Why are the fundamental postulates of special relativity controversial?

In summary, the two postulates of special relativity are that space and time are represented by a mathematical construct called Minkowski space, and that the speed of light is the same in all directions. These postulates allow the laws of physics to be the same for all observers, regardless of their motion.
  • #1
could someone be kind enough to explain to me why the fundamental postulates of special relativity introduced

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  • #2
I'm not sure if you're asking what the postulates of special relativity are, or why they are what they are.

In one formulation there's only one postulate:

Space and time are represented by Minkowski space.

That's really all you need, but you would have to know differential geometry to understand why. (Minkowski space has a non-trivial group of isometries...yada yada yada :smile:).

However, special relativity is usually taught to people who don't know differential geometry, so classes and books about the subject tend to focus on the physics instead of the mathematics. In this formulation, two postulates are used. You can find them here.

There are two reasons why Einstein could be certain that the postulate about the speed of light was correct:

1. It was confirmed by an experiment in 1905.
2. It was a mathematical consequence of Maxwell's equations.
  • #3
One could view SR in this way:
All of the laws of physics are the same for every inertial observer.
(The Principle of Relativity applied to all---not just the mechanical--laws of physics.)

One of the laws is that the speed of light [in vacuum] is always the same, i.e., the value predicted by, for example, Maxwell's Equations.
  • #4
Fredrik said:
I'm not sure if you're asking what the postulates of special relativity are, or why they are what they are.
firstly thanks for the replies, but to clarify: i already know what they are, just curious as to why they are what they are
  • #5
vladimir69 said:
firstly thanks for the replies, but to clarify: i already know what they are, just curious as to why they are what they are
Good question. No one knows why the fundamental constants are why they are what they appear to be. At some time, even the axioms break down.
  • #6
Postulates are statements allowing a mathematical argument or physical theory to be developped. Rules of a boardgame or sport can also be seen as postulates. All physical theories have postulates, whether they be from experimental observation (Maxwell's equation) or non-obvious "guesses" (Shrodinger's equation).

The equations of SR would be useless without anyone agreeing to the postulates. Adding these two statements to much of the physics that is classically known (consevation laws etc.) allows SR to be developped. None of SR would be any good if the laws of physics were different depending on where you stand or if c wasn't a constant. The first is agreed upon by most people who are sane, and the second can be seen as a guess that works (because the resulting equations are verified experimentally).
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  • #7
vladimir69 said:
firstly thanks for the replies, but to clarify: i already know what they are, just curious as to why they are what they are

Here's another way to look at it. Einstein developed the Special Theory of Relativity to deal with certain contradictions in standard Newtonian physics that become apparent at high velocities, and these postulates were what were needed to eliminate those contradictions.
  • #8
The first postulate that says the laws of physics are the same in all non-accelerating frames would seem to be logical in view if some underlying principle (that exists but is not yet revealed) The second postulate re the constancy of the measured velocity of light in uniformly moving reference systems is counterintutive and this leads to many investigations and alternative theories. In order to explain the MMx null results, Einstien could have simply asserted the round trip velocity of light is always measured to have the same value - but he went further - and postulated that the one-way velocity of light is also isotropic. Almost all validations of SR are based upon over and back measurements - so until there is a free space experiment establishing the veracity of the one way velocity, there will continue to be questioners. as there should be.
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FAQ: Why are the fundamental postulates of special relativity controversial?

What are the fundamental postulates of Special Relativity?

The fundamental postulates of Special Relativity are:

  • The laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frames.
  • The speed of light in a vacuum is constant and independent of the observer's frame of reference.

Why is it important to have these postulates in Special Relativity?

These postulates are important because they form the basis of Special Relativity and explain the behavior of objects moving at high speeds. They also allow us to make accurate predictions about the behavior of objects in different reference frames.

Do these postulates contradict Newton's laws of motion?

No, these postulates do not contradict Newton's laws of motion. Newton's laws are still valid for objects moving at speeds much slower than the speed of light.

How do these postulates affect our understanding of time and space?

These postulates show that time and space are not absolute and can change depending on the observer's frame of reference. This is known as the theory of relativity.

Can these postulates be applied to everyday life?

Yes, these postulates can be applied to everyday life, especially in fields such as GPS technology, which relies on the principles of Special Relativity to make accurate calculations for location and time. Additionally, these postulates have led to advancements in technology, such as particle accelerators, that help us better understand the behavior of matter at high speeds.
