Proving a Theorem: Validity & Methodology

  • Thread starter StephenPrivitera
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In summary, the conventional method of proving a theorem involves using deductive reasoning to start with premises and then using logical connectors to arrive at a conclusion. The validity of a proof depends on starting with true premises and following logical rules. In mathematics, proofs often rely on previously proven, well-known facts instead of the most basic principles. Metamathematics is the study of mathematics used to study mathematics. In order to prove that addition is not distributive over multiplication, one can provide a counterexample or use proof by contradiction. In synthetic proof, one starts with the desired equation and works backwards using reversible steps to determine the true proof.
  • #1
In general, what is the conventional method of proving a theorem? What makes a proof valid? I hope that question is clear enough.
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  • #2
i think (and i might be wrong) but a proof should be prooved by Deductive reasoning first you have the premesis which is the data you have in hand in order to proove the theorem after that you conclude from the data the conclusion (theorem).

i hope the explanation is ok.

here is link to an article about the origins of proof there you might find the answer you were looking:
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  • #3
A "proof" consists of statements starting from something you KNOW is true, either "given" or an axiom. Then produce a series of statements, each following from the previous statements by a logical connector ending with the conclusion.
  • #4
Originally posted by loop quantum gravity
i think (and i might be wrong) but a proof should be prooved by Deductive reasoning first you have the premesis which is the data you have in hand in order to proove the theorem after that you conclude from the data the conclusion (theorem).

i hope the explanation is ok.

here is link to an article about the origins of proof there you might find the answer you were looking:

that looks like a good answer
"data" can mean "what is given" (going by the Latin)
and in a mathematical proof the givens
include the axioms of whatever theory is being developed
IIRC most of modern math rests on the axioms of "set theory"
because the fundamental objects are defined in terms of sets.

a common practice is to refer to previously proven, widely known basic facts (which somebody earlier proved using the axioms of set theory) and this saves a lot of trouble.

so one almost never sees the bare roots of the tree---in an actual proof one rarely sees the axioms of set theory invoked explicitly----instead the proof will depend on well-known facts which could if necessary be verified by going back to the most basic principles.

edit: oops I see Halls of Ivy already said essentially the same thing, so this is redundant
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  • #5
  • #6
For some reason, I thought there might be more rigid rules. I remember sophomore year when we learned trig identities we were required to show proofs. My teacher told us that you should only work on one side of the equation throughout the proof. You couldn't move items to the other side or manipulate the other side at all.

This just an example of why I fret about formal rules.
Prove that addition is not distributive over multiplication (domain=natural numbers).
P(n): a+(b*n)=(a+b)*(a+n)

=((a+b)*a)+((a+b)*1) left.dis.mult.
=((a*a)+(b*a))+(a+b) right.dis.mult., axiom k*1=k
=(a+b)+((a*a)+(b*a)) comm.add.
=(a+(b*1))+((a*a)+(b*a)) axiom k*1=k
Clearly this can only be true if a=0 and zero is not a natural number. But how do I prove this (or is this proof enough)?

I can go through and get a similar proof for P(k+1). I get,
Again, only true if a=0. The difficult part of this proof is that I have to show that P(k+1) is false whenever P(k) is false.
Anyway, I was wondering about the formalities of proof.

EDIT: Actually, there is an axiom that might cover this problem. It states that exactly one of the following is true for all elements of N:
a=b, a+x=b or a=b+y
So since a=b, a cannot equal b+y
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  • #7
Originally posted by loop quantum gravity

now isn't this definition paradoxical?

no. why would you say it is paradoxical?
  • #8
Originally posted by StephenPrivitera

Prove that addition is not distributive over multiplication (domain=natural numbers).

to show that something is not true, it is sufficient, and usually easier, to simply provide a counterexample.

if addition were distributive over multiplication, then 1+1*1 would equal (1+1)*(1+1). but 2 does not equal 4.

that is all one needs to do.
  • #9
a logical system is a collection of axioms about objects in our system. each axiom takes the form P⇒Q. there is a set of allowed rules for combining statements of this form, which includes rules like ((P⇒Q)&(Q⇒R))⇒(P⇒R) which is just the transitive rule in logic.

formally then, a proof of a statement is just a chain of logical implications, constructed using these rules, which starts with some of the axioms and ends at the statement to be proved.

another common format for proof is to start with the axioms plus the negation of that which is to be proved, and construct a chain of implications, again using the rules of logic, that ends in the negation of an axiom. this is called proof by contradiction. it is very common.
  • #10
Originally posted by lethe
to show that something is not true, it is sufficient, and usually easier, to simply provide a counterexample.

if addition were distributive over multiplication, then 1+1*1 would equal (1+1)*(1+1). but 2 does not equal 4.

that is all one needs to do.
Well that was much too easy!
  • #11
Yeah, it's really annoying when something is easy!

