How hard do I have to work to enroll MIT

In summary: I'm sure there are other great engineering schools out there, but I don't think anyone can deny that MIT has a great reputation for engineering and technology. If you're looking for a place to get your education and further your career goals, I think MIT is the best choice for you.It's a bad idea if you do focus on just one thing.
  • #1
Hi, I'm just graduate high school and i'll be in college in the next 2 months, I choosed Mechatronics engineering,
anyway, I've been thinking about enroll MIT at Master degree, i wonder that how hard do i have to work to made it. DO i have to spend my every single minute with the subject field.
Another question, I've been dreaming about beging a nerd, Yes, that's right ! I want to be the guy who crazy about science and engineering, like a scary smart at math and science,
anyway, I'm still so far from that point, due to the fact that i was very lazy at high school,
so i need to ask you guys that how could I adapt my life style to be a nerd. (to make myself feel comfortable to spend everytime with thinking, because right now, when I have to thinking about something such as calculus or Physics problems for a long time like 1 hour-- that's long for me--- i'll start to headache, is there any method to make me can thinking about it everytime without getting headache)
Thank you, sir...
Physics news on
  • #2
Man, don't aspire to be a nerd.
  • #3
I'd at the very least, learn to string words together coherently first.
  • #4
gungun8799 said:
so i need to ask you guys that how could I adapt my life style to be a nerd.

Step 1: give up personal hygene. There are only 86,400 seconds in a day. Don't waste any of them in the shower. :smile:
  • #5
Going with the rest of the comments here, you should probably reduce eating to the minimum required. Eat once a day, and eat fast. All good nerds know that the less time wasted with mundane things (Eating, sleeping, hygiene, socializing), then the more time they have to dedicate to nerd-dom.

Good luck!
  • #6
Just when the poor guy thought he finally found an online oasis that embraces nerdy aspirations, you guys turn it into a mockery. Shame on you, I say! :biggrin:
  • #7
Well first off, you need to work on your written communication skills big time. They're pretty bad.
Second, please don't aspire to become a nerd. Theres nothing wrong with being a nerd but you must be true to yourself. No one likes posers.
  • #8
If you really enjoy math and science, then spending large chunks of time on them will come naturally to you. If you don't like them, then don't try to act like you do, as you'll just end up insecure, frustrated, and unsatisfied.
  • #9
Leveret said:
If you really enjoy math and science, then spending large chunks of time on them will come naturally to you. If you don't like them, then don't try to act like you do, as you'll just end up insecure, frustrated, and unsatisfied.

I completely agree with this. I was also fairly lazy in high school. I did well I just didn't spend much time with any of my classwork because most of it bored me. I liked physics and math enough and decided to go into mechanical engineering. I feel in love with it now I am getting my PhD and I spend a large part of my time thinking about, reading about, and working on my research and things related to it because I enjoy it so much. I never thought to myself "I want to be a really smart "nerdy" person." I just found something I love and the rest comes naturally.
  • #10
In addition to hard work, it helps to be brilliant.
  • #11
gungun8799 said:
Hi, I'm just graduate high school and i'll be in college in the next 2 months, I choosed Mechatronics engineering, anyway, I've been thinking about enroll MIT at Master degree, i wonder that how hard do i have to work to made it. DO i have to spend my every single minute with the subject field.

It's a bad idea if you do focus on just one thing.

Another question, I've been dreaming about beging a nerd, Yes, that's right ! I want to be the guy who crazy about science and engineering, like a scary smart at math and science,
anyway, I'm still so far from that point, due to the fact that i was very lazy at high school,
so i need to ask you guys that how could I adapt my life style to be a nerd.

Just do it. Also it helps if you are in a room full of nerds.
  • #12
WOW, thank you guys very much, that's very useful to me...
Again, THank you, sir !
  • #13
Just out of curiosity, why are you already certain that MIT is the right place for you? Is there a specific program that you're interested in there? What specific advantages does MIT have over other institutions for your career plans personally?

