Why does gravity rotate with the Earth?

  • Thread starter Gfoxboy
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In summary: It's due to the fact that you're not stationary with respect to the coordinate system, but the Earth is.
  • #1
Okay, relativity and gravity don't seem to like getting along even with the General Theory. Think about this: Obviously everyone knows the simple way of thinking of gravity as a force pulling you toward a mass. The force is inversely proportional to the distance with 1/4 in there somewhere (I don't remember exactly :smile: ). Now if you think of your 3D coordinate cube as rotating with the Earth then in order to stay still with the coordinate plane you would have to stay still with the surface of the earth. In this way we can describe the veolocity required to orbit the Earth at a certain distance. My question is why gravity rotates with the earth. Let's say that the coordinate plane does not rotate with the Earth and the 0,0,0 point is at the center. Also you are at the perfect distance at which you fly at such a speed that if a line was drawn from you to the Earth's surface, you would remain over the same point. According to our new coordinate plane you are moving fast enough to orbit the earth, but according to the Earth's surface you would fall. And if you changed direction you would fly away from the Earth because you would be moving two times as fast as you needed in order to orbit. Should this not bring into account the Earth's rotation in the explanation of gravity?? I personally dont' think the mere bending of space time is enough to account for this, considering the relativity of motion. This kind of stuff makes my head hurt...
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
the difference in gravity is [tex] \frac {1}{d^2} [/tex]
  • #3
Gravity DOESN'T "rotate with the earth". Gravity is rotationally invariant.
  • #4
If gravity doesn't rotate with the Earth then you could potentially orbit the Earth at a critical velocity but not move at all compared to the ground. And in that case it would take no energy to stay airborne. Gravity has to rotate with the earth.
  • #5
Gfoxboy said:
If gravity doesn't rotate with the Earth then you could potentially orbit the Earth at a critical velocity but not move at all compared to the ground. And in that case it would take no energy to stay airborne. Gravity has to rotate with the earth.

Sounds like a geostationary satellite over the equator?

  • #6
HallsofIvy said:
Gravity DOESN'T "rotate with the earth". Gravity is rotationally invariant.

Then how could the new devices hinted at in the new scientific american measure different gravitational variances that are stable over parts of the earth. If these variances are stable then they have to be location specific on the Earth and thus rotate with it?
  • #7
there is a variance by elevation, not by rotation. And also, it depends on the time. If it is day ouside, you are facing the sun and the suns gravity on you is pulling on you, making gravity on Earth seem less (very samll, but noticable). If it is night, then the gravities of Earth and the sun add up vectorially, and make gravity larger. This is what I could think of variation. Theres probably more causes.
  • #8
Doesn't the rotation of the Earth cause 'frame-dragging'?
  • #9
Yes. It's called the Lense-Thirring effect. For the Earth it's very small, but they're trying to test it now.

FAQ: Why does gravity rotate with the Earth?

What is gravity?

Gravity is a natural force that attracts objects with mass towards each other. It is responsible for keeping objects in orbit, causing objects to fall towards the ground, and keeping our planet and solar system in balance.

How does gravity work?

Gravity works by exerting a force between objects with mass. The strength of this force depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between them. The greater the mass of an object, the stronger its gravitational pull will be.

Why do objects fall towards the ground?

Objects fall towards the ground because of the Earth's gravitational pull. The Earth's mass creates a force that pulls objects towards its center. This force is what causes objects to accelerate towards the ground when they are dropped from a height.

What is the difference between mass and weight?

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, while weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object. Mass does not change, but weight can vary depending on the strength of gravity. For example, an object will weigh less on the moon because the moon has less gravitational force than Earth.

How does gravity affect the movement of objects in space?

In space, gravity plays a crucial role in the movement of objects. The gravitational pull of planets and stars keeps them in orbit around each other. Without gravity, objects would continue moving in a straight line and eventually fly off into space. Gravity also influences the paths of comets, asteroids, and other objects in our solar system.

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