There is no such thing as free energy

This can be harnessed for propulsion and free energy generation. However, the fear is that if this information is shared, it could also lead to the creation of dangerous and cheap nuclear bombs. The conversation also discusses the need for open-mindedness and consideration of new theories, even if they may seem far-fetched. Ultimately, there is a need for responsible sharing and discussion of these ideas to avoid repeating mistakes from history.
  • #1
Larry L. Burks
Your'll all missing the point. There is no such thing as free energy. There is no such thing as anti gravity. There is no such thing as Gravity. We all ready have a G.U.T. Einstein's other theory of gravity unites the four four forcse of nature. They don't tell you about it. They don't teach it in school. I have a copy of this theory.In order to prove this theory, you would have to form a worm hole. Worm holes have the ability to curve space. Curved space can make objects that are made of atoms, produce a force. You have to have a device that can form a worm hole. How do you make such a device? Simple. The same way that every body else makes theirs.Copy-cat other peoples work? Isn't that a lot like cheating? Sure. How does this work? Work,s great. Worked for me. That's how I did it. There is a long and rich history of the many people that have made such devices. I study the history of the people that made and used such devices. NASA, ...The other NASA have such devices. Marc Millis of "The NASA" Wanted to know about these things, so that he can go to the stars. So I sent him a copy of Einstein's other theory of gravity. I sent him a copy of the blue prints of NASA' device. I also sent him a copy of the blue prints of the way that the Egyptions made theirs. There all doing the same thing ,forming worm holes. Can I prove this? Yes. A worm hole can curve space and time to the point that atoms are riped apart. this relesses the energy of the atom. photon electron and radion particles. A nucler reaction. There is only two way and only two ways in which we find nature forming nucler reaction .One is like the Sun. The other is Black holes like thoes found in the center of galixes. If you make a boom in the same way that the sun does, by heating the radioactive fuel up to the point that that the atoms are being riped apart. there is a nucler reaction. There is also so radioactive fall out. If you rip atoms apsrt by way of curvitues of space . there is no radioactive fall out. WE have such a boom. It is called a nutron boom. There is one way and one way only that man can make such a boom. That's if man has found a way to form a worm hole. If NASA.. The other NASA has found a way to form a worm hole for making a nutron boom. Then they can also curve space to make devices produce a force " gravity" for proplusion. They can also use this force to make generators turn and make electricty. " free energy "
If we can do all of this then why don't they tell every body. The way that the Egyption did is simple enought that a ten year old could make. cost less than two dollars to make. One cup of tap water placed in side of this device could blow a hole in the side of the Earth as big as Kanses.There is a way to do this safely.If you tell every body how to do this and how to do this safely . At the same timeyou are telling others how to do it in a un safe manner, or how to make a two dollar nucler boom. There is no way around this problim. This is what we're working now. Thoes who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. We,re hopping that this time around it will be deferent. We will have our cake and eat it to.We need to talk about these things before it makes it way to the streets. It's all ready on the streets. How do you think I found out about it?
Physics news on
  • #2
Hi Lurry, are you sure, you took the right way (forum)?
  • #3
Either you are the biggest idiot this side of the solar system or that :wink: shows your kidding and just making fun of all the other nuts that post their "one-of-a-kind" failures of a theory.
  • #4
What is this?! What is the point of a Theory Development section if no one allows in their philosophy for the possibility of there being better theories out there than the ones we have accepted? Granted, statistically the chances are slim that any theory posted here is any more than complete BS, but one most allow for that possibility, someone with an amazing theory has to express their ideas somewhere, and that could be here! It only takes one sneer from one fool to destroy the confidence of someone who may have a wonderful new theory.
I have to admit that the thread starter made no sense to me and if he's found the two dollar way to make free energy, I want to hear about it, so it can be tested (and unfortunatly probably be proved wrong.)
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  • #5
You did read through it right? It makes less sense than a Japanese dish soap commercial. Physics-wise and structure-wise.
  • #6
Yes, I know, but what if he's just learning to type (never had a computer before), and so he truncates his sentences so you can just barely get the gist of it, to save time? If he comes back to read this thread, I'd like him to rewrite it as clearly as possible, so that we can seriously consider and remark on the possible validity of his arguements, theories, etc.
  • #7
If you believe him than your a nut too. Regardless of whether he types it up all pretty and nice, it's still mindless dribble.