I ask those questions because I have a feeling that a lot of why you want to go to MIT is because of the prestige involved (it would fit in nicely with the 'nerd' image). However, in reality, you'll likely only be setting yourself up for trouble if that's your rationale for wanting to go there.
  • #14
I'm pretty sure you can't get into MIT. Being lazy doesn't help and I'm assuming you don't even have the grades in physics, chemistry, math to get in.
  • #15
DivisionByZro said:
Eat once a day, and eat fast. All good nerds know that the less time wasted with mundane things (Eating, sleeping, hygiene, socializing), then the more time they have to dedicate to nerd-dom.
Haha truer words have never been spoken. I haven't slept for almost two days now:-p
gungun8799 said:
Hi, I'm just graduate high school and i'll be in college in the next 2 months, I choosed Mechatronics engineering,
anyway, I've been thinking about enroll MIT at Master degree, i wonder that how hard do i have to work to made it. DO i have to spend my every single minute with the subject field.
Another question, I've been dreaming about beging a nerd, Yes, that's right ! I want to be the guy who crazy about science and engineering, like a scary smart at math and science,
anyway, I'm still so far from that point, due to the fact that i was very lazy at high school,
so i need to ask you guys that how could I adapt my life style to be a nerd. (to make myself feel comfortable to spend everytime with thinking, because right now, when I have to thinking about something such as calculus or Physics problems for a long time like 1 hour-- that's long for me--- i'll start to headache, is there any method to make me can thinking about it everytime without getting headache)
Thank you, sir...
Hi gungun
Being lazy in high school...I don't think it really matters now, so long as you do every assignment and make excellent grades. Working on math and physics problems should not hurt your brain all the time :) If it hurts, maybe you're going about it the wrong way. Try to get a handle on what you are doing and find a method that works with your reasoning. If you need help with something, ask for it. I'm not sure what level of math you're in, but just keep in mind that everything you learn basically becomes fundamental knowledge for the next subject, so just try to master everything, don't worry about appearances, and enjoy the problem solving instead of thinking of it like a chore. Another thing I would recommend is to review subjects before you actually take them, it may really help you from falling behind.

Good luck with everything!

FAQ: How hard do I have to work to enroll MIT

What are the requirements for enrolling in MIT?

The requirements for enrolling in MIT vary depending on the program and level of study. In general, applicants are expected to have a strong academic record, with a focus on math and science courses. They must also submit SAT or ACT scores, letters of recommendation, and a personal essay. Additionally, international applicants must demonstrate proficiency in English.

What is the acceptance rate for MIT?

The acceptance rate for MIT is extremely competitive, with only around 7% of applicants being accepted. This means that for every 100 students who apply, only 7 are admitted. It is important to have a strong application and stand out among other highly qualified candidates.

How important are extracurricular activities in the application process for MIT?

Extracurricular activities are an important aspect of the application process for MIT. The admissions committee looks for well-rounded individuals who have a passion for learning and contributing to their community. It is important to showcase your involvement in activities that align with your academic interests and demonstrate leadership, creativity, and impact.

Is it necessary to have perfect grades to get into MIT?

While having perfect grades certainly helps, it is not necessary to have a 4.0 GPA to get into MIT. The admissions committee takes a holistic approach to reviewing applications and considers various factors such as rigor of coursework, class rank, and personal achievements. However, it is important to have a strong academic record and demonstrate a strong aptitude for math and science.

Are there any specific tips for preparing for the application process for MIT?

One tip for preparing for the application process for MIT is to start early and plan ahead. This includes taking challenging courses in high school, participating in meaningful extracurricular activities, and preparing for standardized tests. It is also important to showcase your unique strengths, experiences, and interests in your application and essays. Finally, make sure to thoroughly research the program and understand the values and culture of MIT to demonstrate a strong fit.

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