Graviton Quantization: Energy Needs of Particle Accelerator

In summary: But I could be wrong.In summary, it is difficult to create a graviton at a particle accelerator because the production rate is very small. If you want to make them, you need to run the accelerator at a much lower energy.
  • #1
Theoretically, how much energy in particle accelerator would be required to quantize a graviton from a gravity field?
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  • #2
I doubt if anyone knows the physics behind your question.
  • #3
Probably somewhere around the Planck scale (10^19 GeV)
  • #4
Any reason why the graviton would require so much more energy to become quantized?
  • #5
This is the natural energy scale EPl; a theory of quantum gravity at a different scale EQG = xEPl with x << 1 would have to explain the smallness of x.
  • #6
Q. How much energy does it take to create a photon?
A. ħω, where ω is the frequency of the photon.

Q. How much energy does it take to create a graviton?
A. Exactly the same, ħω.

Q. Well then, how come particle colliders create scads of photons but no gravitons?
A. It's not the energy that's the problem, it's the production rate. Photons are produced (primarily) by time-dependent electric dipoles. Gravitons are mainly produced by time-varying mass quadrupoles. You can crash two protons together and calculate their mass quadrupole moment as they collide, and then multiply that by the gravitational constant G to get the production rate. It's ridiculously small.

Q. What does the Planck mass have to do with it, if anything?
A. The Planck mass is the energy at which (presumably) gravitational interactions become comparable to the strong and weak interactions. So yes, you'd need a collider with that energy if you wanted to make the production rates comparable. But spacetime literally goes to pieces at that energy. If you really want to make gravitons, run at a much lower energy and be prepared to wait.
  • #7
If the production rate of a graviton is determined by the mass quadrupole * G, then wouldn't the graviton be much more likely to be detected if you placed a particle accelerator very close to a dense object, such as a neutron star or a black hole? (Since the value of the quadrupole function becomes larger as mass, and therefore gravitational attraction, increases). My bet is that there is an equilibrium near an event horizon, where gravitons are likely to be quantized.

FAQ: Graviton Quantization: Energy Needs of Particle Accelerator

1. What is graviton quantization?

Graviton quantization is a theoretical concept in quantum gravity that suggests that gravity, like other fundamental forces in nature, is carried by particles called gravitons. This means that gravity can be quantized, or broken down into discrete units, much like how light is made up of individual packets of energy called photons.

2. What are the energy needs of particle accelerators for studying graviton quantization?

The energy needs of particle accelerators for studying graviton quantization vary depending on the specific research goals and the energy range being studied. However, in general, higher energy accelerators are needed to produce enough energy to create and detect gravitons, which are theorized to have very small masses.

3. How does studying graviton quantization contribute to our understanding of the universe?

Studying graviton quantization can help us better understand the fundamental nature of gravity and its interactions with other fundamental forces. It can also provide insights into the structure of space-time and the behavior of matter on a quantum level. This knowledge can help us develop a more complete and unified understanding of the universe.

4. What are some challenges in studying graviton quantization?

One of the main challenges in studying graviton quantization is that it requires extremely high energies, which can only be achieved with very large and expensive particle accelerators. Additionally, gravitons are extremely difficult to detect because they interact very weakly with matter, making it challenging to observe their effects.

5. Are there any practical applications for the study of graviton quantization?

While the study of graviton quantization is primarily driven by scientific curiosity and the desire to understand the fundamental laws of nature, it may also have potential practical applications. For example, a better understanding of gravity could lead to advancements in fields such as space travel and energy production. However, these applications are currently purely speculative and would require much more research and development.

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