How Can a Lazy Student Get Motivated to Self-Educate in Physics?

  • Thread starter Zandorian
  • Start date
In summary: I suggest OpenGL Superbible (current edition)[3] Start putting together a small 3D engine[4] Post your progress on a page for others to seeIn summary, a 21-year-old community college student is majoring in CS but also plans to give themselves a self-education in physics equivalent to a bachelor's degree. They are struggling with motivation and are looking for resources, such as a physics curriculum at an Ivy League school like MIT. Some advice is given about the differences between self-study and a formal physics degree, as well as suggestions for incorporating their interest in gaming into their studies.
  • #1
I am a 21-year-old community college student. I am majoring in CS, but I plan on giving myself a self-education in physics equivalent to a bachelor's degree.

My problem is I am lazy... :)
How can I motivate myself to learn? Also, is there a good sample of a physics curriculum at an Ivy League school like MIT on the net somewhere?
Physics news on
  • #2
go to . You can watch the Physics lecture videos from MIT there. They also have course notes and things of that form.
  • #3
You'll never technically know.

Just keep learning. Don't just stop because you reached Bachelor Degree level.
  • #4
Zandorian said:
is there a good sample of a physics curriculum at an Ivy League school like MIT on the net somewhere?

Most colleges and universities post the requirements for their degrees (including physics) on their Web sites. You'll also often find syllabi for individual courses, lecture notes, etc. Or are you thinking of something else?
  • #5
jtbell said:
Most colleges and universities post the requirements for their degrees (including physics) on their Web sites. You'll also often find syllabi for individual courses, lecture notes, etc. Or are you thinking of something else?

That is still skewed though.

He won't be writing exams, and if he chooses to, he won't be mark them with the rigour a professor might.

All that stuff.

If you are going into self-study, worry less about what you need to know for a Bachelor's and learn what you want to know. And, most importantly challenge yourself with your own questions.
  • #7
Zandorian said:
I am a 21-year-old community college student. I am majoring in CS, but I plan on giving myself a self-education in physics equivalent to a bachelor's degree.

My problem is I am lazy... :)
How can I motivate myself to learn? Also, is there a good sample of a physics curriculum at an Ivy League school like MIT on the net somewhere?

I've been accused of bursting people's bubbles, so here I go again...

There is a difference between doing a self-study, and getting a "bachelor's degree" in physics. You should not confuse between the two. A B.Sc degree in physics has to fulfill a certain set of requirements, both by the school and by the students, especially in terms of curriculum. Unless you have a full blown physics laboratory at your disposal, you will not have any laboratory experience that is required out of every physics majors. Thus, already what you will learn is missing what undergraduate physics major will have to go through.

Take note also that learning physics involves more than just reading a book. You get a superficial knowledge of the subject matter simply from doing that. It is when you have to tackle a particular problem and apply the concept into that can you demonstrate a knowledge beyond just the superficial level. This is what is required out of a physics major.

Being a physics major also doesn't mean just learning physics. A large part of it is learning mathematics. It is why most physics majors take a lot of calculus and differential equations classes, and even mathematical physics classes. You need A LOT of mathematical skills to do physics.

Moral of the story: don't delude yourself into thinking that you can get the same, equivalent level of education as a physics major. Just study it at your own pace and consider that as an added knowledge.

  • #8
ZapperZ said:
I've been accused of bursting people's bubbles, so here I go again...


It's not bursting the bubble. It's being real about it.

We are all have our share of bubbles that need to burst.
  • #9
I've been accused of bursting people's bubbles, so here I go again...
You remind me of a couple of the physics majors in my QM class. Trying to tell me that QFT would be completely useless to an electrical engineer. What they don't realize is that for me, physics is more like a hobby. It just wouldn't be fun if I had to do it as a job.
  • #10
Manchot said:
You remind me of a couple of the physics majors in my QM class. Trying to tell me that QFT would be completely useless to an electrical engineer. What they don't realize is that for me, physics is more like a hobby. It just wouldn't be fun if I had to do it as a job.

So how does that remind you of your physics majors? I did say that study it in terms of getting extra knowledge, not with the intention of getting the same level as a physics major.

  • #11
So how does that remind you of your physics majors? I did say that study it in terms of getting extra knowledge, not with the intention of getting the same level as a physics major.
Oh, don't worry, it does nothing more than remind me. Mostly due to the fact that a) one of them used the phrase "burst your bubble" and b) we were talking about non-physics majors learning physics on the side. :wink:
  • #12
EbolaPox said:
go to . You can watch the Physics lecture videos from MIT there. They also have course notes and things of that form.

Wow. This is something! Thanks a lot for posting this.:smile:
  • #13
Zandorian: do you enjoy games; if so then perhaps you can gear that towards a passion in creating Physics simulations OR realtimes Physics Simulations. This way you would be integrating your studies of computer science with your interest in physics...and slowly you will begin your pursuit of a higher level in physics(with or without a academic foundation in physics)...

The key is to get started on coding your own 3D engine which will lead to a physics engine and then the higher more complex stuff.

