Taste the Unusual: Weird Food Combinations

In summary: I think I would share it with friends. I don't know, maybe it's the beholder's mood that decides if the food looks appealing or not.In summary, the conversation revolves around unusual and often unhealthy food combinations found on a website called "This Is Why You're Fat." Some of the combinations include chicken fried bacon, a double bypass burger, and snickers bar pancakes. Some participants find the food enticing and would like to try them, while others find them disgusting and question the healthiness of such food. Recipes for some of the dishes are shared, including corn, cheddar, and bacon pancakes. Overall, opinions on the food combinations are mixed and some suggest sharing them with friends.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Some very unusual food combinations.

Just don't look on a full stomach.
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  • #2


Oreo cup cake with BUILT IN MILK CUP
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  • #3
Absolutely nothing works better than beer and pizza.
  • #4
I want this one :!)
Snicker Bar Pancakes - Three buttermilk pancakes topped with chocolate syrup, caramel, peanuts and whipped cream.

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  • #5
Be sure not to take a



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  • #6
Just wait till you are 30
  • #7
Monique, that looks disgusting. I hope you were being sarcastic.
  • #8
Some of us shouldn't look on a empty stomach, cause some of that stuff looks really good.
  • #9
I don't want to gain anymore weight. I'm trying to lose weight, so looking at those it makes me hungry, which is not good...
  • #10
mm I want alittle more weight. But eating that kind of food is the wrong way to do it.
  • #11
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  • #12
I can honestly say the only thing that even remotely tickles my fancy in this thread is the kiwi fruit. I like my food but, christ on a bike, the thought of most of that food in the first link makes me feel slightly queezy just looking at it.

re: Chicken Fried Bacon
"dis is goood... jus' need MOAR SALT!"
"it's good for you"

It's a shame they arent being ironic.
  • #13
Some of those things made me so hungry that I had to bail out after page 4 and go make myself a sandwich. Others will give me nightmares for years to come.
How many pages of that are there, anyhow? I quit looking after 6.
That chicken-fried bacon looks pretty enticing, Stats. I've got some tempura coating mix here. Maybe I'll give it a try... but not tonight.
  • #14
From the link

Double Bypass Burger

A burger topped with five slices of bacon, four slices of cheese, two fried eggs, mayo, lettuce, tomato, and onion between two grilled cheese sandwiches.
(emphasis mine)


I'm laughing so hard it hurts.
  • #15
xxChrisxx said:
re: Chicken Fried Bacon
"dis is goood... jus' need MOAR SALT!"
"it's good for you"

It's a shame they arent being ironic.
I'm pretty sure it was edited for maximum irony.

Danger said:
That chicken-fried bacon looks pretty enticing, Stats. I've got some tempura coating mix here. Maybe I'll give it a try... but not tonight.
It makes you want to try it. That is probably the scariest part.
  • #16
Pinu7 said:
Monique, that looks disgusting. I hope you were being sarcastic.
I'm not kidding, I wish I could have it for breakfast right now :smile:
  • #17
I'm glad that so many enjoyed the link. Here's a favorite of mine that isn't on the site but should be. It's a dip that's easy to make but definitely bad for you.

1 lb. ground sausage
1 lb. cheese
1 16 oz. jar of salsa

Melt the cheese, brown the sausage and mix everything together. Tastes great on tortilla chips.
  • #18
Some of those things looked really tasty. I also liked the cupcake with its own milk cup...clever. I'm not even sure what's so bad about the burger topped with onion rings...what's the difference if you put the onion rings on top or on the side? That's a pretty ordinary burger and side of two onion rings.

I also liked that breakfast pizza. That, and several other things on the site, clearly looked like they were meant for sharing, which wouldn't make them that unhealthy at all. A slice of that pizza wouldn't be bad at all, and looks yummy.

On the other hand, there were some things that just looked like piles of goop, or frat house inventions. That burger on a jelly doughnut? Eeww!

Monique, you have strange tastes for breakfast foods! I do like the snickers pancakes too, but I think I'd wait to have those for dessert (and would definitely have to share it with someone else...that looks like sweet overload!)
  • #19
I found the recipe for the corn, cheddar, and bacon pancakes.

Corn, Cheddar & Bacon Pancakes

2 cups cornmeal
1 ts salt
2 ts baking powder (don't use this if you have self rising cornmeal)
1 ¾ cups buttermilk
4 TB butter, melted/cooled (or 3 TB bacon fat)
1 egg
¼ cup mild cheddar cheese, shredded (I have used Monterey jack too)
½ cup +/- of cooked bacon, chopped up
Couple dashes of hot sauce
A couple good dashes of onion powder
A good handful of freshly chopped scallions

Some butter or bacon fat for frying pancakes
chopped scallions or decorating

serve with butter, sour cream, salsa, fresh guacamole, corn relish, etc..