"They don't tell you about it. They don't teach it in school. I have a copy of this theory.In order to prove this theory, you would have to form a worm hole. Worm holes have the ability to curve space. Curved space can make objects that are made of atoms, produce a force. You have to have a device that can form a worm hole. How do you make such a device? Simple. The same way that every body else makes theirs.Copy-cat other peoples work? Isn't that a lot like cheating? Sure. How does this work? Work,s great. Worked for me. That's how I did it. There is a long and rich history of the many people that have made such devices. I study the history of the people that made and used such devices."

Suuuuuuuure...because it's so easy to create wormholes.

"Can I prove this? Yes. A worm hole can curve space and time to the point that atoms are riped apart. this relesses the energy of the atom. photon electron and radion particles. A nucler reaction. There is only two way and only two ways in which we find nature forming nucler reaction .One is like the Sun. The other is Black holes like thoes found in the center of galixes. If you make a boom in the same way that the sun does, by heating the radioactive fuel up to the point that that the atoms are being riped apart. there is a nucler reaction. There is also so radioactive fall out. If you rip atoms apsrt by way of curvitues of space . there is no radioactive fall out."

Totally wrong. It's called 'fusion' for a reason. Atoms fuse to create heaver elements and neutrons and release energy in the process. Nothing magical about this process. The areas around event horizons of black holes are also regions of fusion because of proper conditions of heat and pressure. Again, nothing special.

"If we can do all of this then why don't they tell every body. The way that the Egyption did is simple enought that a ten year old could make. cost less than two dollars to make. One cup of tap water placed in side of this device could blow a hole in the side of the Earth as big as Kanses."

Again...what the hell? Now he's just making stupid **** up. Please keep an open mind, but not so open that a MAC truck can drive through. Then your just gullible. It's just a little thing called common sense.
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  • #8
I think you've misunderstood, I do not claim to believe, or even understand, what he's saying. My point is that if I don't understand, no matter how stupid what I did understand sounds, I don't have the right to call him an idiot (well, technically I have the right, but I don't think I should.) All I want to know is: What did the Egyptians supposedly make? and how does one make this two dollar worm hole/free energy thing? I don't care what it is, as long as it falls in my range of reasonably interesting experiments, I'll try it, since I have lots of time and two dollars to spend.
  • #9
Gotcha...sorry for the misunderstanding...friends?

In other looks as if he's not going to post a followup though.
  • #10
Yep ; Yeah, too bad, I'll try and PM him, if he allows it and still comes around to read it. Ramanujan_12 (I think that's his name) said something possibly interesting about scalar electromagnetics, but I can't contact him, he hasn't posted in a while and he doesn't allow PM to be sent to him. The people with the new, weird, etc. theroies need to open up a little. Oh well, I'll just have to stick with my underdeveloped weird theories.

EDIT: He does allow PM's, and I sent him one, so I hope he comes back!
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  • #11
let's just accept for a moment that you are talking about the truth as you see it. Sure your writings are a little scambled. It strikes me that you are under an awfull lot of pressure because of the knowledge that you have.

The point I am going to make and as you have so aptly put is that some times knowledge is a very powerful force in itself. Oops that makes 5 forces or was it 6 forces now.

If some one did find the answers to all these profound physics questions then of course this knowledge has the potential to be quite tragic.

If you learn how to create mass you also learn how to destroy it.

If you learn how to time travel safely you also learn how to do it unsafely and destroy the present.

So what you are saying really is just this that the knowledge is already found and that the people who have the knowledge are now faced with an enormous problem.

I have found that in nearly all cases the solution to a problem can become a problem in it self.

