Greedy Balance Alg (Load Balancing): What is k in the ##min_k T_k ## term

In summary, the term ##min_k## ##T_k## in the algorithm represents the minimum load on any machine. However, it is unclear what value is assigned to the variable 'k' which is used as an index for the lowest T_k value in the algorithm. The lecture also mentions the k selection in relation to this term.
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TL;DR Summary
I am having trouble in understanding Greedy balance algorithm in the context of Load Balancing
I am trying to understand the term ##min_k## ##T_k ## in the following algorithm. At other place they said that it represents min load on any machine but I can’t understand the usage of variable ‘k’ which is not assigned any value.

what is min_k T_k in Greedy Balance alg.jpg
Some body please guide me ,what value is assigned to k in the term ##min_k## ##T_k##?

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  • #2
This lecture mentions the same pseudo code above but adds a line describing the k selection.

It looks like k is the index to the machine with the lowest T