How Does Energy Transfer Affect Entropy in a Water-Ice System?

  • #1
Lisa Marie

Homework Statement

5 kg of water at 60 degrees are put in contact with 1 kg of ice at 0 degrees and are thermally isolated from everything else. The latent heat of ice is 3.3x105 J/kg

What is the change of entropy of the universe when 100J of energy are transferred from the water to the ice

2. Homework Equations

Q=+/- mL

The Attempt at a Solution


Tf=41.74 C


I'm not getting the right answer for this one. Help would be greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
You're assuming that all the ice is going to melt.
Lisa Marie said:

Homework Statement

5 kg of water at 60 degrees are put in contact with 1 kg of ice at 0 degrees and are thermally isolated from everything else. The latent heat of ice is 3.3x105 J/kg

What is the change of entropy of the universe when 100J of energy are transferred from the water to the ice

2. Homework Equations

Q=+/- mL

The Attempt at a Solution

What does the last term represent? I figure it has something to do with the ice, but I'm not sure.

This expression also assumes that all of the ice melts. Is this possible if only 100 J of energy is transferred from the warm water to the ice? Can you describe in words what's going to happen?

Tf=41.74 C


I'm not getting the right answer for this one. Help would be greatly appreciated!
  • #3
Firstly you can not use the relation $$\Delta S= \Delta Q/T$$ to find out entropy change for water, because here T is changing. Instead you should use the general relation $$\Delta S= \int dQ/T$$ to find out the change in entropy. This process should work out.
  • #4
There is a bit of ambiguity regarding this problem statement. It is not clear whether the water and ice are in intimate contact, or whether they are separated by a diathermal barrier, and that, once the 100 J are transferred, the diathermal barrier is removed and replaced by an insulation barrier. The version with the barriers is simpler to solve. If 100 J is removed from the 5 kg of water, how much does its temperature drop?