In a large bowl, combine cornmeal, salt and baking powder. (I’ve also just used self-rising cornmeal; if you do use this then don’t add in the baking powder).

In a small bowl crack open the egg, add in the hot sauce and the onion powder and whisk. Next whisk in the buttermilk and melted butter or bacon fat until fully combined. Add in the dry ingredients, then fold in the bacon bits, shredded cheese, and scallions.

Melt about 1/2 teaspoon butter in a large non-stick skillet over medium heat. Once completely melted, pour about ¼ +/- cup batter in pan. These pancakes don’t really spread like normal pancakes so you will have to mold them with your spatula to form them into circles. Cook till golden brown then flip over. Maybe 4-5 minutes each side? They take a bit longer to cook than normal pancakes.

Keep in mind when pouring these onto the griddle, don’t make them too thick as they are heavier than normal pancakes and will take longer to bake; you don’t want a gooey middle.

Should make about 6-8 (depending on size).
  • #20
Borg said:
Some very unusual food combinations.

Just don't look on a full stomach.

None of them look good enough to eat :( I would prefer something spicy, fried, non greasy, and comfortable.
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  • #21
Moonbear said:
Monique, you have strange tastes for breakfast foods! I do like the snickers pancakes too, but I think I'd wait to have those for dessert (and would definitely have to share it with someone else...that looks like sweet overload!)
I don't normally have such breakfasts :smile: Sometimes you just need some comfort food to cheer you up. The thing I hate most is birthday cake on a monday morning, they like to do that a lot around here.
  • #22
I can't remember the name of this restaurant, but they had 4 steak sizes, and this was the smallest (petite),


A pretty good way to get fat, I'd say
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  • #23
Evo said:
I found the recipe for the corn, cheddar, and bacon pancakes.

Those sound really good! It would make a perfect food for a brunch. Of course, since I'm not going to eat 6-8 pancakes in one sitting, anyone have thoughts on whether that sort of cornmeal batter would keep better as a batter for a couple of days (2 days would be enough to use it up if they were good), or cook up all the pancakes and store them already cooked? I don't make much with cornmeal, and when I do, it's usually things like cornbread muffins that you can make and keep for days and eat cold, so don't know how those batters hold up, or how well they might reheat (it sounds like a dish that should be served hot, not cold).
  • #24
junglebeast said:
I can't remember the name of this restaurant, but they had 4 steak sizes, and this was the smallest (petite),


A pretty good way to get fat, I'd say

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  • #25
Moonbear said:
Those sound really good! It would make a perfect food for a brunch. Of course, since I'm not going to eat 6-8 pancakes in one sitting, anyone have thoughts on whether that sort of cornmeal batter would keep better as a batter for a couple of days (2 days would be enough to use it up if they were good), or cook up all the pancakes and store them already cooked? I don't make much with cornmeal, and when I do, it's usually things like cornbread muffins that you can make and keep for days and eat cold, so don't know how those batters hold up, or how well they might reheat (it sounds like a dish that should be served hot, not cold).
I guess you could cut the recipe in half, the only problem is the half an egg then. :-p
  • #26
gravenewworld said:
Absolutely nothing works better than beer and pizza.
... snarfed up, ideally after 10 pm :-)

http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,75131,00.html -- it might work.
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FAQ: Taste the Unusual: Weird Food Combinations

1. What is "Taste the Unusual: Weird Food Combinations" all about?

"Taste the Unusual: Weird Food Combinations" is a scientific experiment that explores the combination of unusual and unexpected food items to create unique flavors and textures. It aims to challenge our taste buds and expand our understanding of food pairings.

2. How are the food combinations chosen?

The food combinations are chosen based on scientific principles such as flavor profiles, textures, and chemical reactions. They are carefully selected to create unexpected and interesting taste experiences.

3. Is there any research behind these unusual food combinations?

Yes, there is extensive research behind these combinations. Scientists have studied the chemical reactions and taste profiles of different foods to create the most interesting and palatable combinations.

4. Are there any health risks associated with consuming these unusual food combinations?

No, the food combinations chosen for this experiment are safe to consume. However, individuals with food allergies or sensitivities should exercise caution and avoid any combinations that may trigger their allergies.

5. What can we learn from "Taste the Unusual: Weird Food Combinations"?

"Taste the Unusual: Weird Food Combinations" can help us understand the science behind flavor combinations and how certain foods can enhance or diminish each other's taste. It also encourages us to be open-minded and try new things, even if they seem strange at first glance.

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