Ghost sightings correlated to EM fields

  • Thread starter Dissident Dan
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    Em Fields
In summary, British psychologists have found a correlation between ghost sightings and EM field variation. They believe that the ghosts are causing the EM field variation, not the other way around.
  • #1
Dissident Dan
"Ghost" sightings correlated to EM fields

Ghostly magnetism explained

By Arran Frood

British psychologists have published research findings which they believe go some way towards explaining why people think they see or feel ghosts.

Hampton Court: A link between haunted rooms and field variation
The study - in which hundreds of volunteers were taken around two allegedly haunted locations - found that people reported having more unusual experiences in the specific places at each location which are considered most haunted.
Physics news on
  • #2
I'm not buying it...the fields seem too weak to have an effect. However, the part about suggestability makes sense.
  • #3
From quite some time ago, perhaps 5 or more years, I have seen "ghost hunters" who did use things such as infrared, heatseeking cameras, and tools which detected all sorts of events.

Indeed they had long since found their were some sort of occurences.

However, because the groups doing this made the assumptions that the ghosts caused the changes, rather than the changes caused the "ghosts" I never put a cent into it.

In other words, they committed the common error of "correlation without causation"
  • #4
Originally posted by Zero
I'm not buying it...the fields seem too weak to have an effect. However, the part about suggestability makes sense.

Hey Zero,
Did you miss this...? What do you think?

It is written with Schumann Resonance in mind but still seems applicable here.
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  • #5
There was a Horizon documentary on this. They call it Neurotheology. Apparently, certain aligned em field can case different sensations in the brain. This sort of makes sense, as the brain primary works by electrical impulses. In the program, they tried to get Richard Dawkins a spiritual experience with such a system. As expected, he was unusually immune. :smile:
  • #6
[crackpot conspiracy theory]
The powers that be have known for a long time that EM field variance causes susceptibility in the animal brain. This is why they have chosen radio and, especially, television as their means of brainwashing. It is no coincidence that most commercials have absolutely nothing to do with their products and that 4 out of 5 tooth pastes are recommended by 4 out of 5 dentists, yet products continue to sell.

The large EM variation produced by television sets causes people to enter a catatonic state of askepticism. During this state, they are open to the suggestions of manufacturers with exceptional acceptance. The viewers are then influenced to by whatever they are told to. This technique that is little known outside of secretive circles has been wildly successful, as is evident by the wide variety of crap of little or no use that every single American owns.
[/crackpot conspiracy theory]

Anyway, to be serious, obviously a person's expectations have a lot to do with "ghost sightings". Since our brains do run on electricity, EM field variation could have a subtle effect on the human brain that causes these sightings in the brains of those open to interpretation of events as ghostly.
  • #7
My grandfather claimed he once had a brief hallucination and did not know why, he later found out a small earthquake occurred at the same time. He reasoned that the hallucination was caused by EM fields generated by the quake interfering with his brain.
  • #8
Originally posted by username
My grandfather claimed he once had a brief hallucination and did not know why, he later found out a small earthquake occurred at the same time. He reasoned that the hallucination was caused by EM fields generated by the quake interfering with his brain.

While standing in line at a burger stand, I once experienced the most strange sense of change; almost like reverse déjà vu. The cause seemed very much to be some kind of external impulse, or a brief passing of something. First there was a sense of distinct change and almost a sense of motion, followed by about ten seconds of a lingering sense of strangeness. I have wondered if this may have been some sort of steep ambient pressure gradient sweeping past, or perhaps seismic pressure waves, or even some sort of EM event. Another possibility is a TIA [transient ischemic attack, a mini stroke of sorts cause by a brief blockage of blood flow in the brain], however nothing else in my health history is consistent with this explanation. I tend to think this was caused by some kind of ambient variation. I have never otherwise experienced anything like this.
  • #9
^^^Sounds like to much beer


Reverse Deja-vu?
  • #10
Hmm not sure but is it some sort of piss take about my post lol ?
You have to realize Earth quakes in the uk are about as common as my grandfather hallucinating. Then there's that thing with animals, but I guess that could just be the ground vibrating etc.
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  • #11
I don't think there is much evidence for earthquakes having EM field effects. Maybe the stress of the earthquake shook him up a bit? I remember that earthquake too..
  • #12
Originally posted by megashawn
^^^Sounds like to much beer


Reverse Deja-vu?

