How would the arcsin function look like without a restricted range?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of the arcsin function without restricted range and how it would look like on a graph. There is a discussion about using a subset of real numbers and shifting the graph along the y-axis, as well as considering horizontal reflections. Ultimately, it is concluded that without restricting the domain, the graph of arcsine would look similar to the graph of sine but along the y-axis, making it not a function.
  • #1
I need help. I'm totally puzzled. How would the arcsin function look like without a restricted range? Can anyone post an image?
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  • #2

Why do you think the range is not R, but it is restricted ? Usually plotting computer software knows its maths...
  • #3

dextercioby said:
Why do you think the range is not R, but it is restricted ? Usually plotting computer software knows its maths...

Hmm? I understand that arcsin is just the inverse of the sin function which is restricted between negative pi/2 and positive pi/2. But I want a graph of the function that is the inverse of the sin function without any domain restrictions on the sin function. It wouldn't be a function though, because it wouldn't pass the vertical line test.
  • #4

So you want the subset of [itex] \mathbb{R}\oplus\mathbb{R} [/itex] made up of

[tex] S= \{(x,\arcsin x)| x\in [-1,1]\} [/tex]

and the values of arcsine are 'copied' from [itex] [-\pi/2,\pi/2] [/itex] into [itex] [-\pi/2 +n\pi ,\pi/2 + n \pi] [/itex] and n can take any integer value ?

So it's just an infinite multiplication of the plot of the standard arcsine with a shift along Oy axis of \pi.
  • #5

dextercioby said:
So you want the subset of [itex] \mathbb{R}\oplus\mathbb{R} [/itex] made up of

[tex] S= \{(x,\arcsin x)| x\in [-1,1]\} [/tex]

and the values of arcsine are 'copied' from [itex] [-\pi/2,\pi/2] [/itex] into [itex] [-\pi/2 +n\pi ,\pi/2 + n \pi] [/itex] and n can take any integer value ?

So it's just an infinite multiplication of the plot of the standard arcsine with a shift along Oy axis of \pi.

I really wish I understood what a subset is. We're learning the inverse trigonometric functions in the trigonometry unit of my precalculus class, so I haven't really gotten into more complex stuff.

What do you mean by infinite multiplication of the plot of the standard arcsine? What's Oy and \pi?
  • #6

Multiplication means repeating, copying the points in the plot of arcsin x, where x ranges from -1 to 1. Oy is the Y axis.
  • #7

So it would look like this:
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  • #8

Actually, no, that's wrong. I understand the arcsin's with vertical shifts of 2pi, but sin(x + pi) = -sin(x), so wouldn't the arcsin's with vertical shifts of npi (where n is every odd integer) need to be horizontally reflected?
  • #9

Without restricting the domain, the graph of arcsine would look exactly like the graph of sine but along the y-axis, not the x-axis. Of course, that is not the graph of a function since one value of x would give infinitely many values of y.
  • #10

Thanks everyone. It makes sense now.

FAQ: How would the arcsin function look like without a restricted range?

1. What is the arcsin function?

The arcsin function, also known as inverse sine function, is a mathematical function that returns the angle whose sine is a given number. It is the inverse of the sine function and is denoted as arcsin(x) or sin^-1(x).

2. What is the restricted range of the arcsin function?

The restricted range of the arcsin function is between -π/2 and π/2, which means that the output of the function will always be within this range. This is because the sine function has a range of -1 to 1, and the inverse function must have a restricted range to have a unique output for every input.

3. How would the arcsin function look like without a restricted range?

Without a restricted range, the arcsin function would have an infinite range. This means that the output of the function could be any real number, positive or negative. It would no longer be a one-to-one function, as multiple inputs could result in the same output.

4. Would the graph of the arcsin function change without a restricted range?

Yes, the graph of the arcsin function would change without a restricted range. Without a restricted range, the graph would no longer be a curve that is confined between -π/2 and π/2, but instead, it would extend infinitely in both the positive and negative directions.

5. What are the implications of removing the restricted range in the arcsin function?

Removing the restricted range in the arcsin function would make it more difficult to use in practical applications. It would also make it more challenging to find the inverse of the function, as it would no longer be a one-to-one function. Additionally, it would change the properties and behavior of the function, making it less useful in solving trigonometric equations.

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