By the way- proof of identities is often through what is called "synthetic proof"- you start with what you WANT to prove is true and algebraically reduce to something you KNOW is true.

Of course, in a normal proof you are not allowed to ASSUME what you want to prove!

The point of synthetic proof is that everything you do has to be REVERSIBLE. What you are really doing is deciding HOW to prove the identity. The true proof is gotten by now starting from the equation you know is true and working back. As long as you are sure everything yhou did is reversible, you don't have to actually do that.
  • #12
Originally posted by lethe
no. why would you say it is paradoxical?
never mind my idea was a wrong one.
  • #13
Originally posted by StephenPrivitera
In general, what is the conventional method of proving a theorem? What makes a proof valid? I hope that question is clear enough.
Stephen, maybe it might help to make a list of common types of proofs. Here's some examples that I remember from scratch:

- Direct proof.
Using all the assumptions, you make implications until you arrive at the theorem.

- Indirect proof (or proof by contradiction, see lethe's post).
You assume that the theorem is false. From this you conclude that at least one of the assumptions must be false.

- Proof by complete induction.
You show that the theorem is true in one case, and using all the assumptions you show that from this follows that the theorem is true in all cases. This is a typical method for series and sums. (BTW, complete induction is, in fact, deduction. See loop quantum gravity's post).

I think these are the most important types. Anybody know more?
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  • #14
Don't forget universal proof. Prove an arbitrary instance of a theorem and from that it follows that all cases are true.
  • #15
How would you show uniqueness? I've seen some proofs that assume whatever we're talking about is not unique and show that this is a contradiction. Is this generally how this type of proof is done?
  • #16
That is one way. Another typical way is to prove any two objects satisfying the conditions are equal.

For example, in a group, if y and z are both multiplicative inverses of x, then

y x = 1
(y x) z = 1 z
y (x z) = z
y 1 = z
y = z

so the multiplicative inverse of x is unique.

FAQ: Proving a Theorem: Validity & Methodology

What is a theorem and why is it important to prove its validity?

A theorem is a mathematical statement that has been proven to be true using a logical sequence of steps. Proving the validity of a theorem is important because it provides evidence and support for the statement, allowing it to be accepted as true and applicable in various mathematical contexts.

What is the difference between a valid and an invalid theorem?

A valid theorem is one that has been proven to be true using a logical sequence of steps. It follows the rules of logic and can be applied in various mathematical contexts. An invalid theorem, on the other hand, is one that has not been proven to be true using a logical sequence of steps. It may contain errors or assumptions that make it unreliable or incorrect.

What are the common methods used in proving the validity of a theorem?

The most common methods used in proving the validity of a theorem are direct proof, proof by contradiction, proof by induction, and proof by contrapositive. Direct proof involves using logical steps to show that the theorem is true. Proof by contradiction involves assuming the opposite of the theorem and showing that it leads to a contradiction. Proof by induction involves showing that the theorem is true for a base case and then proving that it holds for all subsequent cases. Proof by contrapositive involves proving the contrapositive of the theorem, which is a statement equivalent to the original theorem but with the antecedent and consequent switched.

What are the potential limitations of a theorem's proof?

There are several potential limitations of a theorem's proof, such as relying on incorrect axioms or assumptions, using flawed logic, or overlooking counterexamples. Additionally, a proof may be valid within a specific mathematical context, but may not hold true in other contexts. It is important for mathematicians to carefully examine and critique the validity of a proof to ensure its reliability.

What is the role of peer review in validating a theorem's proof?

Peer review plays a crucial role in validating a theorem's proof. It involves having other experts in the field review the proof and provide feedback and critiques. This helps to identify any potential errors or flaws in the proof and ensures that it is reliable and valid. Peer review also helps to improve the clarity and presentation of the proof, making it easier for others to understand and replicate.

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