Proving Existence of Supremum on Compact Metric Space: A Conundrum?

In summary, the conversation discusses the problem of proving that there is always an x ∈ X such that f(x) equals the supremum of the range of f, or providing a counter example. It is mentioned that X is compact and f:X→ℝ, with the usual metric, and that {x: f(x)>a} is open for every a ∈ ℝ. The first two parts of the problem have already been successfully proven, but the last part is proving to be more difficult. The conversation then discusses different approaches and examples, ultimately leading to the realization that X=[0,1] and any function f that is discontinuous can serve as a counter example.
  • #1
Suppose X is compact and that f:X→ℝ, with the usual metric. In addition suppose that {x: f(x)>a} is open for every a ∈ ℝ. I need to show that there is always an x ∈ X such that f(x) equals the supremum of the range of f, or I need to provide a counter example.

For what it's worth we also know that f is bounded below and that there exists a y ∈ X such that f(y) equals the infimum of the range of f. ( these were the first two parts of the problem which I have already successfully proven ).

I literally can't think of any kind of compact metric space which satisfies these requirements, it must be pretty far out there. My approach to the first two parts was by contradiction: assuming the negation of the consequent and then finding an open cover which had no finite sub-cover, hence showing X wasn't compact. But this doesn't seem to work for this last part, and I can't find a good approach to it. Thanks.
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  • #2
The metric space X doesn't have to be at all unusual. Just pick X=[0,1]. Now try and think of a function f where supremum is not achieved on X, but still satisfies your f(x)>a condition. It's really not hard. f doesn't even have to be exotic. It just has to be discontinuous.
  • #3
I don't see how this can possibly be the case. The function f is bounded below, thus we can just pick any a ∈ ℝ below the infimum and we will end up with the set [0,1], which is clearly not open. Remember the set {x: f(x)>a} is a set in X, not in the range.
  • #4
Poopsilon said:
I don't see how this can possibly be the case. The function f is bounded below, thus we can just pick any a ∈ ℝ below the infimum and we will end up with the set [0,1], which is clearly not open. Remember the set {x: f(x)>a} is a set in X, not in the range.

X=[0,1]. It's the whole space X. X is an open subset of X. It's not an open subset of R, but that's not the point. Remember?
  • #5
Ohhhh ya, you're right, cool thanks.

FAQ: Proving Existence of Supremum on Compact Metric Space: A Conundrum?

1. What is a compact set?

A compact set is a subset of a metric space that is closed and bounded. In simpler terms, it is a set that contains all of its limit points and is not infinitely large.

2. How does a function on a compact set differ from a regular function?

A function on a compact set is a mapping from a compact set to a metric space. This means that the input of the function is a set, rather than just a single value. It also means that the output of the function can be a set of values, rather than just a single value.

3. What is the importance of studying functions on compact sets?

Functions on compact sets have many applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. They allow us to analyze and understand complex systems and phenomena in a more rigorous and efficient manner. They also provide a powerful tool for solving optimization problems.

4. How is continuity defined for a function on a compact set?

Continuity for a function on a compact set is defined the same way as for a regular function. It means that small changes in the input of the function result in small changes in the output. In other words, if we move a point slightly in the input set, the corresponding output values will also change slightly.

5. Can a function on a compact set have discontinuities?

Yes, a function on a compact set can have discontinuities. However, these discontinuities must be of a special type called "removable discontinuities". This means that they can be "removed" or "filled in" without changing the overall behavior of the function. In other words, the function can still be made continuous by making a small change to the function at the point of discontinuity.

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