Find a solution to the worlds energy problems and you also find a way to destroy reality...Very simple hey?
  • #12
Originally posted by Anton A. Ermolenko
Hi Lurry, are you sure, you took the right way (forum)?
Hi Anton,
It is your constant question in everyone topic. I think, it is necessary to set this one not at the authors of posts, but at the team of PF. This question can be formulated so:
As far as copyrights are protected at a forum?
If topic at a forum is equated publications in scientific magazine then everything is all right. If any guarantees is not given, then it is a piracy way of extraction of a new ideas.
What answer of PF’s team?
  • #13
Originally posted by Michael F. Dmitriyev
Hi Anton
Íó çäðàâñòâóéòå, Ìèõàèë, êîëè íå øóòèòå. Ïèøó Âàì ïî-ðóññêè, ïîòîìó, ÷òî Âû çàâåëè çäåñü îôôòîïèê.
Originally posted by Michael F. Dmitriyev
It is your constant question in everyone topic.
Íàïðèìåð, ãäå åù¸? Èëè ýòî óòâåðæäåíèå, òàê, "îò áàëäû"? Íå ëó÷øèé ñïîñîá ïîçíàêîìèòüñÿ çíàåòå ëè... Íà âñÿêèé ñëó÷àé Âàì ïîÿñíþ (ó äðóãèõ ïîêà âîïðîñîâ íå âîçíèêàëî), ÷òî ÿ íå õîòåë íàçûâàòü àâòîðà ýòîãî òîïèêà èäèîòîì (ïðàâäà åãî èì íàçâàëè ñðàçó æå ïîñëå ìîåãî âîïðîñà), íî õîòåë óêàçàòü, ÷òî òåìà òîïèêà êàê ìèíèìóì íå âïèñûâàåòñÿ â ðàìêè ôîðìàòà... îïÿòü æå, ëèøü çàòåì, ÷òîáû íå íàçâàòü èäèîòîì... êàþñü, ýòî æåëàíèå ïåðìàíåòíî ïî îòíîøåíèþ ê àâòîðó ýòîãî òîïèêà. Íàäî æ áûëî òàêîå íàïèñàòü...
  • #14
English next time?
  • #15
when i stated worlds energy problems I was referring to perpetual energy...or somethng along those lines
  • #16
Was that post in reference to mine? Because mine was in reference to Anton not speaking in English, (or was that only on my computer?) not yours(Scott).
  • #17
Originally posted by Jonathan
English next time?
Of course, but, eventually, that was post in reference to Michael F. Dmitriyev, as the answer to his one.
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  • #18
history doesn't repit because souls evolution
  • #19
Hell i can't post like my new name sea_wizard I don't like raaaid any more

i was just wondering where did einstein got the gravity theory from

i don't give a damn about any other parallel time my self i know that I am certainly living my biological time, that i will be leaving many more lifes and that if I am a good boy ill go to heaven
  • #20
how many people do you think that are into such secrets and for how long,and in how many dimensions,

my self ill try not to waste a second thinking about it

i don't want such responsabilities

i don't know in the end i guess that the faith is a gift

FAQ: There is no such thing as free energy

1. What is free energy?

Free energy is a term used to describe the hypothetical concept of a source of energy that is unlimited and does not require any input or resources to produce. It is often associated with the idea of perpetual motion machines or devices that can provide limitless energy without any cost.

2. Is free energy possible?

As of now, there is no scientific evidence or theory that supports the existence of free energy. The laws of thermodynamics, which are well-established principles in physics, state that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that free energy is possible.

3. What are some examples of free energy devices?

There are many claims of free energy devices, such as magnetic motors, zero-point energy devices, and water-powered engines. However, these claims have not been scientifically proven and are often based on flawed or incomplete theories.

4. Why do some people believe in free energy?

People may believe in free energy because it seems like an attractive and convenient solution to the world's energy problems. However, most of these beliefs are based on pseudoscience and a lack of understanding of the laws of thermodynamics.

5. How can I tell if a device claiming to produce free energy is legitimate?

The best way to determine the legitimacy of a free energy device is to look for scientific evidence and peer-reviewed studies that support its claims. If there is no evidence or the device goes against well-established scientific principles, it is likely a scam or a flawed concept.

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