Help Calculating Forces on engaged sprocket teeth

In summary, the chain will ride higher on the sprocket at the start of the tension reduction because of the stretch in chain pitch and the radial force on each roller.
  • #1

I am trying to analyze the forces on a chain and sprocket system. Specifically the force on each tooth that is engaged with the chain rollers on a driven sprocket. Here are a couple links on the topic, however niether of which provide a derivation or sample calcs on how they got their numbers.


The first link are the numbers(input and output) i am trying to replicate. I included the second link because the equation is written wrong in the first link. If anyone can shed light on this or even provide a derivation of that equation that would be much appreciated. I am dooped as of right now.
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  • #2
Consider the chain without tension fits neatly in the roots of the sprocket. With tension in the chain, the chain pitch increases, so the chain rollers are progressively laid higher up the tooth, where the increased radius matches the stretched chain pitch. The rollers therefore start higher on the tooth and progressively roll down to the root as more chain is fed onto the sprocket, with tension being progressively reduced until the chain is lifted out of the root and so departs contact with the sprocket.

Since there will be a change in chain direction at every roller, there will be a radial force and a circumferential force applied by each roller against the contact angle of the sprocket tooth. The tension in the chain will equal the sum of all the circumferential forces on the sprocket teeth. If the chain transfers that tension over say 12 teeth, then you have a series of terms that reduce the chain tension to zero over those 12 teeth.

I believe chain stretch will be significantly greater than sprocket deformation, so I would initially ignore sprocket deformation. You can tell how high the tense chain will ride at the first contact because you know the stretch in chain pitch and so the radius of the circle required. You can apply that rationale to each link of the chain as tension is progressively reduced as it crosses each of the 12 teeth.
  • #3


I am not an expert in this topic, but I did a bit of research and found some information that might be helpful to you. From what I understand, the force on each tooth of a sprocket is dependent on several factors such as the torque applied to the sprocket, the pitch diameter of the sprocket, and the number of teeth on the sprocket.

The first link you provided seems to be a research paper that presents a theoretical model for calculating the force on each tooth of a sprocket. It seems like they have derived an equation based on the assumptions and parameters they have defined. Without going into too much detail, it looks like they have taken into account the bending stress and the contact stress between the chain rollers and the sprocket teeth.

The second link you provided seems to be a simpler explanation of the force on each tooth. From what I can see, they have used the equation F = T/r, where F is the force on each tooth, T is the applied torque, and r is the pitch radius of the sprocket. However, as you mentioned, the equation in the first link seems to be more accurate and takes into account more factors.

I hope this helps in some way. Perhaps someone with more knowledge on this topic can provide a more detailed explanation or derivation of the equation. Best of luck with your analysis!

FAQ: Help Calculating Forces on engaged sprocket teeth

1. What is the purpose of calculating forces on engaged sprocket teeth?

Calculating forces on engaged sprocket teeth is important in understanding the load and stress placed on a sprocket and its teeth. It allows for proper design and selection of sprockets for different applications.

2. What factors affect the forces on engaged sprocket teeth?

The main factors that affect the forces on engaged sprocket teeth include the torque and speed of the driving shaft, the pitch diameter of the sprocket, the number of teeth on the sprocket, and the type of material used for the sprocket.

3. How do I calculate the forces on engaged sprocket teeth?

To calculate the forces on engaged sprocket teeth, you will need to use equations that take into account the factors mentioned above. These equations can be found in engineering handbooks or online resources, and they typically involve using the torque and speed of the driving shaft, the pitch diameter of the sprocket, and the number of teeth on the sprocket.

4. What are the implications of incorrect force calculations on engaged sprocket teeth?

Incorrect force calculations on engaged sprocket teeth can lead to premature wear and failure of the sprocket, causing downtime and potentially costly repairs. It can also result in safety hazards if the sprocket is used in a critical application.

5. Are there any tools or software available for calculating forces on engaged sprocket teeth?

Yes, there are various tools and software available that can assist with calculating forces on engaged sprocket teeth. These tools use complex algorithms and equations to accurately determine the forces and stresses on sprocket teeth. It is important to choose a reputable and reliable tool or software for accurate results.

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