No. I can’t even drink. I don't know what to call the thing. I said reverse deja-vu because things suddenly seemed strangely unfamiliar or different. It was really a weird sensation.
  • #13
Originally posted by FZ+
I don't think there is much evidence for earthquakes having EM field effects. Maybe the stress of the earthquake shook him up a bit? I remember that earthquake too..
Possibly this was along time ago though so he would have been a young man, who knows. As for earthquakes creating EM fields I dunno, but from what I understand (very little if anything) of magnetohydrodynamics it would seem possible.

EDIT: I think I had a case of reverse deja-vu once but I had been partying all night ;)
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  • #14
Originally posted by FZ+
I don't think there is much evidence for earthquakes having EM field effects. Maybe the stress of the earthquake shook him up a bit? I remember that earthquake too..

Supposedly, not true. Earthquake lights are often cited by scientist to explain UFO reports. By this I am assuming earthquake lights must actually exist. I understand that they are attributed to EM effects caused specifically by the piezoelectric effect. The high stresses produced in rock before or during quakes are supposed to produce the effect.
  • #15
Ah yes... forgot that.

I guess it's possible, but IMHO there are more likely explanations.
  • #16
Originally posted by FZ+
Ah yes... forgot that.

I guess it's possible, but IMHO there are more likely explanations.

such as...[don't stop now!]...
  • #17
Oh, the usual. Swamp gas, ball lightning, alien invasion...

Seriously though, I would think he just was shooked up after the shock of the tremors.

Didn't this quake happen at night? Maybe he was in a semi-conscious state.
  • #18
Originally posted by FZ+
Oh, the usual. Swamp gas, ball lightning, alien invasion...

Seriously though, I would think he just was shooked up after the shock of the tremors.

Didn't this quake happen at night? Maybe he was in a semi-conscious state.

Yes. But I think this is also when alien invasions usually happen.
  • #19
The etheric may continue for quite a long time after death; it depends on the state of health of its former possessor. The etheric can become the mindless ghost which carries out senseless hauntings.

Many people in the country districts have seen a form of bluish glow over the graves of those who have just been interred. This glow is particularly noticeable by night. This, of course, is merely the etheric dissipating away from the decomposing body.
  • #20
^^^Sounds like to much beer

It is worth pausing a moment here to point out that drunkards, those who see "pink elephants" and various other remarkable apparitions, are indeed seeing precisely htat type of creature. Drunkards are people who have driven their astral body out of the physical body and into the lowest planes of the astral world. Here they meet some truly fearsome creatures, and when the drunkard later recovers -- as much as he ever does -- his senses, then he has quite a vivid memory of the things that he saw.

While getting thoroughly drunk is one method of getting in touch with the spirit worlds and remembering, it is not one which would be recommended because it takes one only to the very lowest, to the most degraded planes of the astral.

But let us return to our elementals and ghosts or such. What is meant by elementals ? Well, elementals are a primary form of spirit life. They are a stage up from thought forms.

What are thought forms ? Thought forms are merely projections from the conscious or unconscious mind of the human and they have merely a pseudo life of their own.

It is written that thought forms were created by the ancient Egyptian priests in order that the mummified bodies of great pharaohs and famous queens could be protected from those who would desecrate the ancient tombs. Thought forms are constructed with the idea that they shall repel invaders, that they shall attack by impinging upon the conciousness of those who would intrude, and, in impinging upon the consciousness, to cause such extreme terror that the would be burglar flees.

We should not be concerned with thought forms, for they are mindless entities which are merely charged by long dead priests and set to accomplish certain tasks, the gurading of tombs against invaders. We should be concerned for the moment with elementals.

