When will the global smoking ban finally be implemented?

  • Thread starter Jordan Joab
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In summary, there is currently no global smoking ban in place and it may take a while to implement due to the lack of a global government. Some individuals have suggested a 300% tax on cigarette sales and labeling smokers as terrorists, but others argue for treating smokers with understanding and sympathy. Some places have already implemented bans on indoor smoking, but there is debate over whether or not outdoor smoking should also be banned. Overall, there are differing opinions on the issue of smoking and potential solutions for reducing its harmful effects.
  • #1
Jordan Joab
What's the ETA on the global smoking ban? I'd like to know when we can get rid of smokers. Also, since we are on this topic, maybe the Gov. can place a 300% tax on cigarrette sales. Hell, I'll even go ahead and say smokers should be labeled terrorists since they terrorize my lungs and threaten my health.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Since there is no global government, I'd say it is going to be a while.
  • #3

Jordan Joab said:
Also, since we are on this topic, maybe the Gov. can place a 300% tax on cigarrette sales.

Welcome to UK.
  • #4

Get rid of smoking? Or get rid of smokers?
  • #5

We already have too many bans.

We do need a way to break the tobacco addiction though... That would help a lot.
  • #6

Vanadium 50 said:
Get rid of smoking? Or get rid of smokers?

:smile: I caught that phrasing too. I'm visiting NYC right now, and I LOVE that smoking indoors is prohibited here. There's a little bar across the street that if it were in WV, I'd never go inside since it wouldn't be worth it to put up with the stench of cigarettes. Here, I could just kick back, relax, enjoy watching some Olympics on the TV, and sip a beer. (And Cyrus could have laughed at the guy who tried buying me a drink after no conversation beyond "How's the sandwich?" :rolleyes:) Even a "dive" bar seems classier when you're not hit with a fog of smoke as you walk in the door.

There are still a lot of smokers around all the tourist attractions (gag), but otherwise, the only place I run into a lot of people smoking on the streets is along Wall St. All the well-dressed stock brokers who are probably going to heart attacks from the stress of their jobs before lung cancer can get to them are out puffing away on cigarettes.
  • #7

They banned indoor smoking in all public buildings here a few years ago. I can't remember the last time I was out and someone was smoking. I love that there are no bogus "smoking" sections in a restaurant. If the table three feet away from you was in the "smoking" section, your "non-smoking" table was always in a cloud of smoke, making eating and breathing impossible. If a person can't refrain from smoking long enough to eat a meal, they have a serious problem.
  • #8

They have banned smoking from all public buildings here, as well as from within 5 meters of any entrances. The latter part is hard to enforce, and tickets are rarely given for it.
  • #9

Jordan Joab said:
What's the ETA on the global smoking ban? I'd like to know when we can get rid of smokers. Also, since we are on this topic, maybe the Gov. can place a 300% tax on cigarrette sales. Hell, I'll even go ahead and say smokers should be labeled terrorists since they terrorize my lungs and threaten my health.

I find this to be a very disgusting post. This is gross discrimination against a portion of the population suffering from a physical disability (http://www.apa.org/releases/smoke99.html ).

Rather than labeling them as terrorists or suggesting their extermination, they should be treated with understanding and sympathy. Maybe we could have a telethon for them.
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  • #10

BobG said:
I find this to be a very disgusting post. This is gross discrimination against a portion of the population suffering from a physical disability (http://www.apa.org/releases/smoke99.html ).

Rather than labeling them as terrorists or suggesting their extermination, they should be treated with understanding and sympathy. Maybe we could have a telethon for them.

Nah. Tax them to death.
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  • #11

BobG said:
I find this to be a very disgusting post. This is gross discrimination against a portion of the population suffering from a physical disability (http://www.apa.org/releases/smoke99.html ).
How can they make the leap from someone being less predisposed to "novelty seeking" to "genetic connection to cigarette smoking"?? :bugeye: I can't believe they actually had the nerve to publish that. Not to mention that in the study the group with the gene had fewer smokers, and if they asked, probably fewer people that poked sticks in their eyes, not that people with the gene smoked. :rolleyes: If they had posted that here, I would ban them for making an overly speculative post!

Rather than labeling them as terrorists or suggesting their extermination, they should be treated with understanding and sympathy. Maybe we could have a telethon for them.
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  • #12

They are trying to ban smoking on the beaches here - on the grounds of air quality.
This is one of the world's busiest ports with quese of container ships and tankers 100m offshore.

They are also trying to ban clothes from the nudist beach - perhaps they should just cancel the free donuts at city council meetings, it would stop a lot of extra laws.
  • #13

A smoking ban is probably coming soon in PA, but my two favorite bars have already gone smoke free.
  • #14

mgb_phys said:
They are also trying to ban clothes from the nudist beach - perhaps they should just cancel the free donuts at city council meetings, it would stop a lot of extra laws.

:smile: That puts a horrible image in my mind though, thinking about the people attending city council meetings for free donuts being the ones wanting to prohibit clothing at nude beaches. :rolleyes: Though, if you ban clothing, people won't have pockets to put their cigarettes and lighters into, so maybe it would stop them from smoking at the same time. :wink:
  • #15

What is happening within the land of the free? Slowly transforming into a socialist state?:-p
  • #16

Smoking is just all the way around bad. I think it needs to be totally banned.
  • #18

mcknia07 said:
Smoking is just all the way around bad. I think it needs to be totally banned.

