What is the controversy surrounding the first designer baby in the UK?

  • Thread starter marcus
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In summary, a British woman has used genetic screening technology to conceive a "designer baby" free of an inherited cancer. The controversial procedure, known as pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), involves testing embryos created through in-vitro fertilization for the cancer gene and only implanting unaffected embryos. This has sparked controversy and raised concerns about the potential consequences of this technology.
  • #1
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First "Designer Baby" in UK

May 13, 2006

A British woman has become the first in the country to conceive a "designer baby" selected specifically to avoid an inherited cancer, The Times said Saturday.

The woman, who was not identified, used controversial genetic screening technology to ensure she does not pass on to her child the condition retinoblastoma, an hereditary form of eye cancer from which she suffers.

Doctors tested embryos created by the woman and her partner using in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) methods for the cancer gene. Only unaffected embryos were implanted in her womb, the newspaper said.

It suggested the woman's pregnancy would increase controversy over the procedure -- pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) -- because critics say it involves destroying otherwise healthy embryos whose conditions are treatable...

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Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hmm... Ever seen that movie GATTACA with Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman? We are getting eerily close to that kind of technology.
  • #3

could you possibly be a misfit in Our society? :bugeye:
  • #4

Follow the white rabbit
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  • #5
"First"? Haven't fertility clinics been screening eggs and/or sperm for things like cycle-cell trait and other inheritted diseases for decades, now?

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FAQ: What is the controversy surrounding the first designer baby in the UK?

What is a "First Designer Baby"?

A "First Designer Baby" is a term used to describe the first baby in the UK that has been genetically modified using advanced technologies such as gene editing to enhance or alter certain physical or intellectual traits.

How is a "First Designer Baby" created?

A "First Designer Baby" is created through a process called germline gene editing, where specific genes are edited or added to the embryo's DNA before it is implanted in the mother's womb. This can be done through various techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9.

What are the potential benefits of creating a "First Designer Baby"?

The potential benefits of creating a "First Designer Baby" include the ability to prevent or eliminate genetic diseases and disorders, enhance physical and intellectual traits, and potentially increase the overall health and well-being of the individual.

What are the ethical concerns surrounding "First Designer Babies"?

There are several ethical concerns surrounding the creation of "First Designer Babies", including the potential for unintended consequences, unequal access to the technology, and the potential for creating a "designer baby" culture where certain traits are valued over others.

What are the current regulations and laws surrounding "First Designer Babies" in the UK?

In the UK, the creation of "First Designer Babies" is currently not allowed. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act of 1990 prohibits altering the genetic makeup of an embryo before it is implanted in the mother's womb. However, there have been discussions and debates about potentially changing these regulations in the future.

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