. It is denoted by the symbol ∧ and is commonly used in multivector operations.

2. How is factoring a wedge product into vectors useful?

Factoring a wedge product into vectors allows us to break down a multivector into its component parts, making it easier to manipulate and solve problems in geometric algebra. It also helps us visualize geometric concepts and relationships between vectors in a more intuitive way.

3. Can any two vectors be factored into a wedge product?

No, the wedge product is only defined for vectors in a multi-dimensional vector space. It is not applicable to vectors in a one-dimensional or two-dimensional space. Additionally, the wedge product is only defined for vectors that are linearly independent.

4. How does factoring a wedge product into vectors relate to cross products?

The cross product is a specific type of wedge product that is only defined in three-dimensional space. It is often used to calculate the area of a parallelogram or the volume of a parallelepiped. However, the wedge product is a more general operation that is defined in any number of dimensions and has broader applications in geometric algebra.

5. What are some real-world applications of factoring a wedge product into vectors?

Factoring a wedge product into vectors has various applications in physics, computer graphics, and robotics. It is used to calculate the moment of inertia in rotational mechanics, to determine the orientation of objects in 3D space, and to calculate the forces and torques acting on objects in robotics. It is also used in computer graphics to create 3D models and animations.

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