Gauge and Lorentz invariance for Lagrangians

  • #1
Consider the following Lagrangian:

##YHLN_{1}^{c} + Y^{c}H^{\dagger}L^{c}N_{1} + \text {h.c.},##

where ##L=(N_{0}, E')## and ##L^{c} = (E^{'c}, N_{0}^{c})## are a pair of ##SU (2)## doublets and ##N_{1}## and ##N_{1}^{c}## are a pair of neutral Majorana fermions.


1. In the first term, ##H## and ##L## are column vectors. How do you multiply two column vectors in the first term of the Lagrangian?

2. Are ##L## and ##L^{c}## ##4##-component spinors? Are ##N_{1}## and ##N_{1}^{c}## also ##4##-component spinors? How do the components of the vectors and spinors in the first term multiply?
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  • #2
spaghetti3451 said:
Consider the following Lagrangian:

##YHLN_{1}^{c} + Y^{c}H^{\dagger}L^{c}N_{1} + \text {h.c.},##

where ##L=(N_{0}, E')## and ##L^{c} = (E^{'c}, N_{0}^{c})## are a pair of ##SU (2)## doublets and ##N_{1}## and ##N_{1}^{c}## are a pair of neutral Majorana fermions.


1. In the first term, ##H## and ##L## are column vectors. How do you multiply two column vectors in the first term of the Lagrangian?

2. Are ##L## and ##L^{c}## ##4##-component spinors? Are ##N_{1}## and ##N_{1}^{c}## also ##4##-component spinors? How do the components of the vectors and spinors in the first term multiply?
Can you give a reference for this expression? Is it a supersymmetric system? I am not sure what you mean by "H and L are column vectors", it could mean SU(2) doublets or it could mean spinors. In either case, there is something that is not working so the original reference would be helpful.

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