Elementals are spirit people in the early stages of development. In the spirit world, the astral world, they correspond roughly to the position occupied by monkeys in the human world. M nkeys are irresponsible, mischievous, frequently spiteful and vicious, and they have no great reasoning power of their own. They are, as one might say, just animated lumps of protoplasm.
  • #21
Originally posted by iron~orchid
It is worth pausing a moment here to point out that drunkards, those who see "pink elephants" and various other remarkable apparitions, are indeed seeing precisely htat type of creature. Drunkards are people who have driven their astral body out of the physical body and into the lowest planes of the astral world. Here they meet some truly fearsome creatures, and when the drunkard later recovers -- as much as he ever does -- his senses, then he has quite a vivid memory of the things that he saw.

While getting thoroughly drunk is one method of getting in touch with the spirit worlds and remembering, it is not one which would be recommended because it takes one only to the very lowest, to the most degraded planes of the astral.

But let us return to our elementals and ghosts or such. What is meant by elementals ? Well, elementals are a primary form of spirit life. They are a stage up from thought forms.

What are thought forms ? Thought forms are merely projections from the conscious or unconscious mind of the human and they have merely a pseudo life of their own.

It is written that thought forms were created by the ancient Egyptian priests in order that the mummified bodies of great pharaohs and famous queens could be protected from those who would desecrate the ancient tombs. Thought forms are constructed with the idea that they shall repel invaders, that they shall attack by impinging upon the conciousness of those who would intrude, and, in impinging upon the consciousness, to cause such extreme terror that the would be burglar flees.

We should not be concerned with thought forms, for they are mindless entities which are merely charged by long dead priests and set to accomplish certain tasks, the gurading of tombs against invaders. We should be concerned for the moment with elementals.

Elementals are spirit people in the early stages of development. In the spirit world, the astral world, they correspond roughly to the position occupied by monkeys in the human world. M nkeys are irresponsible, mischievous, frequently spiteful and vicious, and they have no great reasoning power of their own. They are, as one might say, just animated lumps of protoplasm.

Just briefly, Orchid... there is no way to prove a drunkard wrong. So, if one is lucky enough to have a chat with them during one of their sightings... one might gather as much inoformation as possible for future use in studying the phenomenon of the disappating/collecting ecomorphogenic/electromagnetic fields/ of these "ghosts"
  • #22
Originally posted by iron~orchid
The etheric may continue for quite a long time after death; it depends on the state of health of its former possessor. The etheric can become the mindless ghost which carries out senseless hauntings.

Many people in the country districts have seen a form of bluish glow over the graves of those who have just been interred. This glow is particularly noticeable by night. This, of course, is merely the etheric dissipating away from the decomposing body.

The ether was once a highly popular theory of light propagation on an undetectable medium. Now it appears it has sunk to the depths of just another catch word used by ignorant mystics with no knowledge of physics. The ether has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with ghosts, spirits etc.

The glow is well know to be a combination of gases given off during decomposition of the corpse and phosphorus from decaying matter. The Will o' the wisps stories were debunked hundreds of years ago.
  • #23
Just briefly, Orchid... there is no way to prove a drunkard wrong. So, if one is lucky enough to have a chat with them during one of their sightings... one might gather as much inoformation as possible for future use in studying the phenomenon of the disappating/collecting ecomorphogenic/electromagnetic fields/ of these "ghosts"

Yes, listening the to stories of a drunkard is something I have done and most likely will do again. I was just saying the dears have their demons to deal with when they go there and my appreciation for that is substantial, indeed.
  • #24
The human brain generates electricity through the action of the chemicals, the water, and the metallic ores coursing through it and of which it is comprised. Just as the human brain generates electricity so does the body itself, for the blood coursing through the veins and arteries also carry those chemicals, those metallic traces, and the water. The blood is, as you well know, mainly water. The whole body is suffused with electricity.

