Estimating t Dependency on Proton Separation d

In summary, the question is asking for an estimation of the overlap tunneling matrix element, t, for the wave function of the hydrogen atom in relation to the proton-proton separation distance, d. The solution involves calculating the integral of the wave function and the attractive potential of the left proton on the electron, using the position of the left and right protons and the electron. The solution also takes into account the behavior of the exponent of the wave function as d increases or decreases. More specific details, such as the type of dependency, can be added for a more comprehensive solution.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Knowing that the wave function of the hydrogen atom is proportional to e-r/a0, estimate how t depends on the proton proton separation d. I need just to make a drawing of the integrand and make a reasonal approximation using my intuition (no numerical methods allowed to calculat the integral.)

Homework Equations

t is the overlap tunneling matrix element, with t= - <L|VL|R>

L= 1s- wavefunction centered on the left proton = psi1s(L-r)
R= 1s- wavefunction centered on the right proton = psi1s(R-r)
( L or R is the position of the left or right proton, r is the position of the electron)

VL= the attractive potential of the left proton on the electron= V(L-r)

The Attempt at a Solution

I just want to know whether my solution would be sufficient to this question, or whether I would need to do some more reasoning/ calculus/ plotting of functions.

t= - <e-(L-r)/a0 | -e2/ (4*pi*e0*(L-r)) | e-(R-r)/a0>
= e2/ (4*pi*e0) * (integral taken over dr) (1/(L-r)) * e-(L-r)/a0 -(R-r)/a0

as d= | L-R |
R= L-d

so plugging that into the above equation for t gives:

t= = e2/ (4*pi*e0) * (integral taken over dr) (1/(L-r)) * e(-L+r)/a0 (-L+d +r)/a0>

When d decreases, the exponent of e gets larger , therefore t gets larger too. When d increases, the exponent of e gets smaller, therefore t gets smaller too.

Is this it? I mean, the question said I needed to draw something and use my intuition, which I obviously did not do to solve this problem, this is just reasoning. What do I need to add?

E.g. do I need to be more specific on the dependency other than 'getting bigger/ getting smaller', but say 'it behaves like an exponentially increasing function/ like a parabolic function etc'?

Thanks in advance! I really appreciate your help!
Physics news on
  • #2
Please, help me, I keep getting stuck on this and the question is due tomorrow.

Now I have the primitive function as the one in the attachment (with x for 'r', l for 'L' and r for 'R'). I don't know how to go further...


  • Primitive.jpg
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FAQ: Estimating t Dependency on Proton Separation d

What is the purpose of estimating t dependency on proton separation d?

The purpose of estimating t dependency on proton separation d is to understand the relationship between the time it takes for a proton to travel a certain distance (t) and the distance between the protons (d). This can help in predicting the behavior of particles and their interactions in various scientific experiments.

How is t dependency on proton separation d measured?

T dependency on proton separation d is typically measured through experimental methods, where the time it takes for a proton to travel a certain distance is recorded and compared to the distance between protons. This data can then be analyzed to determine any patterns or trends in the relationship between t and d.

What factors can affect the t dependency on proton separation d?

Several factors can affect the t dependency on proton separation d, including the strength of the magnetic field, the energy of the protons, and the medium through which the protons are traveling. Other external factors such as temperature and pressure may also play a role.

What are the potential applications of understanding t dependency on proton separation d?

Understanding t dependency on proton separation d can have various applications in the fields of physics, chemistry, and materials science. It can help in designing and optimizing particle accelerators, studying the behavior of particles in different environments, and developing new materials with specific properties.

Are there any limitations to estimating t dependency on proton separation d?

Yes, there are limitations to estimating t dependency on proton separation d. The accuracy of the measurements and the precision of the experimental setup can affect the results. Additionally, there may be other factors that influence the relationship between t and d, which may not be accounted for in the experiments.
