Fourier Transform of exponential and heaviside function

In summary, to compute the Fourier transform of \phi(t)=(e^(-at))H(t), split the integral into two parts and apply the definition of the Heaviside step function to simplify the calculation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Compute the Fourier transform of


where H(t) is the Heaviside step function

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I am stuck in an attempt at the solution, I am confused at how the heaviside step function factors in and think that it may just affect the upper and lower limits of the integral, but am not sure. I am looking for direction on how to approach the problem or at least set it up.
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  • #2
The Fourier Transform is defined on a function f(t) as:

[tex]\int_{-\infty}^\infty f(t) e^{2 \pi i t \omega} dt[/tex]

Now, try plugging in f(t)=e^(-at)H(t) into this definition. Remember that H(t) is defined to be 0 for all negative t and 1 for all positive t, so try splitting the integral into two integrals: one with lower bound -infinity and upper bound 0, and the other with lower bound 0 and the upper bound infinity. Then apply the definition of H(t) and it should become easy.

FAQ: Fourier Transform of exponential and heaviside function

What is the Fourier Transform of an exponential function?

The Fourier Transform of an exponential function, f(x) = e^(-ax), is given by F(k) = 1/(a + i*k), where a is a constant and i is the imaginary unit.

How do you find the Fourier Transform of a Heaviside function?

The Fourier Transform of a Heaviside function, f(x) = H(x), is given by F(k) = 1/(i*k) + pi*delta(k), where H(x) is the Heaviside function and delta(k) is the Dirac delta function.

What is the significance of the Fourier Transform of an exponential function?

The Fourier Transform of an exponential function is used in signal processing to analyze signals in the frequency domain. It is also used in solving differential equations and in quantum mechanics to describe the wave function of a particle.

Can the Fourier Transform of an exponential function be easily computed?

Yes, the Fourier Transform of an exponential function can be easily computed using the formula F(k) = 1/(a + i*k). However, for more complex functions, numerical methods may be required.

Is the Fourier Transform of an exponential function a one-to-one function?

No, the Fourier Transform of an exponential function is not a one-to-one function. This means that different functions can have the same Fourier Transform, making it impossible to uniquely recover the original function from its Fourier Transform.

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