Gene expression for bigger limbs

In summary, the conversation discusses the development of a human fetus and the identification of its species. The basis for the question is clarified and DNA testing is suggested as a method for determining the species. The conversation also touches on the expression of genes and the difficulty in differentiating species based on embryo appearance.
  • #1
Silicon Waffle
Take for example a fetus of 2 weeks old and a baby of 2 years old. The fetus doesn't show any limbs, skull. How do I know that is a human fetus ? :nb)
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  • #2
By the time an embryo forms into a foetus the head, arms and legs are all present (in healthy cases). What is the basis for your question?
  • #3
Oh ?:) so sorry for my incorrect developmental stage, I should have meant the embryo

The baby will not have any legs after 2 weeks (14 days). How could you identify whether it's either a human or some animal embryo given that you are not allowed to wait till it becomes bigger ?
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  • #4
DNA testing would reveal what species it is. I have to ask though under what circumstances do you envision being given a random embryo and asked to identify the species?
  • #5
Ryan_m_b said:
DNA testing would reveal what species it is. I have to ask though under what circumstances do you envision being given a random embryo and asked to identify the species?
Thanks Ryan_M_B.
I am learning how to identify species in each developmental stage. I don't know what genes expressed to grow a limb in the embryo and because a tiny embryo still doesn't have all genes like an adult does, DNA barcoding so may not work. I don't know if that is true.
  • #6
From the moment an egg is fertilised it has all the genes it is ever going to have. Adults, babies, foetuses and embryos all have the same genes. The difference is in the expression of those genes, both in time and space. Simply put when a gene is expressed it is "on", when it is not expressed it is "off". A nerve cell has the same genes as a muscle cell but they express different genes making them different phenotypically. Good luck with your attempt, I'm not sure how easy it is to differentiate species by looking at their foetuses, especially in the early stages.
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FAQ: Gene expression for bigger limbs

What is gene expression?

Gene expression is the process by which information from a gene is used to create a functional gene product, such as a protein. It involves the transcription of DNA into RNA, which is then translated into a specific protein.

How does gene expression affect limb size?

Gene expression plays a crucial role in determining the size and shape of limbs. Certain genes are responsible for controlling the growth of limbs and their development. Changes in the expression of these genes can lead to variations in limb size and shape.

What factors influence gene expression for bigger limbs?

Several factors can influence gene expression for bigger limbs, including genetics, environmental factors, and epigenetics. Genetic variations, such as mutations or polymorphisms, can affect the expression of genes involved in limb development. Environmental factors, such as diet and exercise, can also impact gene expression. Epigenetic changes, which alter how genes are expressed without changing the underlying DNA sequence, can also play a role in limb size.

How is gene expression for bigger limbs studied?

Scientists study gene expression for bigger limbs using a variety of techniques, including gene expression analysis, genetic engineering, and animal models. Gene expression analysis involves measuring the levels of gene expression in different tissues or under different conditions. Genetic engineering allows scientists to manipulate gene expression and study its effects. Animal models, such as mice or zebrafish, are often used to study gene expression in the context of limb development.

Can gene expression for bigger limbs be manipulated?

Yes, gene expression for bigger limbs can be manipulated through various methods, including gene therapy, gene editing, and drug treatments. These techniques aim to either increase or decrease the expression of specific genes involved in limb development, ultimately leading to changes in limb size and shape. However, more research is needed to fully understand the complexities of gene expression and its impact on limb size before these methods can be used in a safe and effective manner.

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