How much gold do we have in the earth?

In summary, according to physics, we know the total mass of the earth, so how much gold, in kg, do we have? We can determine the mass of the Earth without knowing anything of the constituant materials.
  • #1
I need to know that,
according to physics, we know the total mass of the earth,
so, how much gold , in kg, do we have ?
Biology news on
  • #2
We can determine the mass of the Earth without knowing anything of the constituant materials.

This question may be answered best by a geologist.
  • #3
Sticky? Why? Google:

It says all the gold in the world would fit into a cube of 10m.

At a density of 19,300 kg/m^3, that's 19 million kg. In dollars, that's around $130 billion.
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  • #4
  • #5
Originally posted by russ_watters
Sticky? Why? Google:

It says all the gold in the world would fit into a cube of 10m.

At a density of 19,300 kg/m^3, that's 19 million kg. In dollars, that's around $130 billion.

Excuse ?, Russ. That $ figure seems quite low; I can almost assure you that the governments of the world already possesses over $130 billion worth of gold.

Using your total of 10 cu. meters, and a value of $370 per ounce, I get a figure of around 233 trillion dollars! as the total value. (;)

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  • #6
Originally posted by Creator
Excuse ?, Russ. That $ figure seems quite low; I can almost assure you that the governments of the world already possesses over $130 billion worth of gold.

Using your total of 10 cu. meters, and a value of $370 per ounce, I get a figure of around 233 trillion dollars! as the total value. (;)

Sorry. I didn't feel like looking up the current price of gold. But with $370 / oz, I am still getting $251 BILLION, not trillion. Maybe my math is still wrong.

19 million kg * 2.2 lb/kg * 16 oz/lb * $370 / oz = $251 billion
  • #7
Originally posted by russ_watters
Sorry. I didn't feel like looking up the current price of gold. But with $370 / oz, I am still getting $251 BILLION, not trillion. Maybe my math is still wrong.

19 million kg * 2.2 lb/kg * 16 oz/lb * $370 / oz = $251 billion

My mistake; apparently you are correct in the calculation, but it still sounds too LOW.
THe IMF alone has about 3217 metric tons of gold in their depositories with estimated market value of around $40 billion.
If we add in all the holdings of all individual countries, corporations (especially gold producers), and private holdings (I've got one ounce) we are sure to get above $100 billion to $200 billion worth, and this only accounts for what has already been mined from a 'scatch' in the Earth's crust.

I think the Earth has far more gold than these guys think. Maybe they want us to think gold is still rare so the price will go up. He, He.
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  • #8
Originally posted by russ_watters
Sticky? Why? Google:

It says all the gold in the world would fit into a cube of 10m.

At a density of 19,300 kg/m^3, that's 19 million kg. In dollars, that's around $130 billion.

I'm pretty sure that was reffering to the gold in Earth's crust, only. Discovery Channel just said that the total amount of gold in the core would cover all the land on Earth knee-deep.

Mind you; I'm not suggesting that's what we should do with it, but it's nice to know we could.
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  • #9
I have to agree with Creator (that sounds kinda cool...)
If we divide "all" the gold evenly at the worlds population:
19.3*(10^6) kg / 6.2*(10^9) people = around 3 grams (the weight of a ring). That seems preety low to me.
I also see on Discovery recently a show about the making of the Euro and there was enough gold there to make at least 1/20 of that cube...
  • #10
Fort Knox, USA alone has more than 10m^3 of gold...
10m^3 is only 3.3m x 3.3m x 3.3m, that's like 10 feet x 10 feet x 10 feet. Most small bedrooms are larger than that and the amount of gold in Fort Knox is much larger than your average bedroom.
  • #11
How much Gold is in the Earth

and how much the human race has are two entirly different questions! Because Gold is very dense and not very reactive, except with Sulfur, and most of the Sulfur is in the Earth's mantle, most of the Gold will be very inaccessible.
  • #12
Originally posted by ShawnD
10m^3 is only 3.3m x 3.3m x 3.3m, that's like 10 feet x 10 feet x 10 feet.

I thought it said a cube of 10m, as in 1000m^3
  • #13
i too saw that show, about knee deep in gold. it'll become so unrare, it'll be worth less than...air.

FAQ: How much gold do we have in the earth?

1. How much gold is in the earth's crust?

The estimated amount of gold in the earth's crust is approximately 11 billion tons. However, this is spread throughout the entire crust and is not easily accessible.

2. How much gold is left to be mined?

It is difficult to determine the exact amount of gold left to be mined, as it is constantly being discovered and extracted. However, experts estimate that approximately 54,000 tons of gold are still present in the earth's crust.

3. How deep is gold usually found in the earth?

Gold is typically found at depths of 1,000 feet or less in the earth's crust. However, some deposits may be found at depths of up to 2 miles.

4. What countries have the most gold reserves?

The top three countries with the largest gold reserves are the United States, Germany, and Italy. South Africa, Russia, and Australia also have significant gold reserves.

5. How long will the world's gold supply last?

Based on current rates of production and consumption, it is estimated that the world's gold supply will last for another 20 years. However, new discoveries and advancements in technology may extend this timeline.

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