The is not the type of electrical current that lights your house or heats the stove with which you cook. It is of magnetic origin.

It is worth making an attempt to explain.

Get an ordinary cheap magnet from a hardware store or scientific supplier -- ther are very very cheap -- or you may be able to borrow one.

Put a piece of paper across the top so that the magnet underneath is located at about the center of the paper. From your chemist or scientific supply store you will be able to obtain fine iron filings. Here again, they are very very cheap.

Sprinkle them on the paper as you would sprinkle salt or pepper. Let them fall on the paper from a height of perhaps twelve inches, and you will find these iron filings arrange themselves in a peculiar pattern which precisely follows the magnetic lines of force coming from the magnet.

You will find you have the central bar of the magnet outlined, and then you have curved lines going from each end of the magnet. The magnetic force is the same as the etheric of the human body, the same as the aura of the human body. It follows the exact contours of the body. It follows the exact contours of every mole or blemish.

Probably everyone knows that a wire which carries an electric current has a magnetic field around it. If you have ever looked at high tension wires stretching overhead, under suitable conditions, will have a misty whitish-bluish glow that looks rather eerie. Electrical engineers know this as the corona of high tension wires.

The corona of the human body, of course, is the etheric, and it looks something the same as the discharge from high tension wires.
  • #25
Originally posted by iron~orchid
Yes, listening the to stories of a drunkard is something I have done and most likely will do again. I was just saying the dears have their demons to deal with when they go there and my appreciation for that is substantial, indeed.

Yes, its interesting when you think about it. The "demons" the drunkard is dealing with are generated within the drunkards personal domain. Their may be certain fields generated in the process... within the electromagnetic sphere of the drunkard (partially insulated by alchohol(sp).

The dehydration caused by the drinking of booze sets up the low grade fear factor and the fear factor may set up a certain field outside of the subject (drunkard... in this case)

Now... perhaps the only person able to observe the field is the one generating it. A subtle emf...with elements of the deeper etheric or what a scientist like Rupert Sheldrake would say... an ectoplasmicmorphology.

There is also the possiblility that the state of the dehydration and the booze and the elation and whatever other states are inherent in booziness... there is the possiblility that the state or the chemical mix is attracting further twisty bits of the emf and ectoplasmimorph already present in the environment.

In this case... we might see the elicitation of the field. However... it may help to have joined the drunkard in a session of imbibery to observe the phenomenon.

Otherwise... there are other ways to view it. These involve working with one's own endocrine system. Manipulating it to arrive at a state where hieghtened awarness will help see what one could not at a sleepier level of concsiousness.

Either way... this phenomenon requires further study. Thanks!
  • #26
Something else to factor in is the state of drunkeness allowing one to step beyond the confines of the physical plane by release of ego personality control and being more open to a transition into a more spacious reality.

It might be like crossing a fast-moving stream -- it's tricky, but not hard -- especially when you excuse yourself to find the head.

The next morning it feels more like you crossed a raging river. But at least it was worth it to refuse the power of the mind in its striving for supremacy over your life.

The name of the game is to take your chances when they are offered.
  • #27
To put in plain language -- you release the fear that controls your every move as you walk around each day. When you are drinking or drunk you are brave beyond fear and you are at least ten feet tall !

This must open you up to possibilities that you would normally not allow yourself to see or be.
  • #28
Originally posted by iron~orchid
To put in plain language -- you release the fear that controls your every move as you walk around each day. When you are drinking or drunk you are brave beyond fear and you are at least ten feet tall !

This must open you up to possibilities that you would normally not allow yourself to see or be.

Quite possibly. I have stated... one can arrive at the condition of the "middle" where one uses "fear" and all other hormonaly generated states as tools in understanding one's environment.

Being drunk is good for forgetting one's troubles or even finding a better way to deal with them... such as the extreme of running away... but... I maintain that finding the middle way will be a better way to remain at least semi- able to study a phenomenon... such as life... or such as the EMFields generated by one's own or other's ghosts and demons.

