The Pink Panther: Can We Avoid Hurt?

  • Thread starter asmani
  • Start date
In summary, the Myth Busters found that a person could not jump upward with enough velocity to usefully reduce the impact of a falling ladder, but by climbing the ladder quickly to the point of nearly zero speed, they could jump off to a non-moving surface.
  • #1
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  • #2
you mean can a ladder fall from such a height and be expected to land in the ground? i don't think so.
  • #3
RK, I think he means climbing up to reduce the downward speed, thus reducing the hitting force at ground level

It would depend on the inertia of the object you're pushing off of (assuming you're in the same reference frame as it). If the object has a lot of inertia, pushing off of it right before you hit the ground will work against your hitting force a bit, but there's no guarantee it will be enough. If the object doesn't have much inertia (like if you pushed off of a penny) the penny would just fly away from you and you wouldn't move at all (within your falling reference frame, that is).

I've always imagined doing this in a falling elevator, pushing off right before it hit. I don't know if it would be enough, though. You could do the calculations though if you estimated the impulse of a human pushing off of a heavy object, assuming the person had already fallen some X feet in the elevator, gathering speed at 9.8 m/s per second. Maybe somebody is bored enough to try.
  • #4
asmani said:
Hi all

Please watch" of the pink panther, 1:40 - 2:00.
Can a similar thing be done in practice to avoid hurt?

No, it's just a cartoon.

Pythagorean said:
RK, I think he means climbing up to reduce the downward speed, thus reducing the hitting force at ground level

Except the PP was climbing down when the ladder hit... Good thing it's just a cartoon! :smile:
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  • #5
berkeman said:
No, it's just a cartoon.
Except the PP was climbing down when the ladder hit... Good thing it's just a cartoon! :smile:

expectation dyslexia =/
  • #6
Yeah, I think it is possible, too.

Not by climbing down, though, but by climbing up.

The thing is that you have to time it just right and you need another object to jump to other than the ground since you have to jump off before the ladder hits the ground. In other words, the center of mass of you and the ladder will continue to fall at the same rate whether the you climb the ladder or not...if you are fast enough (unlikely) and the masses are right, you could climb the ladder rapidly to the point where your speed is nearly zero and at that time jump off to a non-moving surface, like the roof of the building conveniently next to you.
  • #7
The Myth Busters did this one, the elevator, not the ladder. Their conclusion was that a person couldn't jump upward with enough velocity to usefully reduce the impact. A ladder wouldn't have nearly enough inertia to slow you down, but you would speed up the ladder by climbing it.
  • #8
Probably depends on the falling height. If you could model damage as a function of falling height, you might be able to find a critical starting height for which it's worth it.

With a stick ladder, there wouldn't be so much ladder climbing as mich as pushing the ladder down
  • #9
DickL said:
The Myth Busters did this one, the elevator, not the ladder. Their conclusion was that a person couldn't jump upward with enough velocity to usefully reduce the impact. A ladder wouldn't have nearly enough inertia to slow you down, but you would speed up the ladder by climbing it.

And with that intelligent response, this cartoon thread is closed.

FAQ: The Pink Panther: Can We Avoid Hurt?

1. What is "The Pink Panther: Can We Avoid Hurt?"

"The Pink Panther: Can We Avoid Hurt?" is a phrase that comes from a famous quote by the character Inspector Clouseau in the 1963 film "The Pink Panther." In the film, Clouseau is asked if he is not worried about being hurt, to which he responds, "No, you can't hurt me, I have a thick skull." This quote has since become a popular cultural reference, often used to convey a sense of resilience or invincibility.

2. Is it possible to avoid hurt in real life?

While physical harm can often be avoided through careful precautions and decision-making, it is unrealistic to expect to never experience emotional or psychological hurt. Life is full of challenges and unexpected events that can cause pain, but it is how we cope and learn from these experiences that ultimately shapes our resilience and character.

3. Can we learn to be more resilient and avoid hurtful situations?

Yes, we can cultivate resilience and learn to better navigate hurtful situations. This can involve developing coping mechanisms, seeking support from others, and practicing self-care. It is also important to recognize that avoiding all hurt is not always possible and that it is natural to experience pain and vulnerability as part of the human experience.

4. How does avoiding hurt impact personal growth?

Avoiding hurt may offer temporary comfort, but it can also limit personal growth and development. Facing and overcoming challenges, including hurtful situations, can lead to personal growth, increased resilience, and a deeper understanding of oneself and others.

5. Can we avoid hurting others?

While we may have good intentions to avoid hurting others, it is not always possible. It is important to communicate openly and honestly, take responsibility for our actions, and apologize when necessary. Additionally, being empathetic and considering the impact of our words and actions can help prevent hurting others unintentionally.

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