Field extension, properties,proof

In summary: I asked you what you meant by "basic polynomial algebra": the above is a direct application of the fact that a polynomial of degree n has at most n roots, plus the fact that the coefficients of a polynomial belong to the base field. These two things can be proven using the basic properties of the Euclidean Domain of polynomials, which is an algebraic structure in which you can do the four basic arithmetic operations and, most importantly, you can divide with remainder two polynomials. So now you've used that and the fact that \mathbb F(u)\cong \mathbb F[x]/<f(x)> . So, again, why would you use ring theory and avoid linear algebra? I am not
  • #1
Let F be a field of characteristic 0. Let f,g be irreducible polynomials over F. Let u be root of f, v be root of g; u,v are elements of field extension K/F. Let F(u)=F(v).
Prove (with using basic polynomial theory only, without using linear algebra and vector spaces):
1) deg f = deg g (deg f is degree of the polynomial f)
2) any element of F(u) is a root of some irreducible polynomial h over F
3) deg h divides deg f (h is as in 2))

Are the propositions 1),2),3) valid for any field F, not only for fields with char F = 0?
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  • #2
ivos said:
Let F be a field of characteristic 0. Let f,g be irreducible polynomials over F. Let u be root of f, v be root of g; u,v are elements of field extension K/F. Let F(u)=F(v).

*** Do you mean here " Assume that [itex]\mathbb F(u)=\mathbb F(v)[/itex] "? ***

Prove (with using basic polynomial theory only, without using linear algebra and vector spaces):
1) deg f = deg g (deg f is degree of the polynomial f)

*** Assuming the above: since [itex]\mathbb F[x]/<f(x)>\cong\mathbb F(v)=\mathbb F(v)\cong \mathbb F[x]/<g(x)>[/itex] , we get

at once equality of ideals [itex]<f(x)>\,=\,<g(x)>[/itex] , since the above isomorphism shows that for

[itex]\,\,h(x)\in\mathbb F[x]\,,\,\,h(x)\in <f(x)>\Longleftrightarrow h(x)\in <g(x)>[/itex] , and from here both

[itex]f(x)\in <g(x)> \,\,and\,\,g(x)\in <f(x)> \Longrightarrow f(x)=kg(x)\,,\,\,k\in\mathbb F[/itex] ***

2) any element of F(u) is a root of some irreducible polynomial h over F

*** This is trivial since the extension [itex]\mathbb F(u)[/itex] is algebraic over [itex]\mathbb F[/itex] , by construction...***

3) deg h divides deg f (h is as in 2))

*** Right now I can't see how to show this without using linear algebra... ***

Are the propositions 1),2),3) valid for any field F, not only for fields with char F = 0?

With the given data they are true in any case.

  • #3
f(x)=k.g(x) is not valid (in generally)
F=Q, f(x)=x^2-2,g(x)=x^2-2*x-1, u=sqrt(2), v=sqrt(2)+1
Then Q(u)=Q(v), but f(x) is not equals k.g(x)...
  • #4
ivos said:
f(x)=k.g(x) is not valid (in generally)
F=Q, f(x)=x^2-2,g(x)=x^2-2*x-1, u=sqrt(2), v=sqrt(2)+1
Then Q(u)=Q(v), but f(x) is not equals k.g(x)...

You are right. Then I can't help you without linear algebra.

  • #5
I can prove 1), 2) without linear algebra:

Let f,g be irreducible polynomials over field F. Let u be root of f, v be root of g. Assume, that F(u)=F(v).
Then deg f = deg g.

Its well known (it can be proven by basic polynomial algebra) that any element of F(u), in particular v, has polynomial expression degree at most n-1 in u over F , i.e.
v=t(u)=a0+a1*u+...+an-1*u^(n-1) (a0,...,an-1 are elements of F)
Let deg f=n and let u1=u,u2,...,un be roots of f.
Then polynomial h(x)=(x-t(u1))*((x-t(u2))*...*(x-t(un)) has degree n, has v as root and
its coefficients are symmetric functions of u1,u2,...,un, i.e. elements of F.
Since irreducible polynomial g divides h (they have common root v), it follows
deg g <= deg h = n = deg f. Exchange u and v gives deg f <= deg g.
So, deg g = deg f.
  • #6
ivos said:
I can prove 1), 2) without linear algebra:

Let f,g be irreducible polynomials over field F. Let u be root of f, v be root of g. Assume, that F(u)=F(v).
Then deg f = deg g.

Its well known (it can be proven by basic polynomial algebra) that any element of F(u), in particular v, has polynomial expression degree at most n-1 in u over F , i.e.
v=t(u)=a0+a1*u+...+an-1*u^(n-1) (a0,...,an-1 are elements of F)

*** I'm not sure what you call "basic polynomial algebra" to: it's easy to prove this using the properties of Euclidean Domain of the polynomial

ring F[x] -- namely, the fact that we can divide with remainder two polynomials and etc. -- and then using that [itex]\mathbb F(u)\cong \mathbb F[x]/<f(x)>[/itex] .

But for the above, I can't see how else you can prove that, and I am seriously and honestly interested in knowing this, since if you reach this result

the way I just described, I can't understand why would you want to avoid linear algebra while using ring theory...

DonAntonio ***

Let deg f=n and let u1=u,u2,...,un be roots of f.
Then polynomial h(x)=(x-t(u1))*((x-t(u2))*...*(x-t(un)) has degree n, has v as root and
its coefficients are symmetric functions of u1,u2,...,un, i.e. elements of F.
Since irreducible polynomial g divides h (they have common root v), it follows
deg g <= deg h = n = deg f. Exchange u and v gives deg f <= deg g.
So, deg g = deg f.


FAQ: Field extension, properties,proof

1. What is a field extension?

A field extension is a mathematical concept that involves extending a given field by adjoining new elements to it. This process creates a larger field that includes the original one as a subset.

2. What properties do field extensions have?

Field extensions have many properties, including closure under addition, multiplication, and inverses. They also have a unique identity element, and every non-zero element has a unique multiplicative inverse.

3. How are field extensions used in mathematics?

Field extensions are used in a variety of mathematical fields, including abstract algebra, number theory, and algebraic geometry. They are particularly useful in studying polynomial equations and their solutions.

4. What is the proof of the fundamental theorem of field extensions?

The fundamental theorem of field extensions states that every finite extension of a field is algebraic. The proof of this theorem involves showing that any element in the field extension is a root of a polynomial with coefficients in the original field.

5. Can you give an example of a field extension?

One example of a field extension is the complex numbers, which are obtained by adjoining the imaginary unit i to the real numbers. This extension has many interesting properties, including closure under addition, multiplication, and inverses.

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