Gravitation and Circular motion.

In summary, the circular motion of the Earth around its axis is related to the gravitational force holding objects on Earth together. By equating the gravitational force and the centripetal force, we can derive Kepler's law and the relationship between the period and radius of the Earth's orbit. However, when considering an object at the equator, the net force is not just the force of gravity, but also the normal force. This leads to a different value for the acceleration, which can be modified by the centripetal acceleration.
  • #1
Hi, i surely do appreciate some help here..

How is gravity on the Earth surface related to the circular motion of the Earth about its axis?

If I'm not wrong, my lecturer once taught me that i can actually equate both gravitational force and centripetal force together since they are both the same. (Gravitational force holds all objects on Earth together and move them in a circular orbit which is also what centripetal force does on the objects moving in circular motion.) which i think by further simplifying the equation GM/r^2 = rw^2 gives kepler's law, T^2 is directly proportionate to r^3.

Alright, now here's the problem. If both GM/r^2 and rw^2 can be equated like what my lecturer said, then both of the equation should give the value of gravitational field strength of the Earth on its surface which is (9.81ms^-2) However, by workin out rw^2, I'm unable to get the value 9.81ms^-2, what i get was only 0.03ms^-2. Is there a problem with my calculations or had i miss out certain things. I'm really quite confused over this.

Any help given will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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  • #2
gunblaze said:
Hi, i surely do appreciate some help here..

How is gravity on the Earth surface related to the circular motion of the Earth about its axis?

If I'm not wrong, my lecturer once taught me that i can actually equate both gravitational force and centripetal force together since they are both the same. (Gravitational force holds all objects on Earth together and move them in a circular orbit which is also what centripetal force does on the objects moving in circular motion.) which i think by further simplifying the equation GM/r^2 = rw^2 gives kepler's law, T^2 is directly proportionate to r^3.

Alright, now here's the problem. If both GM/r^2 and rw^2 can be equated like what my lecturer said, then both of the equation should give the value of gravitational field strength of the Earth on its surface which is (9.81ms^-2) However, by workin out rw^2, I'm unable to get the value 9.81ms^-2, what i get was only 0.03ms^-2. Is there a problem with my calculations or had i miss out certain things. I'm really quite confused over this.

Any help given will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

If an object moves along a circle, then it is true that the net radial force will be equal to [itex] m {v^2 \over r} = m r \omega^2 [/itex] and the acceleration is indeed [itex] r \omega^2 [/tex] . So far so good.

But how did you get 0.03 m/s^2? I am assuming that you used the period of rotation of the Earth an dthe Earth's radius? But notice that when you do that, you are considering an object sitting at the equator...resting on the ground. So the net force is NOT just the force of gravity! It is the gravitational force acting down AND the normal force acting up. The gravitational force is just a tiny bit larger than the normal force and that small excess is what leads to the centripetal force. So you cannot use GmM/r^2 for the total force on the object then!

If you use GmM/r^2 for the only force, then what you are considering is an object in *orbit* near the surface of the Earth. *Then* the acceleration will be 9.8 m/s^2 but the object will be moving much faster than the surface of the planet! It will be zooming by at a very large speed (so you cannot use the period of rotation of the Earth to find omega. Omega will come out whatever value it must be to give an acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2).

  • #3
Things are a little more complicated than that (they usually are)...

The little stickman is holding a pendulum in his hand. The pendulum is hanging straight down (for him). We know it is experiencing two real forces - the weight [tex]W[/tex] and the tension [tex]T[/tex] in the string. We also know the pendulum is rotating around the Earth's axis, so these two force combined should produce the required centripetal force:

[tex]\vec{F_C} = \vec{W} + \vec{T}[/tex]

this explains why the pendulum is not hanging straight down towards the centre of the Earth but at some odd angle.
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  • #4
We concluded that N2 requires that the pendulum should hang at some angle w.r.t. the local vertical such that [attachment 1]

[tex]\vec{F_c} = \vec{W} + \vec{T}[/tex]

If he were to let go of the pendulum it will fall "straigh down" along the direction of the string of the pendulum. He would therefore conclude that the weight of the pendulum is acting along the direction of the string. If he were to measure its weight with a spring balance the pendulum would pull on it with a force equal to [tex]T[/tex]. So we conclude that the apparent weight of the pendulum in his reference frame, [tex]W_a[/tex], is given by

[tex]\vec{W_a} = -\vec{T}[/tex]

which according to the first equation comes to

[tex]\vec{W_a} = \vec{W} - \vec{F_}c[/tex]


[tex]m\vec{g}_a = m\vec{g} - ma_c\hat{r}[/tex]

where [tex]\hat{r}[/tex] is a unit vector pointing along [tex]r[/tex] from the axis to our little stickman.

[tex]\vec{g}_a = \vec{g} - a_c\hat{r}[/tex]

the centripetal acceleration therefore modifies the local gravitational acceleration [attachment 2].
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FAQ: Gravitation and Circular motion.

1. What is the difference between gravitational force and centripetal force?

Gravitational force is the force of attraction between two objects with mass, while centripetal force is the force that keeps an object moving in a circular path. Gravitational force is always directed towards the center of mass of the two objects, while centripetal force is directed towards the center of the circular motion.

2. How does the mass of an object affect its gravitational force?

The mass of an object affects its gravitational force by increasing the strength of the force. The greater the mass of an object, the stronger its gravitational force will be. This is because the force of gravity is directly proportional to the mass of the objects involved.

3. What is the relationship between velocity and centripetal force?

The relationship between velocity and centripetal force is that as velocity increases, so does the centripetal force required to keep an object moving in a circular path. This is because a higher velocity means a larger centrifugal force acting on the object, which must be balanced by an equal and opposite centripetal force to maintain circular motion.

4. Can an object in circular motion have a constant speed?

Yes, an object in circular motion can have a constant speed. This is because speed is a measure of how fast an object is moving, while circular motion refers to the path of the object rather than its speed. In circular motion, an object can have a constant speed but constantly changing velocity, as it is always changing direction.

5. How does the radius of a circular path affect the centripetal force?

The radius of a circular path affects the centripetal force by increasing the force as the radius decreases. This is because a smaller radius means a tighter circular path, and thus a higher velocity and centrifugal force. The centripetal force must increase to match this increase in centrifugal force in order to maintain circular motion.
