How to solve this to calculate the input impedance?

In summary, the conversation is about a problem involving the calculation of a formula from euler to imaginary numbers. The problem involves a transmission line calculation for a reflection at an impedance boundary. The solution involves multiplying the numerator and denominator by the complex conjugate of the denominator and using trigonometric identities to simplify the equation.
  • #1
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I got a problem, how to calculate this formula from euler to imajiner? or how calculate this case?
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  • #2
Welcome to the PF. :smile:

It looks pretty straightforward, but it would help if you could define a few of the terms for us. It looks like a transmission line calculation for a reflection at an impedance boundary? Are you mainly asking for help understanding the rectangular/polar forms of the equations?
  • #3
The trick to solving a problem with a ratio of complex numbers is to multiply the numerator and denominator by the complex conjugate of the denominator (this makes the denominator real). Let ##\alpha = 0.1029## and ##\beta=120.94##. We have,$$
Z_L=50\frac{(1+\alpha e^{j\beta}) }{(1-\alpha e^{j\beta})}$$I hope you can see that the complex conjugate of the denominator is ##1-\alpha e^{-j\beta}## Therefore,$$
Z_L=50\frac{(1+\alpha e^{j\beta} )}{(1-\alpha e^{j\beta})}\frac{(1-\alpha e^{-j\beta} )}{(1-\alpha e^{-j\beta})}\\
=50\frac{(1+\alpha (e^{j\beta}-e^{-j\beta})- \alpha^2)}{(1-\alpha (e^{j\beta}+e^{-j\beta})+ \alpha^2)}$$Recall that$$
Thus we have,$$
Z_L=50\frac{(1-\alpha^2 + 2j\sin (\beta))}{(1+\alpha^2 - 2\cos (\beta))}$$
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