Forumulation of field equations

In summary, Einstein did not originally get his field equations by varying the Einstein-Hilbert action. The field equations were first discovered by David Hilbert through his own variation of the action, although Einstein's work was influenced by his idea of gravity as space-time geometry. The equations are named after Einstein, while the action is named after Hilbert.
  • #1
this is a question more about the history of the field equations, but did Einstein get his field equations originally by varying the Einstein-Hilbert action or was it that the field equations was were found first then the they can also be shown by the varying the action. my feeling is that its the latter but i just want be cleared about any doubts.
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  • #2
captain said:
this is a question more about the history of the field equations, but did Einstein get his field equations originally by varying the Einstein-Hilbert action or was it that the field equations was were found first then the they can also be shown by the varying the action. my feeling is that its the latter but i just want be cleared about any doubts.

This has a nice piece of history :)

David Hilbert first found the field equations, by varying his action. Einstein found the same equations, but his motivation was a covariant extension of Poisson's equation for the gravitational field. I believe that Hilbert found the field equations 5 days earlier than Einstein did, but he was influenced by Einstein's equivalence principe which led to the idea of gravity as space-time geometry. So the equations are rightly named after Einstein, whereas the action is called the "Hilbert action".
  • #3

The formulation of field equations is a fundamental aspect of physics, particularly in the study of general relativity. The field equations, also known as Einstein's equations, describe the relationship between the curvature of spacetime and the distribution of matter and energy within it. These equations are crucial in understanding the behavior of gravity and the dynamics of the universe.

To answer your question, Einstein did indeed derive his field equations by varying the Einstein-Hilbert action. This is known as the Einstein field equations and is the most famous formulation of general relativity. In this formulation, the field equations are obtained by varying the action with respect to the metric tensor, which represents the curvature of spacetime.

However, it is worth noting that the field equations were not found first and then shown to be equivalent to the varying of the action. In fact, Einstein and Hilbert both independently arrived at the same equations by different methods. Einstein used his theory of general relativity to derive the field equations, while Hilbert used a variational approach similar to the one used in the Einstein-Hilbert action.

In summary, the Einstein field equations were originally derived by varying the Einstein-Hilbert action, but they were also found independently by Hilbert using a different approach. Both methods ultimately lead to the same equations, solidifying the importance of the field equations in understanding the behavior of gravity.

FAQ: Forumulation of field equations

1. What is the purpose of formulating field equations?

The purpose of formulating field equations is to mathematically describe the behavior and interactions of physical fields, such as electromagnetic, gravitational, and quantum fields. These equations help us understand and predict the behavior of these fields in various situations and environments.

2. How are field equations derived?

Field equations are derived from fundamental physical principles, such as conservation laws and symmetry principles, using mathematical tools and techniques such as differential equations and tensor calculus. They are also continuously refined and modified through experimental observations and data.

3. What types of fields can be described by field equations?

Field equations can be used to describe a wide range of physical fields, including but not limited to electromagnetism, gravity, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics. They can also be applied to both classical and quantum systems.

4. Can field equations be used to make predictions?

Yes, field equations can be used to make predictions about the behavior and interactions of physical fields. By solving these equations for different boundary conditions and initial conditions, we can make predictions about the behavior of a system in the past, present, and future.

5. Are field equations universal?

Field equations are not necessarily universal and can vary depending on the physical theory or framework being used. For example, classical mechanics and quantum mechanics have different sets of field equations. However, there are certain fundamental principles, such as symmetries and conservation laws, that are universal and can be used to derive field equations across different theories.
