High-Concentrate Glucose Foods to Identifying Sources

  • Thread starter kant
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In summary, this conversation discusses the types of food that contain high concentrations of glucose, such as candy, soft drinks, and anything sweet. These foods can be harmful for people with insulin problems or diabetes. It is also mentioned that potatoes can quickly convert to sugar in the bloodstream and that many foods contain other sugars such as sucrose, maltose, fructose, and lactose. Some of these sugars cannot be digested, such as lactose for those who are lactose intolerant. The conversation also touches on the effects of fructose and the benefits of eating small amounts of glucose and complex carbs. The importance of being mindful of the date of a thread on a forum is also mentioned.
  • #1
Can anyone tell me what kinds of food contain high concentrate of glucose?

thank you.
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
Candy / soft drinks / anything sweet... but you probably knew that.
  • #3
Very high glycemic index
  • #4
i guess so... that's for people who have insulin problems? diabetics?
  • #5
pasta, rice, bread things of that nature. basically a lot of stuff that is cut out of an atkin's diet.
  • #6
outsider said:
i guess so... that's for people who have insulin problems? diabetics?

i heard it is bad for the body
  • #7
As a type II diabetic I have been on the receiving end of a lot of diet advice. One thing I was told and you can check out is that potatoes are quickly converted to some sugar (I don't know if it's glucose) in the bloodstream
  • #8
Honey, maple syrup and some fruits such as http://www.encyclopedia.com/html/g1/glucose.asp such as; candy, chewing gum, jams, jellies, and table syrups.

Many foods contain other sugars such as; sucrose, maltose, fructose and lactose. When consumed, these sugars can raise your blood-glucose levels and if metabolized further are converted to energy, carbon-dioxide and water. Starches (pasta, bread, rice, potato) are complex carbohydrates and do not contain glucose as such, but larger molecules. When metabolized, starches will also increase your blood-glucose level.
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  • #9
Ouabache said:
Many foods contain other sugars such as; sucrose, maltose, fructose and lactose. When consumed, these sugars can raise your blood-glucose levels and if metabolized further are converted to energy, carbon-dioxide and water. Starches (pasta, bread, rice, potato) are complex carbohydrates and do not contain glucose as such, but larger molecules. When metabolized, starches will also increase your blood-glucose level.

Hmm.. : Are there any sugars we cannot digest!??

Yes, lactose-intolerants do not process lactose. But I'm referring to the human digestive tract in the
"most tolerant" :rolleyes: humans.

:shy: There might be some sugars we cannot digest--...I mean what are they?
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  • #10
outsider said:
Candy / soft drinks / anything sweet... but you probably knew that.

Yes, but glucose is not bad at all and it only contains a little bit of glucose. Glucose is good because it activates your brain to know it is getting food in. What is wrong with all those things is the fructose in it. fructose becomes for most of the part fat and it doesn't give a signal to the body that there is comming in nutritions! So think twice before giving your kids a coke; coke is hitting the liver, even better coke = ethanol (beer) without the buzz!
  • #11
gravenewworld said:
pasta, rice, bread things of that nature. basically a lot of stuff that is cut out of an atkin's diet.

The only thing why an atkin's diet works is because it's cutting out all fructose by it! So actually eating small amounts of glucose and complex carbs is good for you.
  • #12
You are starting a conversation with someone who has not been on the forum for two years. Please watch the date of a thread before replying, or start a new one if you want to discuss something.

FAQ: High-Concentrate Glucose Foods to Identifying Sources

What are glucose foods?

Glucose foods are those that contain glucose, a simple sugar and a primary source of energy for the body. These foods include fruits, honey, and products containing added sugars like table sugar (sucrose) and corn syrup.

Can glucose be found in fruits?

Yes, fruits are a natural source of glucose. They contain fructose and glucose in varying ratios. Common fruits like bananas, grapes, and apples are good sources of natural glucose.

Are there any vegetables that contain glucose?

Yes, some vegetables contain glucose, although generally in lower amounts than fruits. Vegetables like sweet potatoes, beets, and corn have higher glucose content.

Do dairy products contain glucose?

Dairy products contain a sugar called lactose, which is broken down into glucose and galactose in the body. Therefore, dairy products like milk and yogurt are indirect sources of glucose.

Is glucose present in grains and cereals?

Grains and cereals primarily contain starch, a complex carbohydrate, which is broken down into glucose during digestion. Thus, they are important sources of glucose in the diet.

How does the body process glucose from food?

When consumed, glucose from food is absorbed into the bloodstream, raising blood glucose levels. The hormone insulin then helps cells absorb glucose to be used for energy or stored for future use.

What is the difference between glucose and other sugars like fructose and sucrose?

Glucose, fructose, and sucrose are all simple sugars. Glucose and fructose are monosaccharides, single sugar units, whereas sucrose (table sugar) is a disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose. The body processes these sugars differently.

Are glucose foods different from carbohydrate foods?

While all glucose foods are carbohydrates, not all carbohydrate foods are glucose foods. Carbohydrates include sugars (like glucose and fructose), starches, and fiber. Glucose foods specifically refer to foods that contain glucose.

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