MOreOver... that's simply my understanding of how to deal with the phenomenon of life and beyond... whatever extreme is thrown at you... including em ghosts etc... find the centre and the middle and find the way to even the odds... to get through to the otherside with a compassionate understanding of the phenom. This way... the ghosts may catch on to compassion and find a way out of their trap... by following your example... thsknks!
  • #29
If you have gone beyond your fear, even if drunk the first few times, and maintained the memory of doing so and the things you encountered, I would believe you could take it from there the time after that and the time after without benefit of the drink and become this middle way one you describe.

Because, truthfully, if you maintain higher consciousness, you can decide where you would like to go with your travels. These higher parallel worlds can be accessible in some, but not all, dreams; in rituals; and in some forms of meditation. It can be accessed through the help of mind-altering substances (other than the booze).

Carlos Castaneda deals with these worlds in his boods. The higher energies are at home here, but deceit and illusion are also at work, even more so than in our material world. Discrimination, clarity, and protection are even more important than on the physical plane.

The great teacher of Tibetan Buddhism, Choygam Trungpa, has this to say about our systems of wisdom seeking.

"Meditation has nothing to do with attaining ecstasy, spiritual delight, or rest ~ neither has it to do with becoming a better person. Meditation means simply to create a place in which we are able to unmask and dissolve our neurotic games, our self-deceit, our hidden fears and hopes."

Ghosty glyps are rather a delicate matter.
  • #30
Originally posted by iron~orchid
If you have gone beyond your fear, even if drunk the first few times, and maintained the memory of doing so and the things you encountered, I would believe you could take it from there the time after that and the time after without benefit of the drink and become this middle way one you describe.

Because, truthfully, if you maintain higher consciousness, you can decide where you would like to go with your travels. These higher parallel worlds can be accessible in some, but not all, dreams; in rituals; and in some forms of meditation. It can be accessed through the help of mind-altering substances (other than the booze).

Carlos Castaneda deals with these worlds in his boods. The higher energies are at home here, but deceit and illusion are also at work, even more so than in our material world. Discrimination, clarity, and protection are even more important than on the physical plane.

The great teacher of Tibetan Buddhism, Choygam Trungpa, has this to say about our systems of wisdom seeking.

"Meditation has nothing to do with attaining ecstasy, spiritual delight, or rest ~ neither has it to do with becoming a better person. Meditation means simply to create a place in which we are able to unmask and dissolve our neurotic games, our self-deceit, our hidden fears and hopes."

Ghosty glyps are rather a delicate matter.

Yes... most definitely... when we can retain what we learn... we can use it in other situations... what I mean is when we learn to retrieve the information we compile during any state... even the state the3 comes with the presence of the EMF of a g host or that EM=F generated by our =ownselves... then t he understanding and its effects on us will be minimalized and perhaps even usefull.

Unwittingly we seem to be the walking talking scribes of the general universe we find ourselves in...and, transversely... the universe is the morphing scroll of its own history and calculated future for our enjoyment and our own browsing prowess. Cheers!
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  • #31
One of my Internet family in spirit has a nine year old son whose friend's dad just died of stomach cancer, he was only in his 30's so the little guy is spending the night. The funeral is tomorrow and his mom needs some space.

What can you tell the wee one who thinks he has to be so strong and does not know how the spirit of his dad walks with him or why he needs to walk away from him ?

Anyone good or benevolent who dies automatically drifts away from the Earth plane ~~ they have no need for material things or control. He or she finds themself in a spiritual world that reflects their warmth, openness, love, and goodness. It is their spiritual qualities that carry them away from the Earth plane at death.

It is written that when you die, you have a small but reasonable opportunity to leave this dimension. If you cannot detach from your attachment to physical things; if you are manically into control; or if you have untoward tendencies (darkness within you), it will be hard or impossible for you to leave.

At death you have to pass through the hole quickly. If you hang around too long, or if you are scared to let go and leave, you're stuck. In fact, you probably were trapped by your beliefs and attitudes a long time before your died.

