Why Use a Trigonometric Substitution for a Free-Fall Problem?

In summary, the problem involves a body free-falling towards the earth while accounting for the variation in gravitational force with height and neglecting air resistance. The initial conditions are summarized by the total energy E. The solution involves using the conservation of energy and solving an integral, with a trigonometric substitution being used to solve the case when E is negative. Further clarification and practice may help in understanding the substitution better.
  • #1
Problem background:
  • Body free-falling towards the earth.
  • Account for variation in gravitational force with height.
  • Neglect air resistance.
  • Initial conditions summarized by total energy E.

I'm having trouble understanding part of my textbook's solution to this problem, so I will paraphrase said solution up until I have trouble. My comments are in bold.

Beginning with


it can be shown that


By application of conservation of energy, we determine


In order to find x(t), we must evaluate


I can easily follow the math up to this point, but the next step in the textbook solution throws me off.

To solve the case when E is negative, substitute


and we arrive at

[tex]\frac{mMG}{\left(-E\right)^\frac{3}{2}}\int^\theta_{\theta_0}2\cos^2\theta d\theta=\sqrt{\frac{2}{m}}t[/tex].​

If I assume this substitution to be valid, I can easily follow the rest of the textbook to the solution. However, where does this seemingly random substitution come from? And can anyone show how it is mathematically applied to the integral? I don't feel right blindly accepting the trig substitution and would appreciate clarification.

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  • #2
Because you say E is negative ==> -E > 0.

Lets consider:

\sqrt{E + \frac{mMG}{x}} = \sqrt{(-E)(-1 + \frac{mMG}{-Ex}

From this point, you should imagine that you need substitution to solve this integral. Usually, the best way to solve du/(1-u^2) is using trigonometry. You can try to put cos/sin(u) = sqrt(mMG\-Ex) and then using a substitution from your textbook you will find that which way is more better.

The more practice you do with this type of integral, the more sense you have when you find a best way, that's my exp.

FAQ: Why Use a Trigonometric Substitution for a Free-Fall Problem?

1. What is Free-Fall with Variational Gravity?

Free-Fall with Variational Gravity is a theory in physics that describes the motion of objects under the influence of gravity. It takes into account variations in the gravitational field and the effects of curvature of space-time.

2. How is Free-Fall with Variational Gravity different from Newtonian gravity?

Newtonian gravity assumes a constant gravitational field and does not account for the curvature of space-time. Free-Fall with Variational Gravity takes into account these factors and provides a more accurate description of the motion of objects.

3. What is the significance of Variational Gravity in understanding the universe?

Variational Gravity is a key component of Einstein's theory of general relativity, which is one of the most fundamental theories in understanding the universe. It allows us to make accurate predictions about the motion of celestial bodies and the behavior of space-time.

4. Can Free-Fall with Variational Gravity be tested experimentally?

Yes, Free-Fall with Variational Gravity has been tested and verified through various experiments, such as the bending of light by massive objects and the precession of Mercury's orbit. It is also used in the navigation of spacecraft and satellites.

5. Are there any limitations to Free-Fall with Variational Gravity?

While Free-Fall with Variational Gravity provides a more accurate description of gravity than Newtonian gravity, it is still not a complete theory. It does not incorporate quantum mechanics and does not explain phenomena such as dark matter and dark energy.
