Is There a Universal Point Where All Moments in Time Exist Simultaneously?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of time and whether there will always be a point of reference in the universe where all beings will exist simultaneously. It is concluded that time moves forward and the past and future are not interchangeable, although there may be distortions in our understanding of time. The speaker also acknowledges that they are not an expert in this topic.
  • #1
Ok so my next question has 2 parts, but i won't go into the philosophical part here. But i was reading about a letter Albert Einstein wrote to a person regarding the death of a friend. As i tried to understand his meaning behind it, i started thinking. From what i am told time is affected by speed, mass and distance (i.e. a small slow movement here would have a massive change in time billions of lightyears away from here). Would it be safe to assume that there is and always will be a point of reference in this univerese where we will all be alive, dead, and yet to be born here on earth? I hope that came out right, as i am having a bit of trouble putting my thoughts to words. Again, i have no knowledge in any of this material, only genuine questions. Please excuse my ignorace.
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  • #2
I'm not quite sure what you mean, but if, for example, a person near the star Alpha Centuari had a really big telescope, right now they could be watching the events of 2003 unfolding on Earth. But that's simply because light travels at a finite speed - it doesn't have anything to do with time dilation.
  • #3
russ_watters said:
I'm not quite sure what you mean, but if, for example, a person near the star Alpha Centuari had a really big telescope, right now they could be watching the events of 2003 unfolding on Earth. But that's simply because light travels at a finite speed - it doesn't have anything to do with time dilation.

According to Einstein this time frame is not in the past, not in the future, but it is infact "elsewhere".
  • #4
What I am getting at is that any particular moment has some perminence in the universe in the way that there will always be a point of reference in the universe where right now will always be right now... if that makes any sense.. i an starting to think that time does not exist, only different points of reference. i know this is more than likely way off, so if someone would be so kind to explain why (if they can follow my laymens logic) i would appericate it, thanks.
  • #5
Re your question

Would it be safe to assume that there is and always will be a point of reference in this univerese where we will all be alive, dead, and yet to be born here on earth?

No it would not - time proceeds forward. The point of reference you search for is here and now. The past is gone (in terms of time) and the future is to come. There are many distortions of expected reality in cosmology but your proposal is not one.

This is only my current working theory - I am no expert

Ed Joyce

FAQ: Is There a Universal Point Where All Moments in Time Exist Simultaneously?

1. What is time?

Time is a concept used to measure and compare the duration of events or the intervals between them. It is often described as the fourth dimension, along with length, width, and height, and is an important aspect of our daily lives.

2. Is time a physical or a human-made construct?

This is still a subject of debate among scientists. Some argue that time is a fundamental property of the universe, while others believe it is a human invention to make sense of our surroundings. The concept of time is deeply intertwined with the laws of physics and is a complex topic that is still being studied.

3. Can time be manipulated or controlled?

While some science fiction stories may suggest time travel or time manipulation is possible, there is currently no scientific evidence to support this claim. Time is a constant and unidirectional flow, and we are unable to change it or control it in any way.

4. How do we measure time?

The most commonly used unit of time is the second, which is defined as the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom. Other units of time include minutes, hours, days, and years, which are based on the Earth's rotation and orbit around the sun.

5. Does time exist in other dimensions or universes?

This is a topic that is still being explored and debated by scientists. Some theories suggest that time may behave differently in other dimensions or universes, but there is currently no concrete evidence to support this idea.

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