What were some of your funniest phases during your youth?

  • Thread starter eNtRopY
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In summary, the conversation touched on the different phases that people go through when they are young. Some shared their experiences with grunge, goth, and internet physics forum phases, while others mentioned dressing in business clothes and having short hair now. The conversation also mentioned a phase of pyromania, with one person accidentally blowing up a dog and another blowing up a flower pot. It also briefly touched on a phase of thinking one is smarter than everyone else and a phase of mixing random chemicals.
  • #1
Did you ever go through any phases when you were young?

I guess I did the grunge thing shortly followed by the goth/industrial thing... it's kind of funny now when I look back.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
i did the internet physics forum phase for a while.
  • #3
From about late 10th grade through my first 2 or 3 years after that I had long black hair and usually wore black.

WHat a dumbass. Now I dress in business clothes and have short natural blonde hair. What a change - I looked like a scrawny POS
  • #4
  • #5
our friendship circle went through a hippy, free love, communism phase when we were like 10 or something, come to think of it nothing has changed except the free love thing, we replaced that with free drugs. and I'm pretty much the only remaining communist.

we went through a big phase of pyromania too actually, we've collected all the newspaper clippings detailing our exploits! there was a park near our school, there was a big tree sort of thing but that had imploded in on itself so as to provide a hollow, hidden cavern. we had a fire there where we would roast marshmellows until that fateful day the tree was uprooted, the cops had found our den (which we had spray painted blue and siver) with the fire pit, old bongs that sort of thing...

ahhh childhood
  • #6
Originally posted by Andy
Yes that was a problem with me to I almost burnt my house down once. Amazing stuff that sodium chlorite.
  • #7
I was only joking you wacko's!
  • #8
i only blew up a flower pot, with water.
  • #9
im forever your stereotypical socially inept fugly looking nerd. <sigh>
  • #10
Originally posted by cmdr_sponge
i only blew up a flower pot, with water.
Me and a friend once blew up a dog (entirely by accident though) stupid animal decided that the fizzling fuse smelled nice. Still at least it must have been quick.

EDIT: I still feel guilty.
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  • #11
heh my friend's dog tries to eat lit fireworks too...

i guess that is darwin's natural selection at work...
  • #12
i went through a christian stage
i had a slight pyro stage, too
  • #13
kinda funny but as a junior in high school i can look at a particular freshmen experiencing the same phases i had... i had this phase where i thought i was smarter than everyone, now i am having this phase where i know i am smart then everyone
  • #14
Originally posted by Mattius_
kinda funny but as a junior in high school i can look at a particular freshmen experiencing the same phases i had... i had this phase where i thought i was smarter than everyone, now i am having this phase where i know i am smart then everyone

Considering the fact that you're in NE, being more intelligent than everyone around you probably isn't such a terrific feat.

  • #15
Wheres NE then?
  • #16
Originally posted by Andy
Wheres NE then?

Nebraska, they are famous for their awesome ability to grow corn and... well, just corn.

I shouldn't completely diss NE though, they are home to one of the only schools in the world where one can study new advances in the application of physics to the science of archeology.

  • #17
Is it worse than Quebec?
  • #18
Originally posted by Andy
Is it worse than Quebec?

Imagine a very plain and boring state. Imagine the state of Indiana. Now subtract NASCAR and basketball.

Well, at least we can that NE doesn't have SARS.

  • #19
Imagine a very plain and boring state. Imagine the state of Indiana. Now subtract NASCAR and basketball.

I don't know what indiana is like either, never been to the states or cananda for that matter. But if you say its boring then i will take your word for it. Dont like corn either so it must be bad if that's all they can grow!
  • #20
heh my phase was being one of those grung loving skater kids, then it went to being a goth, now I am a nice smart business man that wheres a suit all day (hope i grow out of this phase soon).

used to have a tendency to mix random chemicals to see how they would react, had some fun results.

FAQ: What were some of your funniest phases during your youth?

What is "Hilarious Phases of Our Youth"?

"Hilarious Phases of Our Youth" is a term often used to describe the comical and awkward stages that individuals go through during their teenage years and early adulthood. It refers to the funny and sometimes embarrassing moments that are a common part of growing up.

Why do we experience "Hilarious Phases of Our Youth"?

These phases are a natural part of human development and are influenced by a variety of factors such as hormones, social pressures, and changes in the brain. They also serve as a way for individuals to learn and develop important life skills and coping mechanisms.

Is it normal to feel embarrassed or ashamed of these phases?

Yes, it is completely normal to feel embarrassed or ashamed of the hilarious phases we go through during our youth. It's important to remember that everyone goes through similar experiences and they are a part of growing and learning. It's important to be kind and understanding towards ourselves and others during these times.

Can "Hilarious Phases of Our Youth" have a positive impact on our lives?

Absolutely! While these phases may be embarrassing or awkward at the time, they often provide us with valuable life lessons and memories that we can look back on and laugh at. They also help us develop a sense of humor and resilience that can be beneficial in navigating through future challenges.

How can we embrace and celebrate these phases?

One way to embrace and celebrate these phases is by sharing our experiences with others and finding humor in them. It's also important to practice self-compassion and not take ourselves too seriously. Remember that these phases are a normal and important part of our journey towards adulthood.

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