How to shut off Led on buck converter

  • #1
I am using a buck converter with a battery pack, for a usb charger. The issue is, is that the buck converter I have ( ) has a led on it, which slowly drains the battery, so it loses its energy in about a day, without any load on the usb port, because of the led.

My question is, what can I do to stop this? Thank you so much for all of your help!
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  • #2
Disconnect the buck converter if you don't use it?

If the LED is not a relevant part of the converter (as those converters use a diode, it might be), it might be possible to simply remove it, or replace it by a better diode. I don't know the circuit they use...
Are you sure it is the LED?
  • #3
mfb said:
Disconnect the buck converter if you don't use it?

If the LED is not a relevant part of the converter (as those converters use a diode, it might be), it might be possible to simply remove it, or replace it by a better diode. I don't know the circuit they use...
Are you sure it is the LED?
well, it is a really small red light, that looks a lot like a square led, with that circular diode in the middle of it, I cannot afford switches at the moment, and was hoping if someone could confirm or deny me being able to remove it, or burn it with something.
  • #5
mfb said:
A circuit plan would help.
I could find none, in the past few hours of searching, I will take your advice and put a switch in. Thanks for your time, I appreciate the help.