Exploring Residues: A Key to Understanding the Frequency of Prime Numbers

In summary: actually, the odds of any number in one of the other forms being prime are about 1 in 10 million, so it's not totally impossible.
  • #1
Is there a rule governing the frequency of prime numbers?

Also, I've heard that all primes greater than 3 are of the form 6k+1 or 6k-1. I'm assuming that this is because 6 is the lcm of 2 and 3 (the two primes lesser than 3), and the +1,-1 is because if the number was in a range greater than 1 around the 6k number, it should be a multiple of 2 (even number).

Can you extend this for any primes greater than any given prime (say 5 instead of 3 for example) ?
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  • #2
Any prime larger than 3 cannot be divisible by 3 and 2. 6k+ 2= 2(3k+1) is divisible by 2. 6k+ 3= 3(2k+1) is divisible by 3. 6k+ 4= 2(3k+ 2) is divisible by 2. 6k+ 5= 6k+ 6- 1= 6(k+1)- 1. Those are the only possiblities.

No, you cannot do that with, say, 5. 2(3)(5)= 30 but 30k+ 7 may be a prime for example (if k= 1, 30k+7= 37 is prime).
  • #3
chaoseverlasting said:
Is there a rule governing the frequency of prime numbers?

Yes, the Prime Number Theorem.
  • #4
HallsofIvy said:
No, you cannot do that with, say, 5. 2(3)(5)= 30 but 30k+ 7 may be a prime for example (if k= 1, 30k+7= 37 is prime).

But why can't you extend this property? If I understand this correctly this is analogous to Eratosthenes sieve where in you remove multiples of primes. In this case, you're removing multiples of 2,3 and you're searching for a prime near the target number. Shouldn't there be an lcm of the first n primes for which this property is true? Also, is there a formal reason why the 2.3.5 example doesn't work?
  • #5
For 2*3*5, you would have primes greater than 5 in the form 30k±1, 30k±7, 30k±11, 30k±13
  • #6
chaoseverlasting said:
But why can't you extend this property? If I understand this correctly this is analogous to Eratosthenes sieve where in you remove multiples of primes. In this case, you're removing multiples of 2,3 and you're searching for a prime near the target number. Shouldn't there be an lcm of the first n primes for which this property is true? Also, is there a formal reason why the 2.3.5 example doesn't work?

Because the prime 5 divides 2 * 3 * 5, and 5 > 3.

You can always find a fixed group of valid residues mod a number N, but you won't generally be able to express the residues as kN +- 1. (This gives just two residues, and 3 - 1 = 2.)
  • #7
vr88 said:
For 2*3*5, you would have primes greater than 5 in the form 30k±1, 30k±7, 30k±11, 30k±13

I think I see the connection. For the 6k±1 analogy, the only 'prime' less than 2 is one (I know 1 is not prime, but idk what else to call it atm), but to extend it to a higher degree (2*3*5) you would have to add and subtract all primes less than the lcm.

Going by that logic, if you take just 3,5 the primes should be of the form 15k±2, 15k±7, 15k±11, 15k±13 (you can't take 3,5 because they're included in 15).

CRGreathouse said:
Because the prime 5 divides 2 * 3 * 5, and 5 > 3.

You can always find a fixed group of valid residues mod a number N, but you won't generally be able to express the residues as kN +- 1. (This gives just two residues, and 3 - 1 = 2.)

I don't quite follow you. What do you mean by residues?
  • #8
You kids are so smart, and WAY above me. But I find the prime number question so fascinating. I believe that when we see more about this set we will also then understand something more profound about the nature of the universe, and will think..."duh"..."it was so obvious, why didn't we see it". Any thoughts, especially how the set relates to chaos theory ? Behave.
  • #9
As I see it, 'coprimes' is the magic word. The (positive) integers less than 6 than are coprime to 6 are precisely 1 and 5, giving rise to your two possible forms of a prime: 6k+1 and 6k+5. In the case of 2*3*5 = 30, its coprimes are 1,7,11,13, and 17,19,23,29.

(Note that they always come in two 'symmetrical' halves: if a is coprime to n then n-a is also coprime to n.)

Of course, there is no guarantee that numbers of the form 6k+1 or 6k+5 will be primes: for example, 25 is 6*4+1 and it's not prime. But what you know is that numbers in any of the other forms don't stand a chance of being primes. For example, 6k+4 can't be a prime because the common factor 2 can be taken out, rewriting it as 2(3k+2), so it is composite. That's why you look for numbers with no common factors, namely coprimes.

P.S. Edit: "don't stand a chance"... I was being dramatic. :) Obviously 6k+2 and 6k+3 can be primes when k=0. The rule needs a kickstart: you begin after 2 and 3, the primes you used to build the 6.
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  • #10
there is a very simple way to see why primes larger than 2 and 3 are of the form 6k+1 and 6k-1. Draw a hexagon and start numbering from 1 to N ( whatever N is ) along the edges in concentric circles. You will then see that all the primes ( p> 2, 3 ) fall along the 6k+/-1.

there are many interesting properties that this diagram will show if you spend some time studying it.
  • #11
chaoseverlasting said:
I think I see the connection. For the 6k±1 analogy, the only 'prime' less than 2 is one (I know 1 is not prime, but idk what else to call it atm), but to extend it to a higher degree (2*3*5) you would have to add and subtract all primes less than the lcm.

Going by that logic, if you take just 3,5 the primes should be of the form 15k±2, 15k±7, 15k±11, 15k±13 (you can't take 3,5 because they're included in 15).

I don't quite follow you. What do you mean by residues?
Think of residues as the remainder 0 <= R < N after repeated subtraction of a fixed number (N, in your case 15). Another way to say it is if B = A mod N, where B and A are both positive integers, then the residue of B will be the same as the residue of A after repeated subtraction by N. The residues do not have to be prime, e.g. 15n + 8 can be prime not because 8 is prime but because 8 is coprime to 15 (does not divide 15).

FAQ: Exploring Residues: A Key to Understanding the Frequency of Prime Numbers

What is the definition of prime numbers?

Prime numbers are natural numbers greater than 1 that are only divisible by 1 and itself. In other words, they have no other factors besides 1 and itself.

What is the significance of the frequency of prime numbers?

The frequency of prime numbers has been a subject of interest for mathematicians and scientists for centuries. It has practical applications in cryptography, number theory, and other fields of mathematics.

How many prime numbers are there?

There is an infinite number of prime numbers. However, the exact number of prime numbers is unknown and has been a subject of ongoing research. The largest known prime number as of 2021 has over 24 million digits.

What is the distribution of prime numbers?

Prime numbers are not evenly distributed among natural numbers. As numbers get larger, the gaps between prime numbers become larger as well. This is known as the "prime number gap" or "prime gap phenomenon."

What is the current state of research on the frequency of prime numbers?

The frequency of prime numbers is still an active area of research, with many unsolved problems and ongoing efforts to discover new patterns and properties of prime numbers. Various approaches and techniques, such as the Riemann Hypothesis and the Sieve of Eratosthenes, have been developed to study the frequency of prime numbers.
