How Far is Too Far? Exploring the Limits of Free Expression

  • Thread starter DiracPool
  • Start date
In summary, the stripping professor is trying to teach quantum mechanics in a way that is more fun and entertaining. However, some people are not sure if this is effective or not.
  • #1
I knew there was a reason I wanted to be a physics Prof...

I got my undergraduate degree from Sonoma State University (SSU) in California back in the 90's. SSU was popularly known as "Granola U" in the California State University system for its liberal hippiesh ideals, just on par with Humboldt university not too far away.

I remember this one anecdote where an art instructor was fired for having his students produce "butt prints" in class, whereby they dropped their pants, sat in paint, and then "printed" their art on construction paper laid out on the floor. This was a big deal because the Granola U'ers thought this was protected as freedom of expression in the educational system.

But how far is too far. Thoughts?
Physics news on
  • #2
Two feet past the edge of a cliff is too farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr splat!
  • #3
MathAmateur said:
Two feet past the edge of a cliff is too farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr splat!

If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much room!
  • #4
DiracPool said:
I knew there was a reason I wanted to be a physics Prof...

I got my undergraduate degree from Sonoma State University (SSU) in California back in the 90's. SSU was popularly known as "Granola U" in the California State University system for its liberal hippiesh ideals, just on par with Humboldt university not too far away.

I remember this one anecdote where an art instructor was fired for having his students produce "butt prints" in class, whereby they dropped their pants, sat in paint, and then "printed" their art on construction paper laid out on the floor. This was a big deal because the Granola U'ers thought this was protected as freedom of expression in the educational system.

But how far is too far. Thoughts?
It's amazing to see how easily you guys are entertained...
  • #5
zoobyshoe said:
It's amazing to see how easily you guys are entertained...

LOL. Touche..
  • #6
From the article:

"In order to learn quantum mechanics, you have to strip to your raw, erase all the garbage from your brain and start over again," Hughes said.

I wouldn't recommend hiring this guy as a private tutor for your daughter's college physics course...:eek:
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  • #7

Here is the video, interesting approach but not sure about the effectiveness at actually doing anything besides inducing embarrassment.
  • #8
Jarwulf said:

Here is the video, interesting approach but not sure about the effectiveness at actually doing anything besides inducing embarrassment.

Great find Jarwulf. I can't believe I just watched the stupidest thing I've ever seen. After all that falderall, he comes out talking like a woose. What was the point of all that? And did I hear him say the entire treatment of QM was going to be in that one hour class? Bizzarro..

The most pathetic thing of all is I think he borrowed his "mojo" performance from that scene in Oliver Stone's "The Doors" where Jim showed his amateur work in film class, Nazi's included. At the end of that showing, Jim said, "I quit." I wonder if at the end of Hughes, performance, they say, "you're fired."
  • #9
  • #10
That stripping professor guy is all over the internet this week! There is a news aggregate website I frequently read and the comments are "that guy is so edgy, what a great professor", but I would hate to be in that class. Less stupid presentation, more physics please.
  • #11
Soon, something like this will appear on The Big Bang Theory.

  • #12
ZapperZ said:
Soon, something like this will appear on The Big Bang Theory.

It already has in some form my good man :smile: although I don't know how much homotopy and homology theory freshman at Columbia know ;)
  • #13
WannabeNewton said:
It already has in some form my good man :smile:

I was just about to post that. Curse you WBN!

/Leibniz Rules!
  • #14
QuarkCharmer said:
/Leibniz Rules!
Oh heck no you di - int. Be jealous of my superior youtubing abilities mortal!
  • #15
"Quantum Mechanics, Explained by Interpretive Dance". Hmm.

What's next, "Maritime Law, in Haiku"?

FAQ: How Far is Too Far? Exploring the Limits of Free Expression

What is considered "too far" in terms of free expression?

The concept of "too far" in terms of free expression is subjective and can vary depending on cultural, social, and legal contexts. Generally, any form of expression that incites violence, discrimination, or hatred towards a particular group or individual is considered crossing the line of free speech.

Is there a limit to free expression?

In most countries, there are laws and regulations that set limits to free expression. These limits are usually in place to protect individuals and groups from harm and discrimination. However, the interpretation and enforcement of these limits can vary, and debates about the boundaries of free expression are ongoing.

How do we balance free expression with protecting others from harm?

This is a complex question with no easy answer. It often involves weighing the potential harm caused by certain forms of expression against the importance of protecting the right to free expression. In many cases, laws and regulations are in place to help strike this balance, but it ultimately comes down to individual and societal values and beliefs.

Does free expression extend to all forms of communication?

In general, free expression applies to all forms of communication, including spoken, written, visual, and digital forms. However, there are exceptions and limitations to this, such as defamation, obscenity, and incitement to violence. Additionally, some forms of expression may be protected under certain circumstances, such as political speech or artistic expression.

What are the consequences of crossing the line of free expression?

The consequences of crossing the line of free expression vary depending on the situation and location. In some cases, it may result in legal repercussions, such as fines or imprisonment. In other cases, it may lead to social backlash and criticism. It's important to be aware of the potential consequences of one's expression and to exercise free speech responsibly.

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