Why not ban alcohol while we're at it, and fast foods, etc... ? :rolleyes:
  • #19

cristo said:
Why not ban alcohol while we're at it, and fast foods, etc... ? :rolleyes:

Well, that would work too. :biggrin:
  • #21

But smoking related diseases only cost the health service £1.2B/year while tax on cigs raises about £11Bn - smoking is great because you die fairly quickly of untreatable lung cancer at the peak your earning age before collecting any pension.
Drink isn't such a bargain, it costs £2-3Bn/year while only raising £8Bn (depends on how many 'she walked into a door' you count for drink)

Smokers are national heroes, bravely sacrificing their lives to lower income tax for the rest of us - they should get a state funeral!
  • #22

I think giving them a free cremation would be amusingly ironic.
  • #23

mgb_phys said:
But smoking related diseases only cost the health service £1.2B/year while tax on cigs raises about £11Bn - smoking is great because you die fairly quickly of untreatable lung cancer at the peak your earning age before collecting any pension.
Drink isn't such a bargain, it costs £2-3Bn/year while only raising £8Bn (depends on how many 'she walked into a door' you count for drink)

Smokers are national heroes, bravely sacrificing their lives to lower income tax for the rest of us - they should get a state funeral!

I loved those statistics! :devil:

I wonder if relaxing the rules would give larger profits ...
  • #24

There are horrible car wrecks around here all the time. Daily I have to dodge getting side swiped and rearended by the idiots on the road. THREE times in the past few months I've had idiots nearly back their cars right into me while on the street! Maybe we should put a 300% tax on cars and gasoline. I see them as a much more likely detriment to my life and safety on a daily basis.
  • #25

TheStatutoryApe said:
Maybe we should put a 300% tax on cars and gasoline. I see them as a much more likely detriment to my life and safety on a daily basis.
They only kill about 42,000/year.
45% of accidental deaths in the USA involve cars but only 0.7% involve firearms so remember to clean your gun while driving!
  • #26

Just get rid of cigarette tobacco, pipes and cigars are okay by me. But by me pot should be legal...

Its not going to happen.
  • #27

TheStatutoryApe said:
There are horrible car wrecks around here all the time. Daily I have to dodge getting side swiped and rearended by the idiots on the road. THREE times in the past few months I've had idiots nearly back their cars right into me while on the street! Maybe we should put a 300% tax on cars and gasoline. I see them as a much more likely detriment to my life and safety on a daily basis.

Ha ha, once again, welcome to the UK where gas has been way high for a long time.

Oh and MGB, its funny how people always say they were "cleaning" their guns when they get shot instead of actually saying what they did. (i. e. playing with it...) You seriously need to get killed by your own gun if you're that stupid...
  • #28

binzing said:
Just get rid of cigarette tobacco, pipes and cigars are okay by me. But by me pot should be legal...

Its not going to happen.

Hmmm. Compare the penalties for marijuana to the penalties for drunk driving (in fact, just compare the consequences of the two). Compare the records of your past two Presidents and the candidate currently leading in the polls for the next election.

Consuming illegal drugs doesn't seem to carry that serious of a stigma anymore. It wouldn't surprise me to see your "lesser" drugs like marijuana legalized.

Well, at least maybe if you came up with a different way to consume marijuana besides smoking it. I think smoking will eventually be illegal, period.
  • #29

This is a bold but anyway. I have no issues with smoking but I do with obesity, so I also think that if they ban smoking or make it illegal or what not then they should make a curb in obesity, in other words force them to do something about their obesity. I mean through legislation we cornered smokers in restaurants, bars, clubs, cafes etc and then kicked them out completely.

Think about it, you find smoke terrorizing where as the other day I was sitting next to an obese person in a lecture hall the other day and her size was intruding greatly on my space. I find that rude and intrusive.
  • #30

I got up this morning and came downstairs scratching my butt and a couple of other things, when I got a rude awakening. There was no bacon with my eggs. My wife told me that bacon has carcinogens and had been banned. You don't want to get carcin, do you? she said. There were no yolks in my eggs either. She said yolks have too much cholesterol and have been banned as well. Same with the butter on my toast. So I set off to work in bad mood. There was a clamp on the car tire. There's a ban on driving because of global warming, so I had to walk the 34 miles to work. I was a few minutes late and my boss was standing there at the door to greet me. He or she obviously had a lousy breakfast too, so we barked at each other for a while before I went to my seat. Except there was no seat. The old non-ergonomic chairs had been tossed out for my safety, but before the new ones, which will be delivered sometime real soon, had arrived. Standing all morning and working slowed me down and my boss was none too happy about this. We nearly came to blows, but on account of the aids scare, work rules don't even allow us to spit on each other, let alone punch. So I set his office on fire. Unfortunately, the fire spread to the whole office before I could get away, so I when I walked out the front door, my clothing were smoldering pretty good. That's when they handcuffed me. It turns out there is a smoking ban in that town.
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  • #31

Jordan Joab said:
What's the ETA on the global smoking ban? I'd like to know when we can get rid of smokers. Also, since we are on this topic, maybe the Gov. can place a 300% tax on cigarrette sales. Hell, I'll even go ahead and say smokers should be labeled terrorists since they terrorize my lungs and threaten my health.

Ah, ignorance!
  • #32

Given the freedom to legislate, we legislate away freedom.

I would rather see a social change, if only a person would as soon defecate in the middle of the street as to be caught smoking. No laws, no legislation, just social acceptability.
  • #33

binzing said:
its funny how people always say they were "cleaning" their guns when they get shot instead of actually saying what they did. (i. e. playing with it...) You seriously need to get killed by your own gun if you're that stupid...
Heh, Russian Roulette is like poker - you need to practice to get good at it.
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  • #34

Or at least make it legal for me to beat up smokers.
  • #35

Jordan Joab said:
Or at least make it legal for me to beat up smokers.

I think you need some help: it's not normal to want to fight or kill people because they smoke.

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