That is why the lower spheres around the Earth plane have the dark ones surrounding us.

Love is liberation. Loving people is setting them free, even in death. After your grief passes controlling them with your memory pull and continued grieving does not let them release from the physical and it is entrapping. We need love so badly; without it we are trapped here and there.
  • #32
Originally posted by iron~orchid
One of my Internet family in spirit has a nine year old son whose friend's dad just died of stomach cancer, he was only in his 30's so the little guy is spending the night. The funeral is tomorrow and his mom needs some space.

What can you tell the wee one who thinks he has to be so strong and does not know how the spirit of his dad walks with him or why he needs to walk away from him ?

Anyone good or benevolent who dies automatically drifts away from the Earth plane ~~ they have no need for material things or control. He or she finds themself in a spiritual world that reflects their warmth, openness, love, and goodness. It is their spiritual qualities that carry them away from the Earth plane at death.

It is written that when you die, you have a small but reasonable opportunity to leave this dimension. If you cannot detach from your attachment to physical things; if you are manically into control; or if you have untoward tendencies (darkness within you), it will be hard or impossible for you to leave.

At death you have to pass through the hole quickly. If you hang around too long, or if you are scared to let go and leave, you're stuck. In fact, you probably were trapped by your beliefs and attitudes a long time before your died.

That is why the lower spheres around the Earth plane have the dark ones surrounding us.

Love is liberation. Loving people is setting them free, even in death. After your grief passes controlling them with your memory pull and continued grieving does not let them release from the physical and it is entrapping. We need love so badly; without it we are trapped here and there.

Eagads... that's a tough situation you have decided to tackle, Iron...

I think your best bet is to listen intently to this boy... let him give you the clues to his wondering or his pain or whatever he is feeling.

If you are spouting information before he asks for it... it will be lost on him.

If he asks... this will be a slight crack in the door where you can show some of what you know.

His dad is right there with him... in a great strength. Not only in his genes and the EMF set up by those genes... but also in the EMFs he generate during his life.

Whatever brought this on for the dad is odd energy... its obviously something that had to happen... if the boy asks why... it is simply something that had to happen... it is something that will make him very very strong in the future... if not now.

  • #33
EM, earthquakes,ghosts, spacetime transients

You may find the published professional work and books of Neuropsychologist, Dr. Michael A. Persinger at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, CANADA to be of interest.
He has been researching the temporal lobe and the effects of EM fields on the temporal lobe. He has even constructed a helmet that uses magnetic fields to induce ghostly perceptions.
  • #34
Really ? Cool ! I have been reading a book about magnetic therapies. I been wanting to put them on my head when I sleep at night to see what would transpire.
  • #35

I have been skeptical and somewhat curious as to why we see things like "ghosts. I would also like to say that we as a people can base our experiences on an Electro Magnetic response as well, and call it good. The Electro Magnetic theory seams to best explain why we see things. Ever heard of a "Self fulfilling Prophecy"? Just some ideas to wrack your brain with! So I have another theory, and am curious what you think.

You look up any ghost story, or type ghost in on "U-tube". You get all kinds of stuff. There is also a video that shows a group of youths picking up a girl in a vehicle somewhere overseas, maybe Norway, something. It's also late at night during the video. Well they pick the girl up and ask her a few questions. She finally responds with a look of terror on her face, there is some shouting. Then out of the blue the vehicle crashes. The video ends. The report or end of the video explains that the girl in the video, who was picked up, was already dead. Though they physically pulled the vehicle over and picked her up out of pity. Is this an explanation of time travel? If so, can we explain other sightings as going back in time? We also might be able to explain what we see in real-time as an imprint on time, a different sort of time travel! Since we cannot explain our experience other than what we know at a base level, we are scared. I have experienced friends being scared of things they don’t understand. Though in my thirst for knowledge, I choose in some way not to be. That would be an assumption! I would be following my conditioning as a child!

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