Interactive Visualization for Adding/Subtracting Planes

In summary, the intersection of two planes can be represented by a line where the two planes intersect. This can be visualized by subtracting two cartesian equations and eliminating a variable to create a line equation. This type of math is called linear algebra and the method is called elimination.
  • #1
Does anyone know of any interactive/good visual website for the adding and subtracting of planes? I'm doing the intersection of 2 planes right now, and I was just wondering if you had 2 cartesian eq'ns say 5x+2y+7z+1=0 and 5x-6y+8z-1=0, if you minus the 2 equations you'll have eliminated x, and you'll get a line equation with only y and z as the variables. I'm just trying to get a visual idea of what's going on when you eliminate a variable from 2 cartesian equations. So originally you had two different planes, now that you subtracted one from the other, what does the new line represent? If anyone can help explain it/provide visual that would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
The line represents where the two planes intersect.
  • #3
John Creighto said:
The line represents where the two planes intersect.

That's what my friend was saying too, but how do you know that?
Whats the difference between eliminating, x or y or z in 2 cartesian equations and the line it creates?
  • #4
starlightx said:
That's what my friend was saying too, but how do you know that?
Whats the difference between eliminating, x or y or z in 2 cartesian equations and the line it creates?

You can only subtract if both equations are true. The only way both equations are true is if they intersect.
  • #5
John Creighto said:
You can only subtract if both equations are true. The only way both equations are true is if they intersect.

But you can still subtract them and get a solution of 0, which means they don't intersect (the 2 planes are parallel)?

Do you know what this type of math is called? I just can't seem to get my head wrapped around the subtraction of planes...maybe an animation/diagram would help? I mean, I understand 2 functions adding/subtracting because you can see the product visually and how its dependent on the 2 equations. With planes, it's harder to visualize since it's in 3d :(

Thanks for you help though!
  • #6
starlightx said:
But you can still subtract them and get a solution of 0, which means they don't intersect (the 2 planes are parallel)?

Do you know what this type of math is called? I just can't seem to get my head wrapped around the subtraction of planes...maybe an animation/diagram would help? I mean, I understand 2 functions adding/subtracting because you can see the product visually and how its dependent on the 2 equations. With planes, it's harder to visualize since it's in 3d :(

Thanks for you help though!

If you subtract the two planes and get zero then they are parallel. Parallel planes don't need to intersect but in that case you won't get zero, you'll get something that doesn't make scene like 0=1. The type of math is called linear algebra. The type method is called elimination.

FAQ: Interactive Visualization for Adding/Subtracting Planes

1. What is interactive visualization for adding/subtracting planes?

Interactive visualization for adding/subtracting planes is a tool used to visually represent mathematical concepts related to planes, such as adding or subtracting two planes to form a new plane. It allows users to manipulate the planes and see the changes in real-time, making it easier to understand and visualize complex mathematical operations.

2. How does interactive visualization for adding/subtracting planes work?

This type of visualization works by using computer graphics to create a 3D representation of planes. Users can use a mouse or touch screen to move the planes in different directions and see how they interact with each other. The software behind the visualization performs the necessary mathematical calculations to accurately show the results of adding or subtracting planes.

3. What are the benefits of using interactive visualization for adding/subtracting planes?

One of the main benefits of using this type of visualization is that it allows for a more intuitive understanding of mathematical concepts. It also helps users to identify patterns and relationships between different planes, making it easier to solve problems. Additionally, it can be a useful tool for teaching and learning, as it can make abstract concepts more concrete and engaging.

4. Can interactive visualization for adding/subtracting planes be used for other mathematical operations?

Yes, interactive visualization can be used for a variety of mathematical operations, such as multiplying or dividing planes, finding the intersection or union of planes, and more. It can also be applied to other mathematical concepts, such as vectors and matrices.

5. Is interactive visualization for adding/subtracting planes accessible for all users?

Most interactive visualization software for mathematical operations, including adding/subtracting planes, can be accessed through web browsers and do not require any special equipment or software. However, it may be challenging for users with visual impairments to fully utilize the visual aspect of this tool. Some programs may also offer accessibility features, such as screen readers, to make it more inclusive for all users.