I hope your college is geared towards programming...I suggest the following

[0] Look at (or search SDL-simpledirectmedia layer
[1] If you can get your hands on David Eberly's Code...Its not open source
so if you can't find it go buy the book because the majority comes with it.
[2] Pick up an OpenGL book (the bible, primatech series or redbook)
[4] ogre3d...u can start with ogre3d if you want because its prebuilt and you can begin coding physics stuff...but you'd need to learn to compile all the stuff.
[5] Pick up a good standard intro to physics text like Serway
[6] Numerical Recipes in C or C++(very IMPORTANT)
[7] Data Structures TExt(or look at STL)
[8] Flocks & boids may be a good first sim to do.

if you begin to build an interest in building sims that may lead you to a higher interest in building physics sims eg.
RigidBody,Particle COllisions,Billiards,Astrophys Sims(cosmo/stellar), thermal models, even moleculaar modelling, ragdoll physics, solid states/crystal geometry etc.

I found that once th ecoding interest and behavoiur to code non-stop was there the physics came naturally(but then again I did the physics first).

Once you have a proper rendering schematic...look to
code the
[0] first the Motion Equations,without mass
[1] motion equations with mass/Forces
[2] MultiBody Problems(learn scene Managment)
[3] Rotational Physics(i'm on this stage)
[4] Lastly whatever advanced physics you would like to go to...
(i'm looking to go into astrophys/planetary/molecular modelling

Its a long journey but i think its worth it.
Hope that helps.
  • #14
Thanks for all your advice guys. I have known about MIT OCW. I have been using it a lot because my physics prof SUCKS. He isn't very good at explaining things.

thanks again
  • #15
neurocomp2003 said:
Zandorian: do you enjoy games; if so then perhaps you can gear that towards a passion in creating Physics simulations OR realtimes Physics Simulations. This way you would be integrating your studies of computer science with your interest in physics...and slowly you will begin your pursuit of a higher level in physics(with or without a academic foundation in physics)...

The key is to get started on coding your own 3D engine which will lead to a physics engine and then the higher more complex stuff.

I hope your college is geared towards programming...I suggest the following

[0] Look at (or search SDL-simpledirectmedia layer
[1] If you can get your hands on David Eberly's Code...Its not open source
so if you can't find it go buy the book because the majority comes with it.
[2] Pick up an OpenGL book (the bible, primatech series or redbook)
[4] ogre3d...u can start with ogre3d if you want because its prebuilt and you can begin coding physics stuff...but you'd need to learn to compile all the stuff.
[5] Pick up a good standard intro to physics text like Serway
[6] Numerical Recipes in C or C++(very IMPORTANT)
[7] Data Structures TExt(or look at STL)
[8] Flocks & boids may be a good first sim to do.

if you begin to build an interest in building sims that may lead you to a higher interest in building physics sims eg.
RigidBody,Particle COllisions,Billiards,Astrophys Sims(cosmo/stellar), thermal models, even moleculaar modelling, ragdoll physics, solid states/crystal geometry etc.

I found that once th ecoding interest and behavoiur to code non-stop was there the physics came naturally(but then again I did the physics first).

Once you have a proper rendering schematic...look to
code the
[0] first the Motion Equations,without mass
[1] motion equations with mass/Forces
[2] MultiBody Problems(learn scene Managment)
[3] Rotational Physics(i'm on this stage)
[4] Lastly whatever advanced physics you would like to go to...
(i'm looking to go into astrophys/planetary/molecular modelling

Its a long journey but i think its worth it.
Hope that helps.

sure did, thanks, and good idea

FAQ: How Can a Lazy Student Get Motivated to Self-Educate in Physics?

1. How can I get motivated to learn?

There are many ways to get motivated to learn, but some effective strategies include setting specific goals, breaking down larger tasks into smaller ones, finding a study buddy or accountability partner, and rewarding yourself for progress made. Additionally, finding personal meaning and relevance in the material can also increase motivation.

2. How do I know if I am learning everything I need to learn?

To ensure that you are learning everything you need to, it is important to regularly assess your understanding and progress. This can include actively participating in class, completing practice problems or quizzes, and seeking feedback from teachers or peers. It can also be helpful to create a study plan and regularly review material to ensure comprehension.

3. What can I do if I am struggling to learn a particular subject?

If you are struggling to learn a particular subject, there are several options available to help you. You can seek extra help from a teacher or tutor, join a study group with peers, or try different learning methods and techniques. It may also be beneficial to take breaks and approach the material with a positive attitude.

4. Is it possible to learn everything on my own without attending classes or lectures?

While it is possible to learn on your own without attending classes or lectures, it can be more challenging and may require additional self-motivation and discipline. Utilizing online resources, textbooks, and practice exercises can help, but it may also be beneficial to seek guidance from a teacher or mentor for clarification and feedback.

5. How can I stay motivated to continue learning even when I face setbacks or obstacles?

Setbacks and obstacles are a natural part of the learning process, but there are ways to overcome them and stay motivated. It can be helpful to remind yourself of your goals and why you started learning in the first place. Seeking support from friends, family, or teachers can also provide encouragement and help you push through challenges. Additionally, taking breaks and practicing self-care can prevent burnout and maintain motivation.

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