Free particle propagator - Shankar POQM Eqn. 5.1.10, p. 153

In summary, The discussion is about Shankar's evaluation of the propagator for a free particle in Equation 5.1.10 and the integral that precedes it. The integrand is not a traditional Gaussian and instead is in the form of a purely imaginary number. Completing the square explains the factor in Eqn 5.5.10 and the remaining integral is a purely oscillatory function. The solution involves using the Fresnel integrals.
  • #1
Can someone help with what must be a simple math issue that I'm stuck on. Shankar ("Principles of Quantum Mechanics" p. 153) evaluates the propagator for a free particle in Equation 5.1.10. A scan of the chapter is available here:

The integral which precedes Eqn. 5.1.10 is not a traditional Gaussian of the form exp(-a(x+b)^2)
with Re(a)>0. Instead the integrand (after completing the square) is of the above form, but with Re(a)=0, i.e., a is a purely imaginary number. Therefore, the familiar closed form expression (which Shankar references in Appendix A.2) does not apply. The integrand oscillates and is not absolutely integrable; it may be integrable and expressible in elementary terms as shown in Eqn. 5.1.10, but that does not seem to follow from the traditional Gaussian integral of exp{-a(x+b)^2} with Re(a)>0.

To be more precise, completing the square explains the factor exp{ im(x - x')^2 / 2ћt } in Eqn 5.5.10. What remains is simply to evaluate (after a few changes of variable) the integral of exp(-iq^2)dq, a purely oscillatory function.
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  • #2
Aha, OK I got it. Just need to make some variable changes, *but* eventually use the Fresnel integrals ##\int_0^∞ \text{cos}(x^2)dx = \int_0^∞ \text{sin}(x^2)dx = \sqrt{\pi/8}##. I think Shankar took a big liberty here.

FAQ: Free particle propagator - Shankar POQM Eqn. 5.1.10, p. 153

1. What is the Free Particle Propagator?

The Free Particle Propagator is a mathematical expression used in quantum mechanics to describe the probability amplitude of a free particle moving from one point to another in space and time.

2. What is Shankar POQM Eqn. 5.1.10, p. 153?

Shankar POQM Eqn. 5.1.10 is a specific equation from the book "Principles of Quantum Mechanics" by R. Shankar, which describes the Free Particle Propagator.

3. How is the Free Particle Propagator calculated?

The Free Particle Propagator is calculated using the Feynman path integral, which sums over all possible paths a particle can take between two points in space and time, taking into account the particle's momentum and energy.

4. What is the significance of the Free Particle Propagator in quantum mechanics?

The Free Particle Propagator is an essential tool in quantum mechanics as it allows us to calculate the probability of a free particle's position and momentum at any given point in space and time.

5. How is the Free Particle Propagator related to the wavefunction?

The Free Particle Propagator is related to the wavefunction through the Fourier transform. The wavefunction is the spatial representation of the particle's probability amplitude, while the Free Particle Propagator is the representation in terms of momentum and energy.
